Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hi @skypoke,

Post moode log and the brief form of the build log.

cat /var/log/moode.log


~ $ mosbrief
// STEP 2 - Direct build so no need to expand Root partition
// STEP 3A - Install core packages
// STEP 3B - Install core packages
// STEP 4 - Install enhanced networking
** Error: install failed
** Error: image build exited
** Error: reboot to resume the build
// STEP 3B - Install core packages
// STEP 4 - Install enhanced networking
** Compile bluez-alsa
// STEP 5 - Install Rotary encoder driver
** Compile WiringPi
** Compile rotary encoder driver
// STEP 6 - Compile and install MPD
// STEP 7 - Create moOde runtime environment
// STEP 8 - Install moOde sources and configs
// STEP 9 - Alsaequal
** STEP 10 - Squashfs option not selected
// STEP 11 - Optionally, install latest Linux Kernel
// STEP 12 - Launch and configure moOde!
// STEP 13 - Final prep for image
// COMPONENT 2 - Auto-shuffle
// COMPONENT 3 - MPD Audio Scrobbler
// COMPONENT 4 - Shairport-sync
// COMPONENT 5 - Squeezelite
// COMPONENT 6 - Upmpdcli
** Compile Libupnp jfd5
** Compile Libupnpp
** Compile Upmpdcli
** Compile Upexplorer
// COMPONENT 7 - Optionally install gmusicapi
// COMPONENT 8 - Local UI display
// COMPONENT 9 - Allo Piano 2.1 Firmware
// END

$ cat /var/log/moode.log
20180209 202346 worker: - Start
20180209 202346 worker: Successfully daemonized
20180209 202346 worker: - Init
20180209 202346 worker: Session loaded
20180209 202346 worker: Debug logging (off)
20180209 202349 worker: Host (moode)
20180209 202349 worker: Hdwr (Pi-3B 1GB v1.2)
20180209 202349 worker: Arch (armv7l)
20180209 202349 worker: Kver (4.9.79-v7+)
20180209 202349 worker: Ktyp (Standard)
20180209 202349 worker: Gov (performance)
20180209 202349 worker: Rel (Moode 4.0 2018-01-26)
20180209 202349 worker: Upd (None)
20180209 202349 worker: MPD (0.20.12)
20180209 202349 worker: USB boot not enabled yet
20180209 202350 worker: File system expanded
20180209 202350 worker: HDMI port on
20180209 202351 worker: File check ok
20180209 202351 worker: - Network
20180209 202351 worker: eth0 exists
20180209 202351 worker: eth0 (
20180209 202351 worker: wlan0 exists
20180209 202351 worker: wlan0 SSID is blank
20180209 202351 worker: eth0 addr exists, AP mode not started
20180209 202351 worker: wlan0 address not assigned
20180209 202351 worker: - Audio
20180209 202351 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20180209 202351 worker: Audio out (I2S audio device)
20180209 202351 worker: Audio dev (IQaudIO Pi-DAC PRO)
20180209 202351 worker: ALSA mixer name (Digital)
20180209 202351 worker: MPD volume control (disabled)
20180209 202352 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20180209 202352 worker: Chip options (Burr Brown PCM5242)
20180209 202352 worker: - Services
20180209 202354 worker: MPD started
20180209 202354 worker: MPD scheduler policy (time-share)
20180209 202354 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (off)
20180209 202354 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (off)
20180209 202354 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (on)
20180209 202354 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
20180209 202354 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20180209 202354 worker: UPnP renderer started
20180209 202354 worker: DLNA server started
20180209 202354 worker: - Last
20180209 202354 worker: USB sources (53CF-85CF)
20180209 202354 worker: NAS sources (mountall initiated)
20180209 202355 worker: Volume level (0) restored
20180209 202355 worker: Maintenance interval (21600)
20180209 202355 worker: Watchdog started
20180209 202355 worker: Ready
20180210 022747 worker: Maintenance completed
20180210 082839 worker: Maintenance completed
I‘m having the official 4.0 since yesterday.

Things are a lot more shiny regarding ui and usability, great job!

I‘m experiencing some glitches, though. I can‘t use the inbuild player function if squeezerenderer is enabled. When streaming music via logitechmediaserver, the volumesetting is messy, it seems two or more volume controls fighting each other: using the volume silder in the logitech server can make the output unconditionally much louder or barely unhearable, same can happen when using moodes audio control.

The ui renders not complete (missing controls in a random manner) when using squeezerenderer.

Also, subjectivly, the sound quality is better (more easy, more rhythmic, less stressy Highs) using squeeze than with moodes inbuild player function, although I‘m playing the very same files from my main computer.
I can see that this may be regarded as subjective, or even ‚wrong‘, but is nonetheless my perception.
Hi Tim, hi All!

