Russian L3-3 tube tester

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    L_3-3 - TubeTester - Trafo.jpg
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1. I can't measure the Ua on the meter. It sounds like a bad contact on the rotary switch. Any tips for dismantling it and cleaning it? It seems like a complex stuff. Im scared with the amount of connections and whether I could bring all the wafers together again!

Not sure if you've managed to repair your L3-3 in the mean time or not.
My L3-3 has issues with the uAmeter / isolation tester and as it turns out there is an issue with the right hand "parameter" switch or to be more specific there is an issue with the switch's wiring.

It appears that the isolation used on the wiring has deteriorated over time and there are severe leakage currents. I've checked this by disconnecting the wiper of R123 and disconnecting the two wires going to the uAmeter. Then I've connected one lead of a multimeter to one of the wires and another one to chassis ground. It is possible to get varying readings between 2k-10Mohm just by poking around the wiring of the right hand switch. This is particularly annoying as there are high voltages lines going to this switch as well and shorting the anode supply or internal 250V supply to ground will result in costly damage.

Needless to say, that I'm very much not looking forward to rewiring the switch as there is no space to maneuver with the soldering iron and many heavy gauge connections going in all directions.

I'll try to source a spare switch somewhere, copy the wiring and then install the whole assembly.
Hey guys!

Is this Thread on Kalibr L3-3 still alive and do any of you still coming here or checking up on this Thread?

This is my first Post in this Thread and on this Forum. For now I just want to see how many of you with L3-3 (and L1-3) are here because I bought two Kalibrs. One L3-3 came the other day. It's sitting now in my room. I am leaving it for a few days to acclimatize. I opened it up and check only basics. Did not go inside and powered it on. It is used but looks fantastic. It was tested and checked for complete systems and electronics 4 months before I bought it. Got all Cards and cabling but that is all. No wooden crate, no spare Tubes (Kalibr's own Tubes), no nothing. Just Kalibr and Cards.

Also, I have found another Kalibr, L1-3 and it is on my Customs as I write this. This other one, by looking at the photos that gentleman sent me, has Tubes, cabling, wooden crate for spare stuff and Tubes. So, I will see whe it finally arrives it's real condition.

Anyway, I am new in vintage electronic equipment but I am reading all sorts of sources (like all of mentioned here and all over, the most important and of great importance and quality of information, of course) and I just wanted to ask all of you when I will have some questions or if I come for suggestions, please be patient.

I have found out some remarkable stuff here already ao thank you all for sharing!

Looking forward participating as much as I can here.

Thank you girls & boys!!!



I finally put out a new alpha release on my card generator:

L3-3 Test Card Generator download |

Still the old disclaimer: It's an alpha version and as a single developer, it's not possible for me to test all eventualities, so there may still be bugs which can lead to damage to your tester or tested tube. Please check every card carefully before using it on a real device.


Lately I have started for the first time my L3-3 which I bought about one year ago.
O course I had to use a variac avoid blowing up capacitors:) Fortunately everything went ok. Then few days of warming up and calibration process. My L3-3 seems to work perfect and after the calibration process parameters seems to be stable.

Unfortunately I don't have original cards fo it (I have downloaded them). I intend to buy some from JACmusic. However at this moment I would like to measure some ecc82 tubes, becouse I have few pairs. Unfortunately Russian setup of cards don't contain cardfor ecc82.

I would like to ask you if someone has the ecc82 card and could share it on the forum?

Best wishes in 2020!

I'v made measurements of 4 pairs of my ecc82 tubes. Of course before once again I'v made calibration. The results seems to be propper.
However, I think I was too optimistic in the scope of parameters stability of my L3-3.
I have some variation of 250V, sometimes my multimeter shows 250V and sometimes eg. 253V or 255. Is it normal or maybe my tester require much longer warming up after so many years?

The frequency seems to more stable (1400Hz, and sometimes 1399 but thats all). The amplitude (450mV) vary between 450 and 453 and I think is dependent from 250V.

And one more question, can I use 6p3s card for testing 6L6 tubes or maybe dedicated card can be found someware?

L3-3 Tube Tester

Hi Sebastian,

normally the 250V are very stable. Therefore is extra stabilizer with VL16 and VL17. I would look around here. Trimpot R169?
My L1-3 needs one hour to get stable parameters, on my L3-3 I take also min. one hour before calibration.
And yes, you can use the 6p3s card for testing 6L6 tubes, its the same tube.

Best regards

Hi Sebastian,

yes, I made a card for warmup and proof of calibration before measuring.

I take a quick look to µA-Meter, line voltage and transductance meter.

Normally is not much to adjust after one hour or more warmup time.

If you must go faster then µA-Meter and conductance need adjusting from time to time until calibration is stabil.

Cheers Arthur


  • Karte Eichen.pdf
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I got two sets of L1-3 for almost free. Both were very ugly, dirty and another without cabinet. One power cable and set of cards.
I have tested first one and looks promising. Preliminary check of voltages are ok except 250V test. There is nothing.
I have found schematic for L3-3 but no L1-3.
If you have scanned file or link where to download, please help.
Now i have made some measurements: Looks like internal +250v control unit is working. I can adjust unit output to 250v (measured with multimeter from R167 and R168 junction. Refer L3-3 schematic by M.Michalzik, V2s)
When i put multimeter from uA meter +pole to ground and push S7, there is also 250v. Shunt resistor R84, 400ohms (switchS2, deck 2) is ok. Deck 5 pin 5 to ground is open. There should be R43, 1k.
I put extra 1/8W 1k resisror series with mA meter from pin 5 to ground (parallel with R43) Resistor burns righ away. Current was over 100 mA! ??
All other measurement (Uc1, Uc2, Ua and mains with pushing S8)works ok, also after this extra resistor test. :)

What next?
Hi Sebastian,

you need to search for Russian eqivalent Tube labeled 6N6P. It is supposedly exact match electrically and most likely in all vlaues. This latter you need to ask someone more experienced.

Anyway, if you will not be able to find anywhere that card I will need to check my tester and get all the cards out. But I am pretty sure now that you know equivalent that you will be able to find it online in no time! ;-)

You will get a lot of help here. This is great forum for such things!

Best regards and stay safe all!
