ALD's Double Inverted ChipAmp

Howdy Neighbours,

Just fer giggles, let's try this:

'T.s' invrt.  GC.jpg

..puttin' the DIY BACK into diyaudio...

Hun, so this is a REcreation of " "T's" Inverted GainClone ". It obliviously wasn't his, but rather somebody took his idea of an inverted gainclone power amp and thru a pot on the front ...

:Ouch: :cuss: :warped: :bfold: :scratch2: :idea: :Ouch: :stop: :whazzat: :scratch2: ... :idea:

Doh! [1st Task: why is this 'amp' unstable? ]

So I recall T noting (re his power amp) that using an opamp [no matter signal or power] in invert. config. has some advantages:

A) You can choose the values on the +input so they match the -input's (better balance; tweak by actual measurement)

B) Invert. operation provides that nifty virtual ground that, because of the fet input, physically ACTS almost IDEAL [acting purely mathematical, with no real-world 'fudge' factor] and thus has these tech. advantages ... blah, blah, blah, ... I can't recall what he said.

...oh, oh , and I thought:

C) Well, because [in this particular case] the pot sets the input impedance, Rin and Rf can be dropped by an order of magnitude to provide better noise and more current through the resistors [and junction] that provides further benefit by ... blah, blah, blah, I can't recall what I thought. ;}

D) So I'd like to correct and develop this circuit and build it and do some basic testing and listening and ... and, d o i t m y s e l f , ... if ya know what I mean ...

Cheers from the



PS And YES that's how yer supposed to spell n e i g h b o U r s!!11!1!

PPS It's not DOUBLE inverted .... Yet!

PPPS This project wasn't getting much traction in the Loungy thread sooooooooooo ..................
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Alllllmost therrrrrreee !!11!1!


J's inverting gaincard integrated amp.jpg

Go given that inductors are inherently hf blocking I just applied generic HF filt. to all inputs and outputs [except ps ...]

Also realized that thus there's way more that just the usual low level and PWR GND.

So it's a work in progress, ... er, ... will it explode?




No seriously ???11?1?® :eek:

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So now the double inverti .... S$SQUIRRELLL!!11!1!!

Oh I almost forgot:

View attachment lm3886.pdf

Audio input type Analog Input
Architecture Class-AB
Speaker channels (Max) Mono
Power stage supply (Max) (V) 94
Power stage supply (Min) (V) 20
Load (Min) (ohms) 4
Output power (W) 68
SNR (dB) 110
THD + N @ 1 kHz (%) 0.03
Iq (Typ) (mA) 50
Control interface Hardware

View attachment overture series amps AN 1192 snaa021b.pdf

View attachment SPiKe protection AN 898 snaa008b.pdf

3886 with  simple SPiKe.png

View attachment measuring amp performance sloa068a.pdf
3886 measurement systems.png

View attachment die datasheet snao202.pdf

View attachment amp power supply design AN 1849 snaa057c.pdf
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Springsteen? Alex Steen from the Blues?
Stein!, stein is that it?? :scratch1: :idea: :drink:

Did I blew your fuse up?
"Sorry for that, chief".

Not mine, just the newbs: when a kid wants to be smart and blurts out all the answers to 'beat' all the other kids; thus the other kids haven't even gotten into 2nd gear yet and learn very little.

Oh and that's Mr. Chief to you. ;)

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