A DIY event in Denmark?

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(properly prepared) snails for me to eat...?
Do you have enough of this in Dk?


If you are satisfied with a bunch of Sibirian snails, i can provide PLENTY of them, hehe. (also called killer-snails around here)

Im tempted to come, but not yet ready to sign up. Havent got anything i want to show, but seeking inspiration :)

Best regards
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This is a very nice initiative.
I'll do all I can to be there.
For the moment the probability that I'll make it is 66%
(if this helps your headcount in any way...)

That makes two attendees from France already, of which one has Italian citizenship.
Why wouldn't the event be called "European"...?

Count me in

I'll participate - sent Magura an email with personal info.

I can contribute wth misc DSP/Measuring techniques:
- logsweep in detail
- Driver correction
- FIR filters vs. IIR filters
- ...

Any interest?

BTW I can walk there if I'm Jesus crossing the waters ;)

Or as google write it in modern language:
Walking directions are in beta.
Use caution – This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths.

My walking path to the event according to google
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Danes @ diyAudio


I see that Magura tops the list with 4,155 posts :worship:

I have only 138 posts :confused:

Magura is even listed on the international scale

We (only) have 39 danes with more than 100 posts on diyAudio
and you have already collected 7 people for your event - that is a nice fraction.

The law of physics:

quality x #posts = information = negative entropy

This is good for the climate - perhaps we can get a governmental funding!


A couple of pics of the venue.

Magura :)


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