• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

12AY7 circuit?

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SY said:
My suggestion is to put the tubes in the closet for a while, hit the books, learn the basics of tube design, then pull them out and start experimenting.

Oh, the wisdom of that suggestion. Broke open that old, brown-paged college textbook, with the curled pages and mildew, and read up on tubes. Once I understood the basics of biasing and grid control, I was ready to start playing. Just being able to recognize a circuit (which takes time) is well worth the initial effort. You will soon be able to judge what type of circuit is applicable for your needs, and which direction you want to go.

If you understand transistors, I believe you will find tubes MUCH easier to work with. Give it a try.

I am a guitar amplifier builder. There is a huge difference between an audio preamp and guitar amp preamp - the two are not the same.

Guitar amplifiers are designed to change the signal to add harmonics and clipping distortion. Audio preamps are designed to be hi-fidelity - what goes in is what comes out. Do not use a fender design for your CD player.

If you want to build an audio preamp for your CD player, then do not use 12AY7 and pick one of the many popular plans on the internet.

If you want to build a guitar amplifier preamp, then you can use the 12AY7 and the fender design.

ok lets see ....

i expalined in private e mails to others kind enough to help and read my post I THANK THEM AGAIN

the truth is that i dont have the time for this i dont want to learn a lot anbout tubes ...... there is not enough space in my brain sorry i have other things in mind .....

i dont think thst someone constructing a lm3886 amp has any hinch on how the chip is working nor study it ever ......

but in any case i cannot do that i thought that this sould be more or less easy but prooved WRONG!!!!!

i will see to that and carry on but thanks again for all the effort

to dicamero :
quitar amplifiers are designed to add armonics ?????
you mean that a fender design of 1950 and the people that create that had distorion analyzer an extremely wide range of material and had a choise of what to use and come up with a design that played like hell for quitars ??????

i thing you must be wrong they designed with the options available at the time and with basic audio rules at the time the distortion produced by this machines became a fashion accidently ..... if look deeper into this you will find a gozilion of 1U or pedal effects for a milion of instruments but distortion pedals exist only for quitars !!! ( rock quitars ) nothing else

so their mistakes( and/or lack of design or material ) became a fashion and goes on

but thats me .....i was never crazy about rock music
Re: ok lets see ....

sakis said:
to dicamero :
quitar amplifiers are designed to add armonics ?????
you mean that a fender design of 1950 and the people that create that had distorion analyzer an extremely wide range of material and had a choise of what to use and come up with a design that played like hell for quitars ??????

i thing you must be wrong they designed with the options available at the time and with basic audio rules at the time the distortion produced by this machines became a fashion accidently ..... if look deeper into this you will find a gozilion of 1U or pedal effects for a milion of instruments but distortion pedals exist only for quitars !!! ( rock quitars ) nothing else

so their mistakes( and/or lack of design or material ) became a fashion and goes on

but thats me .....i was never crazy about rock music [/B]

Leo Fender used his ears. He changed circuits to make the guitar sound better and fuller.

Since you are not a guitar player, perhaps you should do a little research before voicing an opinion. Try plugging a guitar into a stereo amplifier.

Sakis, you seem to be quite argumentative about the advice given on this forum. Many have suggested that you try other options, but you seem to disregard. I suggest you relax your ego a bit and take the advice given by some of these experts.

Feel free to build the Fender circuit there are lots of plans on the net. You will learn from this experience.


will do so

as about opinions i like them so much and also i respect very much about any one willing to help ...taken also for granted that good will is the start

what i dont like about opinions is when they are coloured or filtered if you like by this or the other rule or fashion .....

i take all suggestions under investegation and will see

its winter ..... still very busy but i had the time to offer my shelf a "relaxation period" meaning some time to construct something nice ....so here i am again trying to do a tube thing ....

reading back all this post and carefully listen and read all the answers i understand that most of them come from quitar people .....

cause since my tubes are good enough for a phono stage why not cant they be good for a tone control ?????
look at the links .....

some of them look very cool and for shure very expensive


and its more for shure

to : 7N7 12ay7 is not suitable for this application. Too much gain and very little drive ability.

For your application a 12B4 is probably the best choice.

A CD player has output< 2v rms and your amplifier has sensitivity of 1v.

well too much gain ???? NOT REALLY !!!! i talk about 12AY7 not 12AU7


probably all these phono stages have quitar strings also ??????

well i dont thing so

i dont mean to be rude to anyone but i thing that all this info consetraded in this post comes only from quitar people with quitar opinion .....

probably the tube is not good for hi gain application like line level signals ( which i am going to find out soon enough ) but it seems that is working for any audio application but probably in low levels...

so since i have so many of these tubes and its really going to be a waste to put in garbage it could be just as well a phono stage that i make with them instead of a tone control ......

what really makes me mad is that so many people was so strickt about this tube ONLY works in quitar amplifiers ( even some of them said that it was designed for it ) ....and that prooved totaly wrong .....
Oh dear...

12AU7, one of the worst valves ever made has µ of 16. 12AY7, a very good valve has µ of 44.



P.S. Kindly improve your punctuation and use capital letters. Four ???? are not necessary, we can read English here.
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