Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Dimming the brightness of the screen is still an important issue for me.
Also would it be nice to switch off the touchscreen completely during shutdown of the Raspi.

Det :)

Although it is not part of the UI, at least not yet ;-) , you can set the brightness of the screen backlight:

sudo nano /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/brightness

The default value is 255, and I have mine set to 80.

Please note that this does not work with the version 1 Official Raspberry Pi Touch screen. Version 1 screens will turn off the backlight with values < 128 and turn the backlight on with values > 128.

Had the quotes correct but not the spacing. Sorry it was late.:headbash:

Had a look at the syntax with fresh eyes and noticed I did not have the spacing right.

I fixed it and success!!!!!

It correctly identified the MicroSD card and is busy building the image as we speak.

I am using a RPI Zero at work with a Transcend Multi Card reader.

Thanks @Koda59.

I ran a full and complete install with all the optional features including updating the kernel and the whole process went through flawlessly.

Thanks @Tim and @Koda59
Although it is not part of the UI, at least not yet ;-) , you can set the brightness of the screen backlight:

sudo nano /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/brightness

The default value is 255, and I have mine set to 80.

Please note that this does not work with the version 1 Official Raspberry Pi Touch screen. Version 1 screens will turn off the backlight with values < 128 and turn the backlight on with values > 128.



thanks a lot for the information. :up:
I have the newest version of the the Touch Screen and had already found the "manual" / sudo change of the brightness parameter.

My living room is sometimes flooded with sunshine (which is very nice during the day) and sometimes relatively dark (in the evenings when I enjoy my msuic with a glass of red wine ;)) so my intention is to set the brightness from the UI depending on the light conditions in the room.

Therefore, I hope for Xmas and Tim C. to build this feature into the UI of MoOde :xmasman:.

Det :)
Although it is not part of the UI, at least not yet ;-) , you can set the brightness of the screen backlight:

sudo nano /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/brightness

The default value is 255, and I have mine set to 80.

Please note that this does not work with the version 1 Official Raspberry Pi Touch screen. Version 1 screens will turn off the backlight with values < 128 and turn the backlight on with values > 128.


Which are the 1. Version displays?
Too complicated for me, I decided to give up installing version 4.0. I have to find a way to connect a screen via HDMI, and then try to enable ssh, to perform image builder ... There are bound to be many obstacles along the way.

volumio can install the image file directly.

So, Bye Moode Audio player

Sad to see you go. I believe this is a temporary phase, because once all the sources and tools available online, then also Moode images can be placed online (the first are the GPL requirements for the second). I expect this will be the case.

Finally worked - I had a duff SDCard (bad blocks) tried another and it worked

Thanks Tim and Koda59 for their replies, the reason I didn't give Koda59 any log files is because the logs didn't exist because my build process was screwed up never properly starting due to a duff SCCard.

Well after discarding my 8GB sdcard and using another 32GB I had spare, this seems to have been the root of my issues with trying to build the image correctly.

I used HeBoo's tweaked mosbuild script on his posting #11930, so I could just use the single SDcard and not rely on the two. I made sure that the resize command was removed in the cmdline.txt file on the root of the rasbian lite install via on my Mac, and added the blank shh file to enable ssh on booting the Pi3 and then as HeBoo quite rightly states - Et voilà !

Monitoring the build via my Mac on Terminal via ssh was most gratifying and I have to say I'm amazed at the complexity of the elements being compiled all credit to Tim here - fantastic. I said yes to installing all the extra bits so my build took about an hour which I thought was a bit strange.

I rebooted the Pi3 again to be sure but now I am having an issue connecting to my NAS share on my VUSolo2 enigma2 linux satellite box which has all my HD Music. The NAS share works on Moode build 3.7 and 3.8.4 but no matter what I try it isn't playing ball on Beta12. Is there a command to check things via my Mac using ssh? I have made sure I have the 'exports' file in my etc directory on my VUSolo2 with the share details: "/media/hdd/Music/HDMusic 192.168.0.XX/24(rw,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check)"

Thanks again guys for all the help:)
Hi @TimCurtis

`Clear system logs`, `Clear playback history` and `Compact Sqlite database` switches do not work (no change on the UI, maybe they work on the background though)


No change? Yes, these commands work in the background, but when executing each one, you should have seen a window refresh and a temporary green notification box pop up in the upper-right hand corner of the windows. See the screen capture I've attached.



