$30 amp upgraded

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Thanks for posting that email from X10. Tells me its' the kind of place I'd deal with.

Long drawn out story you're free to skip:
I remember one time I bought some ram for my computer at a time when the price of it was skyrocketing.

I paid 80$ (in full) for a stick of 128mb, they were supposed to order it that day and I'd have it in two days. Three days later I called them and they hadnt' yet ordered it?

I think they were waiting for the price to drop again to increase their profit on it. Didn't work though. Then I was told they just couldnt' give it to me until I paid the balance on it, another 80$.

The owner of the store was conveniently on a "holiday" when I told them I'd be in to pick it up, they had a cute girl at the cash, armed with a note, not to give me the ram until I paid the balance. I didn't want to rip into her over it as she was just a pawn. She was shaking and I was being entirely cordial. So I told her get me the owner on the phone, and I'll deal with him.

Turns out the owners wife, co-owner, was hiding in the back room the whole time. I gave her a "photocopy" of my receipt that said "paid in full" on it. After talking to her husband on the phone for over half an hour while I waited she came out screaming, saying I was taking the food off her table, I resisted the temptation of saying they should pay me for the favor as she weighed at least 400lbs. So she made a huge sceen in her own store with at least 10 people in there looking on, and gave me what they owed me.

Happy ending right?

I put the ram in and my buggy computer got so buggy I was trying to do homework while formatting at least three times in a night. I suspected bad ram right off but didn't want to go back to that store sooooo bad I wound up replacing my motherboard, case, video card... just in denial. In the end I didn't have a problem getting the ram exchanged and finally had a computer that ran half decent, but I still bad mouthed them all over town.

I hope someone appreciates that little story :)
$17.99 Target clearance amp

I've got one opened in front of me now. The board is definitely different from what AMT showed in the first posts in this thread. The Board is labeled as "SI-5-A3, REV: A3, 2003-10-16. There is only one IC (YG2822 D3G0AA), one diode, seven electrolytic caps and a handful of resistors and ceramic caps.
Here's a quick pic (not great but I was doing it quickly!). You can see that there are several unused spaces on the board.


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Yeah, it sure looks like a totally different animal. I got a sinking feeling when I saw the IC was just a DIP-8. I tried to google the chip but no luck. Definitely a cheap piece of equipment probably not worth the price (though I did get the surface "transducers").
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Well, those speakers are pretty clever. I'm tempted to try them out. Even if they aren't tooo good they are SMALL, and the do have transducers. You can buy those corrugated plastic sheets that the small speakers use as the panel at good art supply stores- How about a panel about 1' wide by 2' tall?

Then again I might return them and order the T amp with transducers. The speaker part is intriguing too.

From some of the reading suggested here, I seem to read that a flat panel doesn't have bass cancellation even if its pretty narrrow, and treble doesn't beam, even if the panel is wide..

So now its just a matter of size and material of the panels.

Thanks for taking the risk and helping us all

With the help of Amazon and the USPS we're up and running and playing Tom Waits' _Mule Variations_. Thanks to amt and Vinnie and others for their advice and encouragement.

I rehoused the SI circuit board in a cheap Radio Shack aluminum box, 3"x2"x5", which gives you that timeless science-project look, used a 50K Noble pot from Michael Percy, and the SLA battery and charger suggested by Vinnie, switched so the battery charges when the thing is turned off. Standard binding posts, a terminal strip to connect battery and charger, and a captive cable made from a 3-conductor electrical cord that plugs into the audio output of the PC.

Given my source (a PC) and my speakers (DIY Fostex FE127E, around 90db) I'm not in a position to discourse on audiophile qualities but the sound is clean and dynamics are good at the modest sound levels I need. And the thing hardly takes up any space.

I didn't plan this, but as I finish typing Waits is reading a poem that could be about a diyer, though surely nobody on this thread!http://kcarbon.freeshell.org/Public/favorite_lyrics/what's he building.txt
Well, i received an email and fed-ex tracking number confirming my shippment from x10.com for my SI T-amps.

I was starting to doubt that I would actually ever get them. As shotty a company x10 might seem, they sure did me right on this one :) .

My custom enclosure is begging them to get here as fast as they can. I'll post some pics as soon as I add the amps.


P.S.- The enclosure is made from poplar and stained with an oil based stain. I would like to put something over the stain to add some depth, any suggestions?
My brother's really enjoying the SI I sent him.

It's modified with a 50k Taiwan Alpha pot and he's using it with a 12v 12Ah battery supply. He's using it in place of a modded Dyanco ST-35 on a pair of Klipsch Heresies.

The presentation is a lot different, but he's really digging the clarity and musicality of the SI.

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