• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

6J1 China preamp thoughts

I use a kit, its not hum or noise. But after 2 month, 2 of 8 filter cap is swell, i use VOM to check at +-28V pinout, vontage is 32-33V. so I replaced 8 470uF 50V and a 25V 2200uF for filament filter (12.6V pinout have 16V vontage when no tube ) - the board design for 10mm capacitor so I have no choice for larger cap. Beside i change 4 input output cap to Ero MKP cap 1uf.
Im working on a hardwired version of this in a cigar box. Used 50v 470uf nichicon in psu and a 25v 2200uf Panasonic for heater cap. Used some huge 1uf axial polypropylene caps from dayton for my input capacitors. 1.7uf Wimas for output coupling. Ended up keeping the negative feedback loop values at 0.22uf and 200k. I put a shield made from paulownia wood covered in guitar conductive paint between the psu section and the amplifier channels. I also painted the entire inside of the box and grounded the RCA outputs to it. I used a standard stereo a50k vol pot, and put the switch on AC 12v line between the pre and the transformer.
Dead silent with every knob in my system dimed, not a peep. As quiet as my mixing interface and monitor setup. phenomenal performance too. Honestly im blown away. It's instantaneously better imaging no matter what system i hook it up to, even the living room system built around a Yamaha s801 and (old) Klipsch, instant improvement. And i can get a very surprising amount of gain out of it before any perceived clipping, which i can only just barely perceive in the last few % of the volume sweep. Its good enough that im afraid to alter the circuit anymore until i have a deeper grasp on what it is im actually doing. What the negative feedback loop is, how it works, and how you can tune the response and gain of an amplifier only just clicked last night for me, and i felt pretty dumb once it did 🙄

Gonna try and get a testing setup put together this week sometime. I really wasn't expecting it to turn out this fantastic. Nor did i expect to be this interested in improving it.
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Sorry for another double post, but combining measurment and ear this is where ive landed, and im sticking to it. May help someone who buys this and inevitably lands on this thread.

Output coupling: 3uf film
Input Caps: 2uf film
change resistor following input cap to 22-25k
Negative feedback loop: 220k 0.022uf
Use a transformer/supply greater then 2a current.

Use NoS 6AG5 tubes, ditch the 6AK5 and 6K4, trust me, my soundstage is currently taller, wider, and deeper then i would've even thought possible with my setup.

hand wired version with PSU on a separate board has zero noise problems at all. if not doable the previously mentioned PSU mods remove all audible noise problems

Zero oscillation, no audible low frequency attenuation, under 1db down at 20hz in a 10k input. I cant tell its there at all by ear, and output impedance down to about 800ohms average, . thd under 0.1%. Totally flat from 30hz to nearly 500k. Can get 6-8db of usable, clean gain with no clipping, which is honestly way overkill.

It absolutely does a fantastic example of those imaging benefits that become the attractive aspect of tubes to begin with. It does it VERY well. Will post snips of measurements later this evening.
For the comparison reasons I have ran the simulations with Tha(t)oneGuy designs:

#256 => TheStuffMade_1
#258 => TheStuffMade_2
#263 => TheStuffMade_3 (6J1)
#263 => TheStuffMade_3 (6AG5), the spice model used

I could not make the simulation running with 100k in the power supply, they were dropping the voltage efficiently, thus I have changed them to 1Meg.


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The bulk of this “cheap tube preamp” is power supply, and the transistor circuit below has me baffled. What does it do? A pointer to a lecture, article, or online textbook would be much appreciated.

As for the tube part of the circuit, isn’t there supposed to be a bypass capacitor across the 200 ohm R14/R19 cathode resistor?

The bulk of this “cheap tube preamp” is power supply, and the transistor circuit below has me baffled. What does it do? A pointer to a lecture, article, or online textbook would be much appreciated.

As for the tube part of the circuit, isn’t there supposed to be a bypass capacitor across the 200 ohm R14/R19 cathode resistor?

View attachment 1281489
Yes TR2 is a current limiter for approx 14ma, but why ?
as of right now im actually running it directly from a 26v out on a transformer with a bridge rectifier and voltage doubler and some extra filtering. I actually just ditched that transistor section yesterday.

And at least according to a multimeter, 100k in the power supply is very stable voltage output. never drifted by more then 0.1v while reading. Any more and the thing will still arc like 20 mins later, at least in my personal experience with that circuit.

I decided i did not like the design of this power supply as i learned more and more. And the preamp is currently in a pile on my bench again lol. A working pile, but a pile nonetheless. Im gonna need a bigger box. Im actually quickly approaching having nothing left of the original design at this point really.

Funny story, while it was on my bench, i somehow, truly dont know how, i soldered the new -26v to the heater supply pin. God only knows how i did that. The resulting failed transistors and resistors made some real pretty colors and real unfriendly smells.
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Ditch the 22 ohm resistor feeding the heater circuit if you have this. No idea why they include a 22ohm resistor for that. Even 5654's run at like 5.9v. It's also only a 3 watt resistor and gets hot enough to sizzle water running 300ma. if you put 300 ma heater tubes in pulling 600 total, that resistor will def fry.

a 1.8ohm 5w power resistor has all my 5654 sitting between 6.2-6.5v

a 1.45ohm resistor has my 6ag5 6.1-6.4 and 6AU6 roughly the same. Both offer significant soundstage improvements over 5654 to my ears on my equipment.

