John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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Joined 2012
Only that you cannot produce any example of a high power CMA. Wait, I forgot you are using CMA and CFA interchangeable, depending on your mood, color of the sky and what's more convenient in the context.

no I am not using CMA and CFA interchangeably. I have been always talking about CMA. But we design VFA, CFA and CMA products.

I have not listened to the streaming DAC. Nor measured it myself. MQA is a marketing decision. Not my personal opinion of its value to anyone. I wont use it in my home.

And, no, I dont take credit for it nor Damir's design. I thought damir's design had merit by the specs and asked damir to build it. I financed it and when he finished, he sent it to me to measure. It was so good, I listened to it and decided I wanted it for my home system. I can use any body's amp and have plenty to choose from here for free. I put up my own money to have it built to my liking and I retested it; solved grounding issues that prevented the distortion from being its best. Then had them finished. Now I am buying out of my own pocket new OPS devices.
Why? Because it is too costly to sell enough to make it profitable for the company at this time. Once I have it reliable enough, I will put it in the show room and get feedback on it. Depending on results, i may or may not produce it in small quantities. It is a business decision of how to best utilize resources... human and financial.

I guide, facilitate, co-ordinate and offer design suggestions and help solve problems. Others do the details. That is what they are hired to do. I may do some CAD work first but mostly, T&M.evaluations.

The DC Servo we all know and love :) came about the same way, I suggested it as a solution to a problem Walt Jung brought up. He did the design details and published his app. for it. It is a shame on authors, like Cordell and Self who have copious footnotes on sources but no mention of W.Jung as originator of that design. Yet, it is discussed in detail in their books.

That is my M.O.

I am not going into details. you guys can do that. I am not going to give or show you schematics, either of what company produces. If that sounds like an arrogant CEO then so be it.

I give you plenty of clues of what to do or where to look for issues not always covered. Or really simple concepts to explore further. But, you guys want it all. You want all the details...Down to a parts list handed to you on a silver platter. Ain't going to happen that way with me. Get over it.

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Did you send Rod an email?DC Servos

"Interestingly, I received an email from someone who claimed to be the inventor of the DC servo for audio applications, but as it came from a random email address (so my reply bounced) and provided no proof of any kind, I have chosen to ignore the request for attribution. Should the real inventor of the idea be prepared to contact me and provide acceptable proof, then I will include this information."
I am not going to give or show you schematics, either of what company produces. If that sounds like an arrogant CEO then so be it.

Why would a DIY site have any interest in that? It's interesting you keep saying you don't need to be an expert in anything because you can just hire experts and dispose of them when you no longer have use for them and think the audience here admires this somehow even though I know several folks here have been "disposed of". Are you really so thick to not see this?
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Did you send Rod an email?DC Servos

"Interestingly, I received an email from someone who claimed to be the inventor of the DC servo for audio applications, but as it came from a random email address (so my reply bounced) and provided no proof of any kind, I have chosen to ignore the request for attribution. Should the real inventor of the idea be prepared to contact me and provide acceptable proof, then I will include this information."

We used servos for making 0.01Hz low pass filters in noise boxes in 1973.
......Richard you seem to choose a design on measurement as a prime criteria for your choice as opposed how it sounds. Which I find interesting because you seem to be led by the meter rather than it's sonic characteristics.
I would be interested in the square wave response of your amplifier into a reactive (real world) load.

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Joined 2012
Did you send Rod an email?DC Servos

"Interestingly, I received an email from someone who claimed to be the inventor of the DC servo for audio applications, but as it came from a random email address (so my reply bounced) and provided no proof of any kind, I have chosen to ignore the request for attribution. Should the real inventor of the idea be prepared to contact me and provide acceptable proof, then I will include this information."

yes, I did. All he has to do is talk to WJ. Or, find "prior" art before WJ published. He wont find any.

Disabled Account
Joined 2012
Why would a DIY site have any interest in that? It's interesting you keep saying you don't need to be an expert in anything because you can just hire experts and dispose of them when you no longer have use for them and think the audience here admires this somehow even though I know several folks here have been "disposed of". Are you really so thick to not see this?

Thats a big assumption there and some Straw man building. What makes you think I would care what DIY think about my work position and style of management?. I certainly do Not think such practice is to be admired. Its just business and financial decisions. We dont all get to be angels in this world.

When I can, I give back of my own personal time and money. Like my brilliant girl going to university from a "**** Hole" country. Culturally and economically could never get the opportunity. Good EE will always find another job.

Love and Kisses,
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no I am not using CMA and CFA interchangeably. I have been always talking about CMA. But we design VFA, CFA and CMA products.

I have not listened to the streaming DAC. Nor measured it myself. MQA is a marketing decision. Not my personal opinion of its value to anyone. I wont use it in my home.