Have installed 4.0 with automated os-installer now. Same results as with 'manual-recipe-method'.

1) WLAN still isn't working- at least AP Mode seems to be out of function.
'not in use' is stated at the wlan-section. Also no moode-network detected.

2) The time-circle isn't displayed via phone-control (Galaxy Note8 using the samsung browser). On PC-Desktop this is fine.

Everything else seems to work for me;-) Improvement in sound! Even without the kernel playarounds;-)

Greetingz, Robert

Just a heads up that I've turned off the internal "install latest kernel" option in the official Image Builder at due to Raspbian Team bump to the new 4.14.y kernel branch and a requirement for yN confirmation to install the new kernel that can't be scripted to Y.

pi@rp3:~ $ sudo PRUNE_MODULES=1 rpi-update
*** Raspberry Pi firmware updater by Hexxeh, enhanced by AndrewS and Dom
*** Performing self-update
*** Relaunching after update
*** Raspberry Pi firmware updater by Hexxeh, enhanced by AndrewS and Dom
WARNING: This update bumps to rpi-4.14.y linux tree
Be aware there could be compatibility issues with some drivers
Discussion here:
Moving Linux kernel to 4.14 - Raspberry Pi Forums
Would you like to proceed? (y/N)
pi@rp3:~ $

TBD whether this branch update causes breakage :-0


Yes, it broke my Moode player's ability to mount (using CIFS) a disk drive shared from my TP-Link router.

Still checking out possible mount options to fix it.

Sorted! Needed to add

to the end of the mount string.


It also causes issue with touch input on Raspberry Pi Touch. I'll have to periodically check 4.14.y issue list and see whats up with this. Btw, this is typical when bumping to a completely new kernel branch. There are always lots of issues in the beginning...

Official Image Builder at has been updated with 4.9.79 Git hash so this particular kernel gets automatically installed.

~ $ mosbrief
// STEP 2 - Direct build so no need to expand Root partition
// STEP 3A - Install core packages
// STEP 3B - Install core packages
// STEP 4 - Install enhanced networking
** Error: install failed
** Error: image build exited
** Error: reboot to resume the build
// STEP 3B - Install core packages
// STEP 4 - Install enhanced networking
** Compile bluez-alsa
// STEP 5 - Install Rotary encoder driver
** Compile WiringPi
** Compile rotary encoder driver
// STEP 6 - Compile and install MPD
// STEP 7 - Create moOde runtime environment
// STEP 8 - Install moOde sources and configs
// STEP 9 - Alsaequal
** STEP 10 - Squashfs option not selected
// STEP 11 - Optionally, install latest Linux Kernel
// STEP 12 - Launch and configure moOde!
// STEP 13 - Final prep for image
// COMPONENT 2 - Auto-shuffle
// COMPONENT 3 - MPD Audio Scrobbler
// COMPONENT 4 - Shairport-sync
// COMPONENT 5 - Squeezelite
// COMPONENT 6 - Upmpdcli
** Compile Libupnp jfd5
** Compile Libupnpp
** Compile Upmpdcli
** Compile Upexplorer
// COMPONENT 7 - Optionally install gmusicapi
// COMPONENT 8 - Local UI display
// COMPONENT 9 - Allo Piano 2.1 Firmware
// END

$ cat /var/log/moode.log
20180209 202346 worker: - Start
20180209 202346 worker: Successfully daemonized
20180209 202346 worker: - Init
20180209 202346 worker: Session loaded
20180209 202346 worker: Debug logging (off)
20180209 202349 worker: Host (moode)
20180209 202349 worker: Hdwr (Pi-3B 1GB v1.2)
20180209 202349 worker: Arch (armv7l)
20180209 202349 worker: Kver (4.9.79-v7+)
20180209 202349 worker: Ktyp (Standard)
20180209 202349 worker: Gov (performance)
20180209 202349 worker: Rel (Moode 4.0 2018-01-26)
20180209 202349 worker: Upd (None)
20180209 202349 worker: MPD (0.20.12)
20180209 202349 worker: USB boot not enabled yet
20180209 202350 worker: File system expanded
20180209 202350 worker: HDMI port on
20180209 202351 worker: File check ok
20180209 202351 worker: - Network
20180209 202351 worker: eth0 exists
20180209 202351 worker: eth0 (
20180209 202351 worker: wlan0 exists
20180209 202351 worker: wlan0 SSID is blank
20180209 202351 worker: eth0 addr exists, AP mode not started
20180209 202351 worker: wlan0 address not assigned
20180209 202351 worker: - Audio
20180209 202351 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20180209 202351 worker: Audio out (I2S audio device)
20180209 202351 worker: Audio dev (IQaudIO Pi-DAC PRO)
20180209 202351 worker: ALSA mixer name (Digital)
20180209 202351 worker: MPD volume control (disabled)
20180209 202352 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20180209 202352 worker: Chip options (Burr Brown PCM5242)
20180209 202352 worker: - Services
20180209 202354 worker: MPD started
20180209 202354 worker: MPD scheduler policy (time-share)
20180209 202354 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (off)
20180209 202354 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (off)
20180209 202354 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (on)
20180209 202354 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
20180209 202354 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20180209 202354 worker: UPnP renderer started
20180209 202354 worker: DLNA server started
20180209 202354 worker: - Last
20180209 202354 worker: USB sources (53CF-85CF)
20180209 202354 worker: NAS sources (mountall initiated)
20180209 202355 worker: Volume level (0) restored
20180209 202355 worker: Maintenance interval (21600)
20180209 202355 worker: Watchdog started
20180209 202355 worker: Ready
20180210 022747 worker: Maintenance completed
20180210 082839 worker: Maintenance completed

