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AckoDAC based on ES9039PRO

I don't care for high bitrate as I am doubtful of the source material and about psychoacoustics but each to their own.
Your potential product is about market niche. Offering it with a proper USB interface should broaden the niche. I still doubt the 9039 is a superior product at anything but 1 kHz performance for which it seems to have been optimized.
I don't care for high bitrate as I am doubtful of the source material and about psychoacoustics but each to their own.
Your potential product is about market niche. Offering it with a proper USB interface should broaden the niche. I still doubt the 9039 is a superior product at anything but 1 kHz performance for which it seems to have been optimized.
Archimago measured distortion vs level, and it looks better than 9038, probably due to better math in new Hyperstream
I don't care for high bitrate as I am doubtful of the source material and about psychoacoustics but each to their own.
Your potential product is about market niche. Offering it with a proper USB interface should broaden the niche. I still doubt the 9039 is a superior product at anything but 1 kHz performance for which it seems to have been optimized.
Maybe I didn’t explain this clearly but this will be a general purpose DAC module that takes a wide range of inputs, support various audio formats, clocks, bit rate etc. So it is as broad as it can be - not targeting a niche market. Of course can be suppled bundled with USB and connected up to DAC if you like.

I for one will configure mine for dual mono instead with direct network streaming eventually- no USB😉
got it, but I will need to include this interface in the supply🙂


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