As sold, the heater circuit is basically designed to deliver cathode poisoning as fast as possible. My 6AU6 measured at about 5v flat on the circuit stock with the recommended 1a transformer. Which isnt actually enough to run two 150ma heaters and both channels to begin with. Should really stick with 2a minimum transformer regardless of what you do with this circuit

(its far more likely people with curiosity who dont have any idea what they are actually doing, much like myself, (im learning though) will be landing in this thread to find info. Im posting in this fashion for them not you guys lol)
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Very good question jcalvarez, it has got me thinking. The only reason the current limiter shall be there, is to limit the plate dissipation. Now the question is what would be the conditions it would make sense. There is one condition to be met in my line of thinking.

Assumption: The power source voltage was originally 24Vac

Calculating with these assumptions we will have +-60V at the rails, which would make it to typical operational voltage for the tube. The maximal plate power dissipation is 1.7W at 200V, at 120V it would make 1.2W corresponding to 10mA limit. Since we want to have some safety margin lets say 25% that would make it to 7.5mA. And that would make sense to me. Running at 120V rail to rail affects capacitor selection for higher voltages (470u/100V), which leads to the elevated production cost and additionally 24Vac might be not that common to find. I believe that was the main reason the circuit was de-tuned for +-30V at rails, but the rest was not recalculated anymore.

If we agree my assumption is sound, the circuit would look like:


The THD is ~2%, approximately half of produced version, which would also make more sense.



Adding similar offset trick as in my first post we can get down to THD ~0.15%.



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Since my thoughts on 61J preamp will not fit into one post I have compiled a document,
It comprises $1 modification path in both Cathode follower (reaching THD: 0.009528%) and Common Cathode (reaching THD: 0.196589%) setups.
I have build both and they are working smoothly.
If you find my thoughts useful please consider buying me a beer for the dedicated free time in the span of 3 months, specially if you want to use my design for commercial purposes (yes, I mean you Chinese people too)
Thank you very much is only I can give, yes if I'm nearby I'll be glad giving a cold six pack!
Hello friends ...

I saw TheStuffMade video on youtube, i have read so many threads about this little tube amplifier and have been so confused about what upgrades should i do .

Should i change all the electrolytic capacitors with better ones ? 35v or 50v?
Would be any difference in sound if i replace them all?
I know that definitely have to change the signal capacitors with better film capacitor but how many uf ? 1-2 or 3 uf?
Finally i saw acamus post with the lowest harmonic distortion and download his pdf. Very helpful the photos and drawings but i think the black cables in drawing doesn't match the cable i see in the photos.

I have bought jan 5654w tubes and i have a spare 12V 3A power supply.
Can some one guide me to upgrade this amplifier?
I have recreated the printed circuit board in EasyEDA. You can tweak it, so you dont have to do cuts or drill the holes for additional components.
Fever 6J1
Moreover I have created printed circuit board for Adason design in the same format as board discussed.
Adason 6J1
And similarily for CharlieFLA design
CharlieFLA 6J1

One can generate Gerber files and use PCB supplier.
Very nice of you to do this. While I always build point to point myself I know many prefer the convenience of circuit boards.

One thing I noticed was that the input and output pads for the board that follows my breadboarded design seem to be labelled wrong. The pads marked GND are actually the inputs and outputs and the ones numbered are actually the grounds.

Not a big deal but you also got my screen name wrong. It’s FlaCharlie, not CharlieFla. I like that you included links to forum posts which should allow anyone interested to get more detailed information.

I never did try the "Adason" cathode follower design that uses these tubes or any other tubes, actually. I was doing some preamp experiments with other tubes recently but that is on hold for the moment. I’ll have to set up a cathode follower and listen for myself when I get back to it.

I’ve seen comments that seem to indicate that circuits with gain impart more “warmth” / “sound signature” than cathode followers. For example, Schiit sells a “passive preamp” that allows a tube (configured as a cathode follower) to be switched in and out and many owners mention that they hear no difference at all when the tube is switched in.

Assuming that "warmth" is just an indication of higher distortion, particularly 2nd order, it's entirely possible that some might prefer the original circuit or versions that produce higher distortion levels. That might particularly be true for those who are using these preamps with SS or Class D amps. I find it interesting to see that my breadboarded version seems to have relatively low distortion, at least compared to the original design. As expected, the cathode follower version, which has no gain, is much lower still.

I have no way to measure what I build, I just listen and tweak to taste. I should note that, during the extensive breadboarding session that this design came out of, I was using a tube amp. For my more recent experiments I'm using a Class D.

Thanks again for your efforts!
FlaCharlie I am sorry I have mistyped your screen name, no offense intended. I should have double crosscheck before posting.
There are no means to edit previous post.

I have forgotten to post power supply for trying out Adason and FlaCharlie designs. The PSU is modular.
One can buy ready solutions for Single Voltage Booster, or combo with Heater Module, both lack regulator and filter part.

Stabilizer/Regulator module is based on Fesz design, I have considered also Maida, Iraka and Salo designs,
for simplicity and completeness Fesz won.

Printed circuit boards for
Voltage Booster Module
Heater Module
Regulator Module
Filter Module

Here is typical overview diagram


Again use your PCB supplier once you export Gerber files.
I'm trying to use it as a portable headphone amplifier.

I used a USB-PD decoy chip to supply DC12V from a USB-PD charger. There was too much noise in bad electrical quality, such as trains. When I changed to a grounded USB PD charger, the noise was definitely reduced.

I'm also using an USB-PD battery and USB-pd decoy. I'm going to use three series 18650 batteries and a constant voltage and EMI filter circuit.


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