Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Maybe this has been answered elsewhere... I too have put the log files in the radio-logo directory with a matching new pls files, but gotten no where. Can't seem to get this to work. I have been through the directories and find little else. Any help? Anyone?

@macdelf, @nmuzic

There isn't a configuration setting or published procedure for this. A station-specific entry in the cfg_radio table in the moOde sqlite3 database /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db tells moOde where to look for the station logo. The presence of a URL entry in the last field means grab the logo at that URL; "local" means look for it in the radio-logo directory using the same name as the pls file (including those odious blanks---but I digress!). This scheme accommodates persistent links from SOMA and others if they provide them.

If you have modest programming/sqlite3 skills you can create the needed entry for your station(s). I think if you ask Tim, he will PM some instructions.

The trouble with adding entries yourself is that they get lost if a moOde update overwrites the database/directories. I've given this some thought in the past but not taken the time to write a helper script. My original thoughts have changed now that I've seen the introduction of the ability to upload a background image for the moOde Theme.

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long story short: does moode clear logs by itself? i mean the 4.0 release

I forgot the ssh port open to the internet after the install for a day. :D
(actually I choose a manual IP and forgot it had the ssh port open. Was setting ssh keys, meanwhile had a call, had to leave home and forgot about it. So pi still had the stock pwd)

24h after, I looked and all logs are empty.
auth log only shows one line: pi sudo logging out, at a time I wasn't at home and for sure it wasn't me :eek:.
IIRC (maybe confusing with another server?) yesterday logs were full. All logs now are cleared, php, auth, daemon etc

Nothing on the sd, just a virgin 4.0 install.

When I get home will check the sd to see what I can find.

Fun stuff! (my fault) :hot:
The Pi screen currently uses zoom to shrink more content onto its relatively small screen and font sizes and spacing can get a little squirrelly. Maybe we can do a more general purpose large(r) text option for people who have a harder time seeing their screen? I'll have to think about how best that could be implemented if this is a common problem, though it could pay dividends on larger screens (e.g. 1080p) too.

Yes, is true, you have to consider all screens sizes...
long story short: does moode clear logs by itself? i mean the 4.0 release

I forgot the ssh port open to the internet after the install for a day. :D
(actually I choose a manual IP and forgot it had the ssh port open. Was setting ssh keys, meanwhile had a call, had to leave home and forgot about it. So pi still had the stock pwd)

24h after, I looked and all logs are empty.
auth log only shows one line: pi sudo logging out, at a time I wasn't at home and for sure it wasn't me :eek:.
IIRC (maybe confusing with another server?) yesterday logs were full. All logs now are cleared, php, auth, daemon etc

Nothing on the sd, just a virgin 4.0 install.

When I get home will check the sd to see what I can find.

Fun stuff! (my fault) :hot:


Yes. There is an automatic maintenance task thats run every 6 hours (configurable). Check moode.log and you will see an entry for this. Obviously moode log is not cleared by this task. You can add your own maintenance tasks or comment out the default tasks. See /var/local/www/commandw/

Thank you Tim, that was it, nothing wrong/modified on the file system, just the automatic thing had deleted the logs and tried also to update. 6 hours later same thing happened.

Either way I'm hardening it right now (ssh keys only, different outside port, geoip block, keeping auth.log etc)

also found the maint_interval in the database.
- Is there a "sensible" reason for 6h versus something like 24h? :scratch2:
Temp and cpu util have never really been support vectors for moOde so my thought was to thrift those items from Audio Config and improve its responsiveness. It displays instantly now :)

I think if system is bogged down then utils like TOP or PS <args> would be the way to go to try and isolate the process thats hogging the cpu.


Hi Tim, as a compromise to the data nerds among us, me being one, could the "System Information" page be made directly accessible from the "Moode" menu rather than having to go to it via a configuration page. This should avoid about 4 clicks to find the cpu temperature.

If the cpu temperature could be moved up a bit on the page so it is visible on the rpi display without scrolling that would also be good from my perspective.

I also noticed the "Customise" option disappears form the "Moode" menu after the "Configuration" option is clicked. I assume this is intentional but it is not intuitive that to get it back, you need to click on one of the buttons on the bottom of the display to reset the menus.
For whomever it may help, a bit of build sequence of events, using a Mac with macOS having an SDXC card slot:

On your Mac, do the following:

Download Raspbian Stretch Lite release 2017-11-29 found here:

Download Raspbian for Raspberry Pi

Download and install the following programs:

Etcher for macOS, found here:


Pi Finder for OS X found here:

Release 3.0.0 * adafruit/Adafruit-Pi-Finder * GitHub

Now, insert your microSD card in the adapter and put it in the SDXC card slot, and use Etcher to put Raspbian Stretch Lite release 2017-11-29 on your microSD card.

Pull the adapter and microSD card out, and reinsert it. You should see a “Boot” disk pot up on your desktop.

Now, open Terminal on your Mac. Using terminal, copy and paste the following command into Terminal and hit return:

echo "" > /Volumes/boot/ssh

Now insert the microSD card into the Raspberry Pi3, connect the Raspberry Pi using wired Ethernet to the router that your Mac is connected to, and launch or run Pi Finder.

Pi Finder will return with the IP address of your Raspberry Pi and ask you if you want to log in.

Click login and enter the password, “Raspbian”

Now, from the bottom of the Moode Audio webpage, under Support, copy and paste each of the lines, one at a time, into Terminal and hit return after each one. They are:

cd /home/pi
sudo wget -q -O /home/pi/
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/
Now, do the same to run the image builder:

sudo ./
Read the directions CAREFULLY.

