4KW EE65 Transformer

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My 4KW prototype transformer for my SMPS.

Just wanted to share. :D


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Eva, you are master!

Because if you tell the details, I may learn something or may help you to learn something.

First OFF, are you MALE or FEMALE?

I don't think that EVA will learn from me, I am beginner in SMPS, and I have too many post over diyaudio looking for real HELP how to make SMPS.
and no one did that (for free). some gave me some tips only.

I purchased some Books, about 500US$ to learn, I have good database now with REAL and information's, formulas, examples. and purchased a 200MHz Scope 1700US$. total Design and research cost is about 4000US$.
I want to make that SMPS reality. that's ALL.

I know its not that important information's for too many users, but I am sorry EVA.

When this project gets complete in the next few months, I will post every thing on my homepage.

Best regards..
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Because a photo of a transformer means nothing, and the winding scheme means also nothing without the rest of the circuit. I dont understand your interest of publishing a photo without nothing more, this is a technical forum, for publishing plain photos Facebook and Twitter are much better.:rolleyes:

I am free to post any thing.

Why don't you show us your transformer?

When this GETS completed , you will see the 4KW model fully working, and who said I posted it to make you get more information's? why don't you make your own?
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When this GETS completed , you will see the 4KW model fully working, and who said I posted it to make you get more information's? why don't you make your own?

Well, no one can make their own unless they know what's inside it... it doesn't really make sense to post something without telling us about it. What's there to be interested in?

So don't buy anything from redrocksaudio, that's good, that you want to learn and not just copy something, but what do we care, if you are not sharing anything, picture of trafo has no importance to anyone, and I'm sure you can find many on google alone, so why start thread, showing only picture and that's it?
You don't want it to be copied, I get this, but also you said you won't sell this, if I remember right, so why not share anything else??
So don't buy anything from redrocksaudio, that's good, that you want to learn and not just copy something, but what do we care, if you are not sharing anything, picture of trafo has no importance to anyone, and I'm sure you can find many on google alone, so why start thread, showing only picture and that's it?
You don't want it to be copied, I get this, but also you said you won't sell this, if I remember right, so why not share anything else??


I tried to buy one from REDROCKSAUDIO (to learn), they wanted months to develop that, Also they take ages to respond.

Project still not complete to post it. I dont think that you will POST you 3KW working model for free either or any one in here, (dont know if you did that model already). all model over diyaudio just prototype and not high power FULLY working SMPS.

Either those people who worked at the 4KW model on diyaudio, NEVER show any thing even picture of that supply, (search forum, and you will see).

I have designed this supply from scratch, I will post pictures when its complete.

Who cares if you benifite from this or not?

Also I may sell this supply, when it passes the required tests, why not.

I think you know how much such SMPS development may cost, 4 IGBTs with 6 Capacitors is over 200US$ alone, so try to calculate other stuff, Scope, PCB, Desgin, Parts, Custom Transformer, Capacitors, Custom Resonant Coil, etc

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I can understand your pride at having finished winding your transformer.
However, consider things from our point of view - you post a photograph of a transformer with nothing before or after.

What are we supposed to do ? Say "well done son, I knew you could do it!" ?

I think you know how much such SMPS development may cost, 4 IGBTs with 6 Capacitors is over 200US$ alone, so try to calculate other stuff, Scope, PCB, Desgin, Parts, Custom Transformer, Capacitors, Custom Resonant Coil, etc
Well, if you burn nothing, its pretty damn cheap, and I don't know wat you use, so you paid 200$ for it, you didn't say or show that, so talking about price for me here, is useless. Also putting scope into price of smps is kinda pointless also, since you can't really do it without it + if you are a bit more then just once a year DIY person, you need it anyway...
Sure it will cost you money, nothing is free, but this is still DIY as in do it yourself, so price really must not be on the first place, if you want something bad...also price will in the end for one of this smps's come down to, how good you are in getting parts... my smps, which is free for all, cost me next to nothing, and even if it did, I did it for others, since even before I login to this forum, I have found none working design, where I could start... so I think this was my goal, showing it can be done, and anyone can do it
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