About Non-Audiophile

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infinia said:
yet, what about the guy who has just 50 Lp's and a $50,000 system.

That would be out of balance for sure (if it actually exists). But what the heck? Maybe he really, really enjoys those 50 LPs. ;)

If it's the gear you love, why not? You can love cars, collect them and not drive them. Plenty do. (i'm not in that club, nor the related motorcycle clubs - i like driving more than polishing)
Cal Weldon said:

Count me in. For the same reason I no longer appreciate the term 'consultant'

Definition without substance.

What the h@ll is an audiophile anyway?

I, Sir, am an Audiophile of the First Water. When you are in my presence, I expect you to bow and show your respect!

I hereby announce that I have just accomplished a major upgrade of my system... by installing new and improved price tags on all my gear.

Best Regards,

CEO and Chief Designer
Honest Olson's Ultra-Fi Emporium and Laundromat
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Ah.... When good words go bad. Such a pity. :(

What's wrong with "Graveyard"? Oh no, can't have that - it's a Cemetary. No, that's no good any more, it's a "Memorial Garden." No, that doesn't do it - gotta find something else.

Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Cal Weldon said:

What the h@ll is an audiophile anyway?

A person whose main interest is music reproduction, and is dedicated to find the best and finest ways to do that, trying to understand the technical stuff behind it, and not just listening
and they are the ones that have made it possible fore us to do what we do here today
They really should be praised

A newer generation of audiophiles have less feel fore and knowledge about music
And also little interest in understanding the technical side
less interest in good music but more focused on finding the reference recordings that display their "goodies", the "weight" is moved towards the expencive shiny stuff
Those are the ones who are dissliked here

But I wouldnt really be so harsh and simple minded about it
I mean, look at what we all really want to do when we build something
The built should look truly professional and expencive
It seems a whole new generation is dedicated to radical and impressive with immaculate finish
At times it even seem that "looks" is the most important thing

So who are we to blame
what about the guy who has just 50 Lp's and a $50,000 system.

Is there really such a person? Or is this guy another figment of the audiophile-bashers' imaginations?

All of the people that I know or have met who own multi-tens of thousands of dollar systems also have multi-thousand record and/or cd collections. They all to a person love their software more than their audio equipment. Maybe this other behavior only happens in places like California or Canada, I don't know.

jlsem said:

Is there really such a person? Or is this guy another figment of the audiophile-bashers' imaginations?

All of the people that I know or have met who own multi-tens of thousands of dollar systems also have multi-thousand record and/or cd collections. They all to a person love their software more than their audio equipment. Maybe this other behavior only happens in places like California or Canada, I don't know.


Or maybe Texas :D

I've met both types and they really exist, so I understand where some of these notions come from.

Best Regards,
Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Reminds me of this new style with downloaded music
Or the new digital radio channels with selectable nonstop music
I like radio, but prefer to hear a human voice in between

But it certainly is non-audiophile, and not in a very good sense
Much like a step further away from vinyl records
Too little to love and care about
For me, it started with collecting speakers when I was about 7 or 8. I had over a hundred unmatched little things :rolleyes:

Later, I started doing some more serious dumpster diving, and got my hands on better and better equipment. It's amazing what people throw out, really. That, combined with a love of getting the most out of my gear and fixing broken things, and it has really only escalated from there.

Currently, my stereo has cost me less than 150€, and it's not exactly a Wal-mart compact stereo ;) I'd estimate the price paid for all the stuff would (including inflation) be closer to 2000€.
Joined 2004
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Nice! I did a lot of dumpster diving and just picking up audio stuff off the street when I lived in Paris. Lot's of good stuff, some needed only minor repair - some got transformed into other stuff.

I even found a scuba tank and 2 regulators - all good!
But that's a little OT.
I'm a bit late to this discussion, but better late than never...

kin0kin said:
Hi folks, I'm curious as to what made you an audiophile/audiophile-to-be. {snip}

It started when I was a child. When I was old enough my father gave me his old portable record player and lots of singles. When he was young, he couldn't afford to buy LPs, so he bought singles instead.
When I was old enough to work and earn some money I started to buy my first stereo equipment. That was just mainstream stuff, but soon after that it became more serious. By the time I started to work a fulltime job I had ventured into the lower high-end regions. Also some DIY.
Then came a change in my life that led to music being less important. This lasted for several years until the end of last year when I dug up my broken high end CD-player and fixed it. This lit up the love for music once again. During the repair-process I rediscovered why I had bought this CD-player in the first place, despite it being somewhat outside my budget at the time.

I noticed that most people around me aren't audiophile. It makes me wonder how could someone go through with their lives without good music (reproduction).

Some like music, some don't. Some like it played well others are easily satisfied. Who am I to judge that?

{snip} Whenever I try to strike a conversation about "audiophile" they don't seem to care.

That goes for anything someone is enthusiastic about while others are not interested. But audiophile is often associated with audiofool and after seeing "Greek Audiophile" I find that somehow understandable.
In the past I wondered about non-audiophiles too but nowadays I accept the fact that they might like their car the same way I like music. Whatever makes you happy is alright with me.

When it comes to audio, I let my ears do the judging, and I apply common sense. It's all too easy to hear things that aren't actually there. Marketing guys know it and exploit it.
Now, I'm not saying that a perceived improvement caused simply by suggestion (placebo effect) should neccesarily be wrong. But it probably is the reason for the countless discussions (even conflicts) in the world called Audiophilia...
Re: Re: About Non-Audiophile

jitter said:

Some like music, some don't. Some like it played well others are easily satisfied. Who am I to judge that?

I don't belive that not having interest in audio has much to do with not having interest in music. Music is music and audio equipment adds "something" to it, imo everything depends on how much you are annoyed by that something and what are you willing to do to get rid of it.
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