What part of DIY do you HATE?

What I hate is when you forget to add a handful of 800 volt SCR’s (overvoltage crowbar for a Vg2 regulator serving 6 6550’s so you really don’t want to run without them forever, especially on a tinkering prototype) to a large order you just placed from Mouser. The part is of course just off-beat enough that you can’t get them from BG Micro and Parts Express, whose orders were just waiting on the Memorial Day sale. I’ve done things just like this so many times I’ve lost count. And you just have to wait till the next block order from Mouser or Digikey, whichever comes first.
What I hate is when you forget to add a handful of 800 volt SCR’s (overvoltage crowbar for a Vg2 regulator serving 6 6550’s so you really don’t want to run without them forever, especially on a tinkering prototype) to a large order you just placed from Mouser. The part is of course just off-beat enough that you can’t get them from BG Micro and Parts Express, whose orders were just waiting on the Memorial Day sale. I’ve done things just like this so many times I’ve lost count. And you just have to wait till the next block order from Mouser or Digikey, whichever comes first.


Even more frustrating for me is waiting to order PCBs I finished designing weeks ago, and really want to get my hands on, because I'm waiting to finish the next PCB layout for something. JLCPCB has rather expensive shipping at something like $15, so it's hard to justify a single small order.
Ha, Ha. Naked diy amps!
Getting cases off of consumer products. Unplugging inscruitable plastic connectors without breaking them. Took me 4 months to figure out how to get samsung 32" TV apart. Broke the screen connector unlatching it from the pcb. Broke the case of a 14" compaq CRT monitor trying to access. Watched TV on an 11" CRT monitor for months that cut the heads off actors until got into the Samsung 32" TV and replaced ittermittant (14 months old) input board.
This week bent the cover & back of a Peavey MMA-8150 PA amp trying to pry it open. 2 tiny 4-40 screws, flat head, painted black, under the input cards held the top on. The MMA-875t that was stolen had no such screws. Took the hammer & vise to the cover, it sort of fits again. Looks dinged up, good thing it lives in the back of an organ.
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I have a habbit of starting to meny projekts at the same time,so in the end i don´t know where to start..... :(
Haha, so much this! Dozens of projects in flight and I keep thinking of new ones to start instead of wrapping them up [emoji23]

Another thing I struggle with on restos and repairs is knowing how far to go... I either don't go far enough and then regret it later because there's something I'm not quite happy with, but a do over is no longer worth the effort, or go in with the intention of a light tickle up and it turns into a "nut and bolt" rebuild!
I hate measuring, checking that angles are square (they just should be and never are) and engineering solutions to wood working equipment I dont own, or dont have the strength / skill to use in a way that yields a good result.

- I cant cut a circle with the jig saw anymore, so I have to use a router. My router is a table style edger. Out the motor comes, onto a wood block with bolt holes at 15" and 18" diameters...

- I cant cut a circle with the jig saw anymore, so I have to use my mini drill press to make a wood plug that's actually round by "turning" it.

- There's no way I can heft 1/2 a sheet of 6mm up onto the table saw and cut a line that's actually straight, so I have to design / build clamped guides for my skill saw. Forget eyeballing it along a line...

- I cant cut a straight line with the jig saw - even if it's pressed up against a guide rail. 90 deg to the shoe plate cut? Clean circle? Forget it - machine 'n me are almost unusable. Unless the speaker covers the cutout and you cant see.

- Got a bunch of biscuits I'd like to use and no biscuit cutter. Plunge the tablesaw blade blind? I know better than to even try -

- Woodworking in January, outside so the back garage doesnt get filled with dust - no dust collection system. Have to way for a day when it's not raining. Vacuuming up the driveway afterward. At least I'm not standing on ice!

- Glue. Couldnt master it as a kid with the Revel models, still make a gigantic mess with anything sticky at 64...
Man, you sound like my long-lost brother. I do try hard at woodworking, but I feel like there's a knack to it that just eludes me. Of course I have no formal training which would probably be helpful, but it ain't like I'm trying to build fine furniture or something - just need a hole for the damn speaker!

And yup, every time I try to glue something up feels like the first damn time. Kinda like parallel parking. :confused:


Joined 2003
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...disco type speakers. Managed to sell 6 but still left with 7 that I cant sell. Due to lock down people cant use them anyway.

They are NOT Disco speakers.

They are Home Cinema Speakers.

Ideal for folks locked-in with a movie streaming service.

(Yes, I know the difference between Disco and Cinema, and you do too, but many people don't, or don't care.)