ACA mini amp supercap question

Second thread from the novice ACA Mini builder.

This time I have a question about the supercaps for positions C6. The BOM says "SUPERCAP 1F, 2.7V OR GREATER". My Completion Kit has two blue caps labeled "2.7V3.3F". [See photo.] Are these OK? Does the "OR GREATER" refer to the capacitance? I don't want to solder these in until I know.


I read that film capacitors have no polarity, so I assume I can solder these red ones (1 uF) into C1 without worrying about their orientation.


Finally, a progress report. My new soldering iron is working well, and I've got the board to the stage you can see below. I learned how to desolder after I noticed that the small transistors don't face the same way for the left and right channels. I just assumed, wrongly, that they'd be symmetrical.


I am having loads of fun with this project. If it works and sounds good when I'm all done, I'll be grinning from ear to ear!
Joined 2011
The value of C6 is not critical, and either value is ok. Observe polarity.

Film capacitors have no polarity, and can go in either way for C1.

Notice the footprint for the transistors. The outline shows the rounding of the corners,
which should match the rounded body of each transistor.
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Thanks again, rayma. I just now rotated all of the screw pots fully counterclockwise. I recall reading that in the instructions, but better now so I don't mess up later.

I soldered wires into the test points (except GND) so I can attach two multimeters with clips and just adjust the pots and watch what happens. I really look forward to that.

And, yes, I'll be careful not to create a short circuit when I attach the clips. 🙂
Hi, @rayma.

At all times when I am working with electronics I ground myself by immersing my feet in a tub of water connected to the cold water supply. No static! 😀

Just finished building the ACA Mini amp, so I'm in a mood for levity. As for ESD, I doubt that it is an issue here, since the humidity is pretty high. But, yes, I know it can be a problem. I formerly worked for companies that manufactured computer and networking equipment.
