127e and center channel???

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i guys. i have 2 127e fostex drivers and was wondering if they might be used for a center channel?? a realy simple one at that.

im guessing its possible,but would it be worth it? i have a polk system and the center is "crackling" all the time. well durring movies,,not the news.

any ideas?? and maybe a plan as to where to begin? i dont understand enough to design my own.



'Crackling' during one and not the other implies that you watch movies near/at DD reference levels, so even two FE127Es wouldn't have enough linear excursion unless used in a two way XO'd somewhere between 250-500 Hz depending on what the level actually is. The other possibility is to use only one driver in a ~50 Hz BLH laying on its side if space permits. I'm not aware of any published designs for either of these, though of course that doesn't mean there aren't any.

thanx gm

i guess the wife would say i listen to dvd's at "reference levels",me???? well maybe close as i can get i suppose. i have the reciever crossed over at 80 and the front speaks at "small". so i thought having it this way would protect everything from blowing up.
short of building all new theater set up(theater,,,hahaha) im thinking a new center,but i realy hate to buy "ready made" since i have gotten the DIY bug and am well aware of the quality you pay for vrs what you can build for the same buck. i have no problem with not so great cabinets if they sound good. rather have that kind of split than real beauties and the sound sux. im always for function over form.

anyways,thank you for replying,


The XO only protects it from extreme over excursion, not against thermal overload or amp clipping, which is probably the cause here. Keep it up and you'll be replacing tweeters. 🙁

Anyway, sounds like you need to replace the speaker system with some compression loaded horn speakers to handle the volume at low distortion, making it 'sound' more like a cinema presentation as a side benefit. 😉

FYI, in recent years some producers have switched from mixing the CC as a predominantly speech 'fill' channel to having ~the same mix on all front channels, to putting basically all the signal into the CC, using the L-R as front surrounds, so the typically compromised CC can't 'cut it' with an increasing number of current releases (planned obsolescence?). This also allows for a decent stereo version (DD 2.0) to be derived.

Guess they finally decided that RCA got it right the first time with Disney's 'Fantasound' system for 'Fantasia'.

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