Looks ok. What was your original issue?

I almost was able o get 4.0 to install yet it keeps bombing after step 11. I have tried 3 Micro sd cards. I used Moode.local to access the app and tried Moode>system / download image builder yet no luck. Can anyone please assist? Is there another way to get 4.0 working?

Re-download the official Builder and create a new build. I've just updated it to install 4.9.79 kernel in step 11 instead of "latest" 4.14.y branch which will bomb step 11.

I‘m having the official 4.0 since yesterday.

Things are a lot more shiny regarding ui and usability, great job!

I‘m experiencing some glitches, though. I can‘t use the inbuild player function if squeezerenderer is enabled. When streaming music via logitechmediaserver, the volumesetting is messy, it seems two or more volume controls fighting each other: using the volume silder in the logitech server can make the output unconditionally much louder or barely unhearable, same can happen when using moodes audio control.

The ui renders not complete (missing controls in a random manner) when using squeezerenderer.

Also, subjectivly, the sound quality is better (more easy, more rhythmic, less stressy Highs) using squeeze than with moodes inbuild player function, although I‘m playing the very same files from my main computer.
I can see that this may be regarded as subjective, or even ‚wrong‘, but is nonetheless my perception.

Airplay is the only renderer that is session based and can happily coexist with MPD. Other renderers including Bluetooth and Squeezelite will hog the audio output. All the audio renderers including Airplay control volume via their client applications and are separate from MPD volume.

Hi Tim, hi All!

Have installed 4.0 with automated os-installer now. Same results as with 'manual-recipe-method'.

1) WLAN still isn't working- at least AP Mode seems to be out of function.
'not in use' is stated at the wlan-section. Also no moode-network detected.

2) The time-circle isn't displayed via phone-control (Galaxy Note8 using the samsung browser). On PC-Desktop this is fine.

Everything else seems to work for me;-) Improvement in sound! Even without the kernel playarounds;-)

Greetingz, Robert

Hi Robert,

Something must be broke :-0

Send me an email and Ill help troubleshoot.

Hi all,

I tried now two times to install Release 4 on my Raspberry, both times it stucked during "STEP 6 - Compile and install MPD" with following error:

E: Failed to fetch 503 Service Unavailable [IP: 80]
E: Failed to fetch 503 Service Unavailable [IP: 80]
E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
** Error: install failed
** Error: image build exited
** Error: reboot to resume the build

I tried also

pi@moode:~ $ sudo apt-get update
Hit:1 Index of /debian stretch InRelease
Hit:2 Index of /raspbian stretch InRelease
Reading package lists... Done
pi@moode:~ $ cat /etc/debian_version
pi@moode:~ $

With my browser I can download the files manually without any problem!
- libavcodec-dev_3.2.10-1~deb9u1+rpt1_armhf.deb
- libswresample-dev_3.2.10-1~deb9u1+rpt1_armhf.deb

Any ideas ?
Last edited:
Re-download the official Builder and create a new build. I've just updated it to install 4.9.79 kernel in step 11 instead of "latest" 4.14.y branch which will bomb step 11.


Hi all,

I tried now two times to install Release 4 on my Raspberry, both times it stucked during "STEP 6 - Compile and install MPD" with following error:

E: Failed to fetch 503 Service Unavailable [IP: 80]
E: Failed to fetch 503 Service Unavailable [IP: 80]
E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
** Error: install failed
** Error: image build exited
** Error: reboot to resume the build

I tried also

pi@moode:~ $ sudo apt-get update
Hit:1 Index of /debian stretch InRelease
Hit:2 Index of /raspbian stretch InRelease
Reading package lists... Done
pi@moode:~ $ cat /etc/debian_version
pi@moode:~ $

With my browser I can download the files manually without any problem!
- libavcodec-dev_3.2.10-1~deb9u1+rpt1_armhf.deb
- libswresample-dev_3.2.10-1~deb9u1+rpt1_armhf.deb

Any ideas ?


