Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hello Veazer,

my main Problem is, that i didnt have any Ethernet connection on my PI.
It is installed in the CAR and only Wifi must work.

But when no ETH is connected i have two major Problems:

1. longer Boot time, 1min without ETH. With ETH it Boots in 39 sec.

2. When the start Screen from Moode comes UP, it is only white with no Cover Infos or Title Infos. After a manual Refresh everything is back again.

Because of this Problem, i am looking for a solution to make the boot faster and showing the correct Screen without having to press refresh.
In the Car it is not a good idea to press this tiny buttons to refresh the display.

Best Regards, Mirko

If by CAR you mean an automobile, if you have a Pi3 or compatible network adapter, you can use Moode’s built-in AP mode, which automatically creates a network with dhcp active.

Turn off ‘Wait for eth0 address’ and it should boot in under 30 seconds and be waiting to connect.
Amen to this. If you like moOde, show your appreciation by helping compensate for the project costs, which include Tim's seemingly inexhaustible time.

The whole world of free and open source(FOSS) software is suffering from the odd notion that it is automagically free of costs [hint: it's not!]. I can't save the world but I do what I can to support Tim.



As the new Pi 3B+ has been released, maybe someone can send one to Tim for testing?

I got the last one - someone else’s turn.
I could not find a sure answer whether the UI is built in. It simply doesn't work for me. Have built the moode is image twice from scratch - same result... maybe I'm doing something wrong and have no idea what. Everything works otherwise well > web, sound, files, usb, wifi... even the screen - just no touch UI. Have tried the official Pi Touch 7" & some cheap HDMI Display - same result: no UI.

Have you performed this task (from the build recipe)

4. Configure Chrome Browser

NOTE: These steps are performed AFTER actually starting local display via System config,
rebooting and then accessing moOde on the local display.

a. Connect a keyboard.
b. Press Ctrl-t to open a separate instance of Chrome Browser.
c. Enter url chrome://flags and scroll down to Overlay Scrollbars and enable the setting.
d. Optionally, enter url chrome://extensions and install the xontab virtual keyboard extension.


As the new Pi 3B+ has been released, maybe someone can send one to Tim for testing?

I got the last one - someone else’s turn.

Just saw the RaspberryPi Blog announcement this morning. Sadly, still no USB3.0, AFAICT.

The attractions for me are the great bumps in wired and wireless networking capabilities and the claimed fixes to PXE network boot and USB mass-storage boot issues. I probably won't notice the 20 percent increase in CPU speed and the PoE support is a non-feature for me, but these could seal the deal for some.

All in all, a nice technology refresh with no increase in price. No estimate on local availability (yet) and Newark/Element14 reports they are on back order.

Just saw the RaspberryPi Blog announcement this morning. Sadly, still no USB3.0, AFAICT.

The attractions for me are the great bumps in wired and wireless networking capabilities and the claimed fixes to PXE network boot and USB mass-storage boot issues. I probably won't notice the 20 percent increase in CPU speed and the PoE support is a non-feature for me, but these could seal the deal for some.

All in all, a nice technology refresh with no increase in price. No estimate on local availability (yet) and Newark/Element14 reports they are on back order.


Maybe we can hope that the new chip about internal WiFi and internal Bluetooth can solve audio stuttering problem ... Solving this issue could be a good bump too :D


Just an FYI that while waiting to wrap things up for upcoming moOde 4.1 update, @swizzle and I took some time to improve the volume control and Pi Touch UI :)

The volume control for mobile is now a popup. A tap on the center number toggles mute. The plus and minus buttons are volume steps. This design is easy to use and makes for a more streamlined, minimalist UI.



Really like these coming UI changes! Thanks for your responsiveness to feedback and hard, continued work on this. Really appreciated.
Is this what the UI should look like?


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Hello Veazer,

my main Problem is, that i didnt have any Ethernet connection on my PI.
It is installed in the CAR and only Wifi must work.

But when no ETH is connected i have two major Problems:

1. longer Boot time, 1min without ETH. With ETH it Boots in 39 sec.

2. When the start Screen from Moode comes UP, it is only white with no Cover Infos or Title Infos. After a manual Refresh everything is back again.

Because of this Problem, i am looking for a solution to make the boot faster and showing the correct Screen without having to press refresh.
In the Car it is not a good idea to press this tiny buttons to refresh the display.

Best Regards, Mirko

Probably you'd be better off by setting up a RPi player with a vanilla distro + a touchscreen (no need for headless player). You can even discard the HAT DAC as the in-car audio is no match to the usual home Hi-Fi equipment (normally)... The problem would be to figure out the location of the Touchscreen...
Edit: I can see you are in an iPad. Clicking the refresh button about ten times quickly would do the trick.
Holding down the reload “button” until you get the popup and then choosing the reload without content blockers menu item has worked for me in iOS. Maybe we should version the filenames a bit on major updates so the browsers don’t get so sticky.
Hello Zootalaws,

Yes i mean in an Automobile.

The Wlan Network is not the Problem, this one works without any Problems.

ETH0 is my Problem for the long boot time and the Disply Problem.

And no, wait for eth 0 address dosnt help to get better boot time.

I found out, that only a ethernet connection helps to solve this Problem.
Now i have orderd a mini router, so this one is only needed to make eth0 discover a real Network connection. No need for DHCP, a simple connection fixed the Problem.

Best regards, Mirko

If by CAR you mean an automobile, if you have a Pi3 or compatible network adapter, you can use Moode’s built-in AP mode, which automatically creates a network with dhcp active.

Turn off ‘Wait for eth0 address’ and it should boot in under 30 seconds and be waiting to connect.
Hello CallMeMike,

i think i dont need another distro.
The complete moode System makes everything i need.

My setup looks like this:
Pi3, SUSV, Hifiberry Digi+ Pro and the original Touch Screen from PI.

Everything is perfectly mounted behind the Screen, starts and Stoppes with the car.

Audio from the Pi is send over SPDIF to an DSP.

I need wifi only for Remote use, so i can use a Tablet or Smartphone to switch the tracks if i want to.

Best Regards, Mirko

Probably you'd be better off by setting up a RPi player with a vanilla distro + a touchscreen (no need for headless player). You can even discard the HAT DAC as the in-car audio is no match to the usual home Hi-Fi equipment (normally)... The problem would be to figure out the location of the Touchscreen...
Hey klicker09,

You could try changing :
auto eth0
in /etc/network/interfaces file by :
allow-hotplug eth0

This could be better (no wait time without eth plugged)

However, this change could be broke by UI network settings ... so backup the file if you want to revert later.

This must be done for testing purpose atm. If it solve your problem, Tim could look further if this change could be a problem with his network UI settings management ;)