  • Screenshot at 2017-12-14 06-56-31.png
    Screenshot at 2017-12-14 06-56-31.png
    67.2 KB · Views: 251

No change? Yes, these commands work in the background, but when executing each one, you should have seen a window refresh and a temporary green notification box pop up in the upper-right hand corner of the windows. See the screen capture I've attached.


What I mean by "no change" is no matter what I try to set (on or off) the switches will remain as off. Always. I don't know if in the background the changes are triggered, but the UI is not updated.
Hi again,

Since using v4b12 I can no longer use the 0.96" I2C display. I checked the interfaces and they're fine:

$ cat /etc/modules
# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
# This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
# at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.



$ cat /boot/config.txt

Also updated to latest libraries (Adafruit_SSD1306, Pillow, Adafruit_GPIO).

Display is OK (working on arduino and moode v3) and script is so simple it would just print a "hello world", but shows nothing on v4b12.

Any clue on what might be happening?

Thank you
Noise/Buzz when playing FLAC files

Hi everybody

When I play FLAC Files, I get a wierd buzzing noise underneath the music. The noise i not as loud as the music, but clearly audible, and ruins the listening experience.

  • If I play the same track in mp3 (ripped from the same CD), there is no noise at all.
  • When I play the same FLAC file in windows with foobar2000, I have no noise.
  • I seem to have the same noise, when using airplay, but to a much lesser degree.
  • I have this problem with all my FLAC files.
This is my Audio info:

Audio information

Input Processing
Source: NAS/Classical1/Carl Nielsen/Symphonies Nos. 1 & 6 [Blomstedt]/02 Carl Nielsen - Symphony No. 1 in G minor, FS 16 (Op. 7); II. Andante.flac
Encoded at: 16 bit, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
Decoded to: 16 bit, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
Rate: 603 kbps
DSP Operations
Resampling: off
Chip options: none
Volume: Software (MPD 32 bit float with dither)
Output Stream

Format: 16 bit, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
Rate: 1.411 mbps
Audio Device

Device: Audiophonics ES9023 DAC
Chip: ESS Sabre ES9023
Architecture: Sigma/Delta 24 bit 192 kHz
Interface: I2S
CPU: armv7l, 900 MHz, 2%, 33°

Does anybody have any idea, what might be causing this?:confused::confused:
MoOde Audio is a feature rich and these features are not available elsewhere. There are not many obstacles (non programmers /new to rpi and Linux folks like me will face minor issues). I have successfully built image of it. though need to tweak some settings in gui.
Considering it's all done by one single person (Tim), I would say this is phenomenal.


Thanks for the nice compliment! moOde actually is the result of many contributors :)

The CONTRIBS will be updated soon to reflect the fantastic works from @Koda59 (Image Builder) and @swizzle (NewUI).

@ Tim:
Need I any other things to do, when I connect the official Touchscreen, or is it enought in Moode the 2 switch ON set: Display; Touchscreen.
Thank you!

The boot srceen run, and it stops this line: Login Moodeaudio_

from tablet i can remote, but it has a big lag...and plays only 1 track. (without screen was everything all right with 12Beta)

when the boot screen goes, a yellow "ligthning sign" blinks on the right top of the screen.
I have an analog power supply, with 3,3A output for Pi2, ant the screen.

Thank you for your help!


Yes, just the two switches to ON, then reboot.

The symptom "The boot srceen run, and it stops this line: Login Moodeaudi" suggests that the X Server component is not installed or not running.

What is output from the commands below?

systemctl status localui
ls -al /home/pi


thanks a lot for the information. :up:
I have the newest version of the the Touch Screen and had already found the "manual" / sudo change of the brightness parameter.

My living room is sometimes flooded with sunshine (which is very nice during the day) and sometimes relatively dark (in the evenings when I enjoy my msuic with a glass of red wine ;)) so my intention is to set the brightness from the UI depending on the light conditions in the room.

Therefore, I hope for Xmas and Tim C. to build this feature into the UI of MoOde :xmasman:.

Det :)


This is on TODO list, also "turn off display if shutdown".

I only have a gen 1 display so no way to test brightness capability but what brightness setting are u using on your gen 2?

Hi all,

I really need the Access Point to share the internet connection via the eth0 interface..
Let me just say that my hardware is capable of doing so, and it is working with my Runeaudio configuration.

Now I come to try Moode, I got a to post by learntofly which give the commands of achieving this, but it doesn't seem to work.
The "moode" AP ssid doesn't even show.

Did anyone using this configuration and can share his commands

Many thanks :)

I'm using a pre-compiled version of 4b12 uploaded by Linh.