The repos are probably just really busy and congested.

Make sure you re-download the Builder and make a new build otherwise it will bomb in step 11 as a result of the new 4.14.y kernel install that forces a yN prompt.

I am using moode image latest version 4.0 on a RPi 3 + Allo BOSS. I have got 2 USB HDD connected to Pi through a powered USB Hub. Both the USBs get detected in all KODI installations as well as Rune Audio installations. While updating Music Library, both the drives are scanned.
In Moode, only one USB HDD is shown in USB drive and while updating library only one HDD music files are uploaded. I have to disconnect one HDD to get the other scanned. However, both the drives are detected and mounted when I use df command. Why is it that only USB HDD gets scanned at a time?
Secondly when I try to copy files from my PC to Moode through wifi in SSH, copy access is denied. How to get it enabled. I can't find the moode DEV mode from which I may give copy access. Dont know. Pl guide
Installation of latest Release 4 successful finished !

Hi Tim,

yes, seems that repos were busy !
Third try worked fine (for sure with a new downloaded ""):

// Final cleanup

** Remove mosbuild
** Clean package cache
** Clear syslogs
** Sat 10 Feb 16:23:08 UTC 2018
** Installation time : 00:54:56

// END

** Final reboot

Thanks a lot for your great work Tim, koda59, ...
I followed the instructions posted by Jrocker. I only used the mac to make the SD card bootable. Everything else is done with MS Windows.

Is this what you mean by download the official Builder?

cd /home/pi sudo wget -q -O /home/pi/ sudo chmod +x /home/pi/ 2. Start the Image Builder sudo ./

Re-download the official Builder and create a new build. I've just updated it to install 4.9.79 kernel in step 11 instead of "latest" 4.14.y branch which will bomb step 11.

You need to set the higher rate to get that rate, which I always do. It will make no difference to whether you get sound or not. How have you defined your dac in the config file? I normally get the device name from aplay -l and in the config file add a line OPTIONS=“—device plughw:name” where name is your dac name. Remember it is case sensitive and the — in front of device is two of the - character despite how it looks in this font.

Ah, so a data rate mismatch shouldn't prevent playback, just set you lower than you might have been able to go?

Set the DAC, hmmm... I'd thought it was just supposed to work out of the box.... no, I haven't set anything. I'm using a USB DAC, maybe that needs a setting vs others just working transparently? Will look into that.
I am using moode image latest version 4.0 on a RPi 3 + Allo BOSS. I have got 2 USB HDD connected to Pi through a powered USB Hub. Both the USBs get detected in all KODI installations as well as Rune Audio installations. While updating Music Library, both the drives are scanned.
In Moode, only one USB HDD is shown in USB drive and while updating library only one HDD music files are uploaded. I have to disconnect one HDD to get the other scanned. However, both the drives are detected and mounted when I use df command. Why is it that only USB HDD gets scanned at a time?
Secondly when I try to copy files from my PC to Moode through wifi in SSH, copy access is denied. How to get it enabled. I can't find the moode DEV mode from which I may give copy access. Dont know. Pl guide


Thats odd. Connect both USB drives, reboot and then post the output from cmds below and I'll have a look.

cat /var/log/moode.log
ls -l /media

I followed the instructions posted by Jrocker. I only used the mac to make the SD card bootable. Everything else is done with MS Windows.

Is this what you mean by download the official Builder?

cd /home/pi sudo wget -q -O /home/pi/ sudo chmod +x /home/pi/ 2. Start the Image Builder sudo ./

Yes, thats the one :)

Hello, Tim.

Any advice on how to enable multimedia keys to control the playback?
For example - next song/previous song, is that possible at all?

Regards, Vlad.

Hi Vlad,

Yes, it should be possible if your multimedia keys can be programmed. You could then use moOde Web API.

http:// moode/command/?cmd=play
http:// moode/command/?cmd=pause
http:// moode/command/?cmd=next
http:// moode/command/?cmd=previous

http:// moode/command/? N
http:// moode/command/? up N
http:// moode/command/? dn N
http:// moode/command/? mute (toggle)

Ah, so a data rate mismatch shouldn't prevent playback, just set you lower than you might have been able to go?

Set the DAC, hmmm... I'd thought it was just supposed to work out of the box.... no, I haven't set anything. I'm using a USB DAC, maybe that needs a setting vs others just working transparently? Will look into that.

I'm using I2S HAT DACs, so yes, that could be where your problem is.