And, no, I dont take credit for it nor Damir's design. I thought damir's design had merit by the specs and asked damir to build it. I financed it and when he finished, he sent it to me to measure. It was so good, I listened to it and decided I wanted it for my home system. I can use any body's amp and have plenty to choose from here for free. I put up my own money to have it built to my liking and I retested it; solved grounding issues that prevented the distortion from being its best. Then had them finished. Now I am buying out of my own pocket new OPS devices.
Why? Because it is too costly to sell enough to make it profitable for the company at this time. Once I have it reliable enough, I will put it in the show room and get feedback on it. Depending on results, i may or may not produce it in small quantities. It is a business decision of how to best utilize resources... human and financial.

I guide, facilitate, co-ordinate and offer design suggestions and help solve problems. Others do the details. That is what they are hired to do. I may do some CAD work first but mostly, T&M.evaluations.

The DC Servo we all know and love :) came about the same way, I suggested it as a solution to a problem Walt Jung brought up. He did the design details and published his app. for it. It is a shame on authors, like Cordell and Self who have copious footnotes on sources but no mention of W.Jung as originator of that design. Yet, it is discussed in detail in their books.

That is my M.O.

I am not going into details. you guys can do that. I am not going to give or show you schematics, either of what company produces. If that sounds like an arrogant CEO then so be it.

I give you plenty of clues of what to do or where to look for issues not always covered. Or really simple concepts to explore further. But, you guys want it all. You want all the details...Down to a parts list handed to you on a silver platter. Ain't going to happen that way with me. Get over it.

All clear, as much DIYAudio as jasmine in a ****. So, what were you saying you are doing on this forum?
OK we have entered the twilight zone...

Guess I should explain the comment about vinyl.

Jam says high end is mostly about vinyl. Most high end owners he has encountered aren't much into digital. That would my recollection of one of our conversations anyway.

Also, Jam has a way of mentally classifying sound of an audio system in a few different dimensions. He likes the smoothness of analog and seems to be of the opinion that digital is still not quite at the point of the best that can be done with analog. I kind of know what he means since I have been over to his house and listened to his system. We have also auditioned a number of dacs, mostly at my house, but some at his too. By his criteria and the criteria he feels most high end customers are looking for, AK4499 in the best form I am been able to get it yet is almost that smooth (no digititus) and enjoyable to listen to as the best of vinyl, in Jam's view as expressed to me.

Its harder for him to enjoy listening to digital music for as long as analog before he feels like doing something else. That was particularly so with the sound of ESS dacs. Even with AK4499 very carefully powered (something I'm still working on) and with very low jitter clocking, its only the best of HQ Player DSD512 that he feels comes close to what people like about vinyl.

Understood, its hard to see why someone would feel that way when looking at distortion numbers, but that's a perspective one may get from comparing the two formats on a very high end type of system, one of those things if you haven't heard that might not seem to make much sense. That being the case, I probably should have described how good AK4499 with HQ Player can be in different terms, but hard to explain something in words that would convey what it sounds like.

As I have often done before, we would still be happy to have visitors up here in Auburn. Happy to let anyone listen to what we are working on, and then possibly while away a few hours chatting about the world of audio over coffee or other choice of beverage at the nearby Starbucks.
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Disabled Account
Joined 2012
It does a bit and it seems you (CEO) are in the wrong place somehow - this is diy, right?


Go do it yourself. That's my point. I am not a kit builder for anyone. Nor is JC. This is a forum open to learn also how to improve your audio. But JC isnt going to give you everything, either. he will tell you some things which he thinks are important to know or look into. That is all I want to contribute here.

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Thats a big assumption there and some Straw man building. What makes you think I would care what DIY think about my work position and style of management?. I certainly do Not think such practice is to be admired. Its just business and financial decisions. We dont all get to be angels in this world.

When I can, I give back of my own personal time and money. Like my brilliant girl going to university from a "**** Hole" country. Culturally and economically could never get the opportunity. Good EE will always find another job.

And some (including yours truly) are chastising poor Mark4, Dan, and a few others for hidden commercial intentions. They look like innocent kids compared to you.

Thanks for letting everybody know who you really are.
So, go do it yourself. That's my point. I am not a kit builder for you. Nor is JC. This is a forum open to learn also how to improve your audio. But JC isnt going to give you everything, either. he will tell you some things which he thinks are important to know or look into.

Rule 8 and Note 5. The difference between JC and yourself are obvious for anybody with a dose of common sense. For once, you did not contribute with a shred of knowledge on this forum ever, instead ripping off everything and everybody you could. Thanks God your technical understanding is asymptotically zero, so you missed many gems over the years.
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