You answer “y” to having a backup., “n” to proxy, and “n” to wireless internet, the build will then start. Shortly thereafter, it will ask you to power off the Raspberry Pi. Say yes or “y”. Now, unplug power from the Raspberry Pi and then plug it back in. Now, go away for at LEAST and hour!!!! And, let it build the image file.

After an hour or more, run Pi Finder again, and login in. This time the password is “moodeaudio”. Once logged in, type the following command “mosbrief” into Terminal and hit return. You should see a listing of everything that has been done by the build routine, and at the very bottom, you should see “END”. The END means that it is through building and now you can use your browser to moode.local

From there, make whatever configurations changes you want for your wireless networking and your DAC HAT.

That’s it - I wrote this from memory, so be understanding.
For whomever it may help, a bit of build sequence of events, using a Mac with macOS having an SDXC card slot:

On your Mac, do the following:

Download Raspbian Stretch Lite release 2017-11-29 found here:

Download Raspbian for Raspberry Pi

Download and install the following programs:

Etcher for macOS, found here:


Pi Finder for OS X found here:

Release 3.0.0 * adafruit/Adafruit-Pi-Finder * GitHub

Now, insert your microSD card in the adapter and put it in the SDXC card slot, and use Etcher to put Raspbian Stretch Lite release 2017-11-29 on your microSD card.

Pull the adapter and microSD card out, and reinsert it. You should see a “Boot” disk pot up on your desktop. or just mount the boot partition from disk manager

Now, open Terminal on your Mac. Using terminal, copy and paste the following command into Terminal and hit return:

echo "" > /Volumes/boot/ssh or type “touch /Volumes/boot/ssh”

Then, if you don’t want to use wifi...

Now insert the microSD card into the Raspberry Pi3, connect the Raspberry Pi using wired Ethernet to the router that your Mac is connected to, and launch or run Pi Finder.

Pi Finder will return with the IP address of your Raspberry Pi and ask you if you want to log in.

Click login and enter the password, “Raspbian”followed by the correct password ‘raspberry’

Now, from the bottom of the Moode Audio webpage, under Support, copy and paste each of the lines, one at a time, into Terminal and hit return after each one. They are:

cd /home/pi
sudo wget -q -O /home/pi/
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/
Now, do the same to run the image builder: (you can copy the block of lines and paste them in one go)

sudo ./
Read the directions CAREFULLY.

You answer “y” to having a backup., “n” to proxy, and “n” to wireless internet, the build will then start. Shortly thereafter, it will ask you to power off the Raspberry Pi. Say yes or “y”. Now, unplug power from the Raspberry Pi and then plug it back in. Now, go away for at LEAST and hour!!!! And, let it build the image file.

After an hour or more, run Pi Finder again, and login in. This time the password is “moodeaudio”. Once logged in, type the following command “mosbrief” into Terminal and hit return. You should see a listing of everything that has been done by the build routine, and at the very bottom, you should see “END”. The END means that it is through building and now you can use your browser to moode.local

From there, make whatever configurations changes you want for your wireless networking and your DAC HAT. if you want to use wireless to build, follow the instructions regarding ‘headless Pi installation and agree with the script regarding your SSID and password

That’s it - I wrote this from memory, so be understanding.

Understood ;)
moode 4.0 network connection

help me in connecting to moode.
as the 4.0 is ready, i tried to build the image.
I am sure the build process was ok as I see "END" in the log.
Booted to it, moode.local from the browser surely opened, and I configured WiFi (SCAN, enter password and APPLY) then rebooted.
After reboot, browser can't connect to it anymore, and SSH causes winsock error 10057/10060.
I don't know why.
I connected LCD to see the boot process, however once i see 'login:' prompt the screen goes blank, can't know what's going.
I tried either WiFi or Ether exclusively connected, but either case the same.

Any suggestion?


I have followed GuyHayton guide ( mkdir /mnt/NAS) and this was the cure for my pain.
And after that my QNAP has been mounted. Thank you GuyHayton - you are great. Headache has gone :)
I was suspecting it was a bug ( not only me had been suffering) seeing that just after fresh installation i couldn't mount NAS.

help me in connecting to moode.
as the 4.0 is ready, i tried to build the image.
I am sure the build process was ok as I see "END" in the log.
Booted to it, moode.local from the browser surely opened, and I configured WiFi (SCAN, enter password and APPLY) then rebooted.
After reboot, browser can't connect to it anymore, and SSH causes winsock error 10057/10060.
I don't know why.
I connected LCD to see the boot process, however once i see 'login:' prompt the screen goes blank, can't know what's going.
I tried either WiFi or Ether exclusively connected, but either case the same.

Any suggestion?


You may want to login to your router and find the right IP for your pi. The cached mapping of moode and IP maybe outdated thus why the error.
Radio Artwork

@macdelf, @nmuzic

There isn't a configuration setting or published procedure for this. A station-specific entry in the cfg_radio table in the moOde sqlite3 database /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db tells moOde where to look for the station logo. The presence of a URL entry in the last field means grab the logo at that URL; "local" means look for it in the radio-logo directory using the same name as the pls file (including those odious blanks---but I digress!). This scheme accommodates persistent links from SOMA and others if they provide them.

If you have modest programming/sqlite3 skills you can create the needed entry for your station(s). I think if you ask Tim, he will PM some instructions.

The trouble with adding entries yourself is that they get lost if a moOde update overwrites the database/directories. I've given this some thought in the past but not taken the time to write a helper script. My original thoughts have changed now that I've seen the introduction of the ability to upload a background image for the moOde Theme.

Thanks for the help. Pretty easy to do when you look up the SQLite3 commands. Works fantastic. Next job is to get an IR remote working with Moode.