DIY Audio Analyzer with AK5397/AK5394A and AK4490

I received the kit on Friday, thanks RTX.

Just installed it today. I replaced the 1k5 0805 resistors with mini-melf, as that allows me to align the components at right angles.


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Hi Jens,
I got he kit too a couple of days ago and I just did the mods.
Well it has been a challenge for me as those parts are sooo small so it took me a couple of hours to get them in place !
Anyway, it seems that everything works well on a quick and dirty test (one channel loop, on XLR, 192ks, stepped sinus, switches 1V/1V, -4dB)


  • RTX6001.pdf
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I experienced a nasty short distortion when I listened music with the RTX6001. To make it short, it turned out that the piece contains a negative FS sample which causes the problem (with the RTX only).

Attached a loopback recording (upper tracks: out 0dBV, lower tracks: in 10dbV) of the area in question - see timeline 0.3385.
I assume it is some kind of overflow in the digital data processing, most likely due to the fact that I2S uses 2-complement numbers and the computer 1-complement integers.
The most likely culprit, I think, is the RTX USB receiver software, otherwise it would be in the DAC chip itself.

I also attached the .wav sound file clip in the zip.


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the RTX is a piece of test equipment, it is supposed to show you *exactly* what the digital source looks like, error correction is not good here.

Suppressing errors is not allowed in test equipment.


I did not say one should suppress errors. I said (or wanted to do so) the RTX produces a wrong output (i.e. something that is not in the input data) in this special case.
As far as I know, WAV, the USB standard and the I2S standard all use two's complement. So where does the one's complement come from?

True, my error, yes the data is also 2-complement - so that guess for the source of the problem was wrong.
However the problem exists.
Other guess - you inverted the polarity - in two complement the magnitude of the maximal negative number is one more than the maximal positive number. Perhaps here something went wrong?
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I assume it is some kind of overflow in the digital data processing, most likely due to the fact that I2S uses 2-complement numbers and the computer 1-complement integers.
The most likely culprit, I think, is the RTX USB receiver software, otherwise it would be in the DAC chip itself.

Could it be the audio player software messing up the processing? Can you try different playback software to rule this out?
Joined 2004
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Overflow like that happens when the digital filter peaks an incoming waveform. its not common. Usually the system has been adjusted so worst case peaking doesn't cause digital overflow. I have not seen that on an AKM DAC but there is always a first time.

I don't think there is any digital filtering or level adjust in the XMOS interface.

Several things to check.