Which company has the best looking volume knob on their amps?

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Outside the box: Smeg cooker knob ;)
Look for manufacturers of knobs. Also, look on old radios (amateur and otherwise), and test equipment for interesting knobs.

I like Raytheon knobs (among others). Here's Openscad code for a larger one that I measured and wrote this to reproduce. With Openscad you can make an STL file of this and 3d print it:
// Big Raytheon knob.
// Ben Bradley June 14, 02018

$fn = 256;

inch_to_mm_scale = 25.4;

height = 2;
outer_skirt_radius = 2.438 / 2;
inner_skirt_radius = 1.670 / 2;
skirt_thickness = 0.060;
skirt_offset = 0.110;

neck_heigth = 0.080;

ribs_heigth      = 0.635;
ribs_inner_radius = 0.8655;

top_radius = 0.8017;
top_first_heigth = 0.0165;
top_last_heigth  = 0.1805;
// distance 0.81
// 0.1805 - 0.0165 = 0.164;
// 0.164 / 0.81 = 11 degrees
cube_heigth = 0.5;

under_heigth = 0.353;
under_radius = 1.4565 / 2;

rib_radius = 0.030;
number_of_ribs = 60;

rib_radius_inset = 0.01;
rib_surround_radius = ribs_inner_radius - rib_radius_inset;

module ribs (ribs_heigth, rib_radius, rib_surround_radius, number_of_ribs)

	for (i_angle = [0:360/number_of_ribs:359])
				cylinder (ribs_heigth, r = rib_radius, center = false);

} // module ribs (ribs_heigth, rib_radius, rib_surround_radius, number_of_ribs)

module slant_top()

	rotate ([11, 0, 0])
		translate ([-outer_skirt_radius, -outer_skirt_radius, skirt_offset + skirt_thickness + neck_heigth + ribs_heigth + top_last_heigth])
			cube ([outer_skirt_radius * 2, outer_skirt_radius * 2, cube_heigth]);

	rotate ([-11, 0, 0])
		translate ([-outer_skirt_radius, -outer_skirt_radius, skirt_offset + skirt_thickness + neck_heigth + ribs_heigth + top_last_heigth])
			cube ([outer_skirt_radius * 2, outer_skirt_radius * 2, cube_heigth]);

} // module slant_top()

module body()

	difference ()
		union ()
			cylinder (skirt_thickness, r = outer_skirt_radius, center = false);

			translate ([0, 0, skirt_thickness])
				cylinder (skirt_offset, r1 = outer_skirt_radius, r2 = inner_skirt_radius, center = false);

			translate ([0, 0, skirt_offset + skirt_thickness])
				cylinder (neck_heigth, r = inner_skirt_radius, center = false);

			translate ([0, 0, skirt_offset + skirt_thickness + neck_heigth])
				cylinder (ribs_heigth, r = ribs_inner_radius, center = false);

			translate ([0, 0, skirt_offset + skirt_thickness + neck_heigth])
				ribs (ribs_heigth, rib_radius, rib_surround_radius, number_of_ribs);

			translate ([0, 0, skirt_offset + skirt_thickness + neck_heigth + ribs_heigth])
				cylinder (top_first_heigth + top_last_heigth + 0.005, r = top_radius, center = false);
		} // union ()

			cylinder (under_heigth, r = under_radius, center = false);

	} // difference ()

} // module body()

module draw_to_scale (n)
	scale ([n, n, n])
} // module draw_to_scale (n)

draw_to_scale (inch_to_mm_scale);
Look for manufacturers of knobs. Also, look on old radios (amateur and otherwise), and test equipment for interesting knobs.

I like Raytheon knobs (among others). Here's Openscad code for a larger one that I measured and wrote this to reproduce. With Openscad you can make an STL file of this and 3d print it:
// Big Raytheon knob.
// Ben Bradley June 14, 02018

$fn = 256;

inch_to_mm_scale = 25.4;

height = 2;
outer_skirt_radius = 2.438 / 2;
inner_skirt_radius = 1.670 / 2;
skirt_thickness = 0.060;
skirt_offset = 0.110;

neck_heigth = 0.080;

ribs_heigth      = 0.635;
ribs_inner_radius = 0.8655;

top_radius = 0.8017;
top_first_heigth = 0.0165;
top_last_heigth  = 0.1805;
// distance 0.81
// 0.1805 - 0.0165 = 0.164;
// 0.164 / 0.81 = 11 degrees
cube_heigth = 0.5;

under_heigth = 0.353;
under_radius = 1.4565 / 2;

rib_radius = 0.030;
number_of_ribs = 60;

rib_radius_inset = 0.01;
rib_surround_radius = ribs_inner_radius - rib_radius_inset;

module ribs (ribs_heigth, rib_radius, rib_surround_radius, number_of_ribs)

	for (i_angle = [0:360/number_of_ribs:359])
				cylinder (ribs_heigth, r = rib_radius, center = false);

} // module ribs (ribs_heigth, rib_radius, rib_surround_radius, number_of_ribs)

module slant_top()

	rotate ([11, 0, 0])
		translate ([-outer_skirt_radius, -outer_skirt_radius, skirt_offset + skirt_thickness + neck_heigth + ribs_heigth + top_last_heigth])
			cube ([outer_skirt_radius * 2, outer_skirt_radius * 2, cube_heigth]);

	rotate ([-11, 0, 0])
		translate ([-outer_skirt_radius, -outer_skirt_radius, skirt_offset + skirt_thickness + neck_heigth + ribs_heigth + top_last_heigth])
			cube ([outer_skirt_radius * 2, outer_skirt_radius * 2, cube_heigth]);

} // module slant_top()

module body()

	difference ()
		union ()
			cylinder (skirt_thickness, r = outer_skirt_radius, center = false);

			translate ([0, 0, skirt_thickness])
				cylinder (skirt_offset, r1 = outer_skirt_radius, r2 = inner_skirt_radius, center = false);

			translate ([0, 0, skirt_offset + skirt_thickness])
				cylinder (neck_heigth, r = inner_skirt_radius, center = false);

			translate ([0, 0, skirt_offset + skirt_thickness + neck_heigth])
				cylinder (ribs_heigth, r = ribs_inner_radius, center = false);

			translate ([0, 0, skirt_offset + skirt_thickness + neck_heigth])
				ribs (ribs_heigth, rib_radius, rib_surround_radius, number_of_ribs);

			translate ([0, 0, skirt_offset + skirt_thickness + neck_heigth + ribs_heigth])
				cylinder (top_first_heigth + top_last_heigth + 0.005, r = top_radius, center = false);
		} // union ()

			cylinder (under_heigth, r = under_radius, center = false);

	} // difference ()

} // module body()

module draw_to_scale (n)
	scale ([n, n, n])
} // module draw_to_scale (n)

draw_to_scale (inch_to_mm_scale);

Yes me too but the surplus supply became touch and go.
When some are located they are expensive.
Thanks for the cad file.
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