UcD patent expired?

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Joined 2005
Some people say that use chip reduce component i.e. no level shifter, comparator, and so on so it is faster.
That is totally wrong!
Class D with N-Fets always has similar part: Comparator, Level Shifter, Inverting, bootstrap, Low and High Driver and finally the mosfet. In chip it is packed. You cannot tweak. With discrete, there are many circuit possibility designer can take, from as simple as possible untuk complicated, cascode and so on.
The key is how fast which sometime new parts are faster.

And the faster is the key.
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Joined 2005
Selling price is also concern.
And profit as the most. The designer said fast switching is not the only. Class D no need at 1MHz level. 400kHz fsw is just right. So that overall delay can be covered using ordinary parts.

Sure it is good if you make this only several unit for your self. Or your customer is so premium.

But selling OEM at 100USD per pc is not the case.
Disabled Account
Joined 2005
I am doing UcD fullbridge for Subwoofer. Fully hand assembly thru hole for Pro Audio.
Yes it is ver bad quality :D

But is capable to drive 18"x2 per channel.
This is not for sale, just for myself band at weekend mostly.


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Mr. Kartino;

What is the switching frequency limit of current ucd high/low side gate driver with transistor.

If current ucd self osc. is enough for couple of Mhz what is the point of using gate drivers?

I do not understand why offer gate drivers for GAN.
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Disabled Account
Joined 2005
Switching at appx 400kHz typically is good enough for hifi.
For pro audio usually 250kHz for big amp, 275 to 300kHz for smaller. Some PA amplifier are designed as hi fi size, 200W to 400W which adopt similar circuitry as hifi.

GaN offer fast, less losses and so smaller footprint. Easy manage dead time
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closed account
Joined 2007
Correct me if i am wrong current ucd comparator delay is more than 100ns. We want much low dead times for GAN, are we have to sacrifice ucd or is there any way make ucd faster?

These are two different things. GaN allows for shorter dead times, which helps reduce distortion. You can still have a feedback loop which will then be more effective since it has less distortion to correct. Of course the fact that ucd comparator delay is long limits the bandwidth, but 100ns translates to, what? 10mhz? That would not be the biggest problem I think.