John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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You have very good hearing ability and good equipment, unlike many member in this thread.

Thank you for your kind words, I agree that equipment is a key and tests like this should not be performed on something like iPod+earbuds. Sometimes I am happy that 32-bit floating point files cannot be played on everything. The choice of mediocre equipment degrades the tests then.
Pavel, it does weed it out, but also limits some......I stream everything through WiFi and I believe the limit is currently 24/192, I had no problem with your other tests but couldn’t do this one. I suppose computer/usb would be the only way to do 32bit?

I’m looking at doing full Roon through something like a Mac mini or SGC (Linux)....
Probably a good idea if the whole high bit/sample rate thing catches on (which it seems headed in that direction whether the masses like it or not)
...The choice of mediocre equipment degrades the tests then.

Thank you for having the courage to talk about it. Over at ASR it might get you beat up pretty good if not banned altogether.

If I may ask, do you now think that preexisting hearing research was mostly carried out with equipment as good as you use today, and with listeners having been given the same opportunity to practice?
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...the limit is currently 24/192, I had no problem with your other tests but couldn’t do this one. I suppose computer/usb would be the only way to do 32bit?

24-bit fixed and 32-bit float audio are essentially the same thing. No dac is really good for more than 21 or 22 bits anyway, but some do play small details more accurately even so. If you still can't hear some of those things maybe start looking at other parts of your system :)
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WTF is that? Should I feel proud or insulted of it?
The question you should be asking yourself should be more about being proud of the way you behave on this forum.
Spending exclusively your time attacking and insulting contributors under the pretext that you disapprove their point of view, without ever justifying yours, as if you were the depositary of 'the absolute truth', does not give a brilliant image of your intelligence and education.
We would rather think of one of these alcoholics that we sometimes meet at night in country bars. But it seems that you have found a brilliant companion for the "Give us a refill, boss" too many.
"Asinus asinum fricat".
"Science sans conscience n'est que ruine de l'âme."
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You are, in a sense, correct... I don't want/like to hear about Oohashi anymore, that paper is technically wrong anyway you are looking at it. Spending an Internet life defending that piece of junk is sad and it bores me to tears.


Isn't it funny that your only critic of a paper that is "technically wrong anyway you are looking at it" was based on an unfounded premise?

I mean "anyway you are looking at it"........ could it be that you haven't read the publication? :)

A bit of copy and paste from the psaudio website and an equally unfounded talking point from SY (you know about why the paper allegedly wasn't accepted by the JAES) was all that you had to offer..........
Apart from the questionable setup with separate Tweeters for the ultrasonics, a big objection that I have against this Oohashi experiment is the used DSD format, which is OK for storing music in large libraries, exactly the reason why it was invented by Sony in the first place.

But several AES papers have shown that this format doesn’t allow for editing the music without damaging the content.
And in Oohashi’s workflow, lots of editing steps have been taken.
I know of no single test doing the same with a 192/24 master, played in original and in decimated form producing the same positive listening experience on full range speakers.

To validate a discovery, it is mandatory that the test can be replicated by others to become generally accepted. To my knowledge this has never been confirmed.

Joined 2003
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Haven't used Erlang. I had to do some coursework in OCaml, Prolog, and Lisp many years ago. Interesting languages but not something I'd want to use regularly. Some functional programming concepts have made it into C# in the latest versions.

Javascript isn't hard or anything. It's a bit of a mess in terms of the versions and variations of the language that are out there (ex. ES5, ES6, Typescript). It's really easy to write terrible code in it because the barrier of entry is low and it's what all web people learn first. I also tend to dislike weakly typed languages.

C++ is where I see a lot of people shooting themselves in the foot.

C, C++ great for embedded programming. I use mbed which is a great light compiler and 32 bit ARM devices are really a huge step up from 8 bit in every way imaginable.
24-bit fixed and 32-bit float audio are essentially the same thing. No dac is really good for more than 21 or 22 bits anyway, but some do play small details more accurately even so. If you still can't hear some of those things maybe start looking at other parts of your system :)

No, you misunderstood......I mean I couldn’t physically play the files.

Tried for 30 minutes! I think 24 bit is my limitation. Everything is run by an iPad. Hence the need for more processing power.
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Thanks Mark, I’ll check out the neutron app and then if it played I’d probably have to get the camera adapter and hardwire it to the dacs usb (both I have will accept 32/384 I believe)
Just haven’t got this far into it yet......probably best bet like I said is to plan a dedicated server setup that will handle everything natively. Like Roon>SGC or similar.

To get the dsp I’m looking for I’m gonna need OSX or Linux anyhow. (No windows!)

Yes, streaming dacs. One (the elac) I know is streaming limited to 24/192 I’ll have to check the Yamaha specs but I know it does 32/384 . Well correction on that, the Yamaha has no usb! Just streaming, will still check though if it will stream it.
The Hint does the 32/384 through the usb......which is all in storage at the moment till spring.

Edit....Yamaha RN-803 manual doesn’t state what it’s streaming limit is, must say not all that important, it’s never been a issue till now!
Would like to be able to have the capability to play it though.
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