John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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Joined 2010
Dreamth put up some schematics that both Scott Wurcer and I am associated with the design. This is HOW quality solid state audio has evolved! Take it or leave it. Apparently someone is taking our designs and making something for themselves and others. Go for it!

I'm sorry to be disappointing for both of you, but i am with the Japanese commercial design of Kenwood (Kensonic) and AIWA and i made it clear in a few posts here...


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Joined 2010
You have a narrow definition of nobody.
In my country at least and in Europe in general...but now she's on the wave again.All my friends are into rock since 20-30 years ago , three of them are sound and video engineers(that is how things are in my country, you can't be only a sound engineer, the only university doing this teaches both at the same time), two of them have recording studios for more than a decade and none of them knew her but they instantly appreciated the music once heard.

I discovered her simply by accident and i remember going to Brighton(Nick Cave's place for a long time and full of drugs and experimental music places) every Saturday and Sunday for 5 months looking for her albums and in a few other places up to London and in only one shop there was a girl who said: Wait for a minute, then she went into the basement and came back with 3 cd's .
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Then what was this for?
A Tribute to you both :)
And, besides, i don't know stay on their forums.

Boy child is of the age to be introduced to Raffi. I have to say given it was recorded in a basement his original album is very well done. Simple miking and great sound quality. :p
Are you referring to this?
I have to say that i enjoy it too :)
i made it clear in a few posts here...

Are you disappointed that no one responds to your threads?

Nick Cave's place for a long time and full of drugs and experimental music places

An excellent start. Nick Cave is one of those folks who turns up everywhere like Thurston Moore or Steve Albini all on Mr. Marsh's don't know list who surprise surprise write their own songs.
Are you disappointed that no one responds to your threads?

Possibly...but i won't die if i'm proved to be the most stupid guy on Earth as it's the only way to learn something.Actually being ignored in some of my posts was a bit of a relief as i found big mistakes in my reasoning.Trying to explain others where i think they are wrong brings me the opposite , underlining my own false premises.Unfortunately for me i need to get in contact with people to understand myself...Some might not like this full contact technique of hardening, but i'm a former Kyokushin...
An excellent start. Nick Cave is one of those folks who turns up everywhere like Thurston Moore or Steve Albini all on Mr. Marsh's don't know list who surprise surprise write their own songs.
Well believe it or not, i didn't know Nick Cave have existed until one day when i bought his "Push the sky away" album in a small shop in Brighton. I just bought it because of the label picture...and was like my own personal music.Nick Cave and Mazzy Star...for a full year ..I listened to them for hundreds of times...Y never took any type of known chemical drugs in my entire life except maybe chocolate and sometimes my head is simply exploding...I think that was kind of a drug, listening to that music.
But i'm not exactly the "indie" guy, quite opposite.A decade ago I spent 3 years in rock bars serving just a glass of tap watter every weekend there listening to those guys and bringing them home as i was the only sober guy every each end of the night...They kinda liked me as i was dependable at the end of the show :)
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he moved to LA after his son died as he couldn't stay in Brighton anymore, that is what he said publicly ...I saw that cliff...I saw the people on drugs...Once i wanted to buy two turntables from a second hand shop in Brighton and the guy barely accepted to check if the first one(a betlt drive ) is working.He said: Nobody's questioning me.If i say it's good , it's good.He proved to be wrong but i knew how to fix that Sansui and i asked him to pack it.After that i was looking for a Pioneer direct drive and asked him the same thing with this too, i said, just plug it into the grid to see if it spins! He unpacked the first turntable and showed me the door telling me that he's going to beat me if i ever turn up there again...
So i missed two good turntables just because the seller was on drugs...
The little kids dancing rivaled a Dead concert.
All good fortune,
It might be my limited English, but i don't understand what you say.
Anyway...With you i discover many names i never heard of as in the EU the radio stations are heavily filtering the US music.There's a lot of music that never get here on the usual channels.When i load the Youtube channel they will make a choice based on most of my country's most wanted songs, when i move in the UK, it changes accordingly...Most probably you don't get a glimpse of eastern european music except some famous names with no real value...but the quality of our modern music is really down now...
Look at a funny prostest music against the cheap balcanic trends that engulfed our traditional culture:
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Do you honestly think the average person here listens to any of that list regularly?

Here's a list I guarantee never covered any Billy Joel, et al tunes.......Acid Mothers Temple, Astro, Aube, Boredoms, C.C.C.C., Crack Fierce, Diesel Guitar, Fushitsusha, The Gerogerigegege, Government Alpha, Hanatarash, Hijōkaidan, Incapacitants, Killer Bull, KK Null, Mainliner, Masonna, Melt-Banana, Merzbow, Monde Bruits, Ruins, Solmania, Space Streakings, Violent Onsen Geisha
You left out Test Dept, here's a track for you and Andrew - Two Flames .
Test Dept - Two Flames.wav is the original file, Two Flames - GC.wav is loopback recording using GoopCable©.
Listen For The Difference©, and discuss, suggest other test tracks, I'm all ears.

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