John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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I have no idea what Scott did to evaluate the device. My initial impression is that Scott used his (compromised system)

Sorry John what about "Even the best high definition television or any kind of imaging monitor will display better contrast, visual detail and color fidelity." is not clear?

No, it didn't do Jack as they say or do we need to be blind now too?
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I don't believe in 'magic', I just trust my ears.
Under hypnosis ?
Adding a small resistance in your speaker's line will, as you know, produce the following effects:
- Slight change in the response curve if, as often, the impedance curve of the speaker's assembly is not flat. This will modify the sound... in a good or bad direction.
- Slight change in the damping of the speakers. This will modify the sound... in a good or bad direction according to your preferences.

Listening carefully, with the desire to find a change, you will find-it... and begin to believe in the magic of Quantum ?

I can demonstrate the (relative ;-) efficiency of some cones (pyramids are better ;-) under a tube amplifier with microphonic tubes. May-be, once convinced, you could find a positive effect under a solid-state one ?
I love this quote from ByBee's site (2003):

"Bybee Technologies has developed devices fabricated from ceramics doped with oxides of rare-earth metals such as zirconium and neodymium. They achieve a VP of 92% of the speed of light, which is far higher than VPs of common conductors, which typically range from 50 to 70% of the speed of light.
In addition to being near-superconductive, Bybee Quantum Purifiers are electrically passive and stable in any circuit. They induce no phase shift whatsoever, and are totally non-reactive—meaning there is no reactance between capacitance and inductance."

"Near-superconductive"? Not in this universe.

Then, in 2007, this twaddle was published on their site:

"Bybee Quantum Purifiers operate on the quantum mechanical level to regulate the flow of electrons that make up the signal (picture a metering light regulating freeway traffic flow). Current flow within the Quantum Purifier is unimpeded and ideal (think of the unencumbered flow of traffic on a lightly traveled expressway). During transit through the Quantum Purifier, quantum noise energy is stripped off the electrons, streamlining their flow through ensuing conductors. Unwanted quantum noise energy dissipates as heat within the Quantum Purifier rather than emerging as a layer of contamination residue over the audio/video information.

The benefits of this process extend beyond the physical length of the Quantum Purifier. As electrons speed through the purifier, a "slipstream" effect is formed which facilitates current flow in the surrounding conductors of the playback system. Introducing Bybee Quantum Purification into the electron path reduces quantum noise and increases signal velocity, resulting in performance improvement beyond what is attainable by any cable alone, no matter how well designed."

As it happens, one of my mates has a PhD in physics. I showed him these words. He's still laughing.

Oh, you are blind too, Scott? Sorry, could not resist. '-)
Well, maybe the Bybee is not for you, but I use them in my video system, have for more than a decade.
It all goes back to 1995, when I was given a sample of a Bybee, something the size of a loaf of bread, to test, by my employer Richard Schram. I can supply written evidence that this is how it started, if anyone is interested. He said that one of his consultants, someone that almost everyone here has heard of, Mike Klasco of Menlo Scientific had heard this device and I was to test it myself. So, once I got the device, I applied the usual stuff, like an ohmmeter to measure it, then I tried putting different waveforms in it with a function generator, and measuring for some sort of distortion with a Thd meter. Found nothing much but some resistance, so I moved the frequencies tested to above 1 MHz, but then the output was so set-up dependent, I didn't know what I was measuring, so I gave up. I really thought this was just as many here claim, just a resistor. However, I still had not tried the unit in a listening test.
So, I had a pretty good set-up with a quality moving coil, a Vendetta Research phono stage, and a set of STAX Lambda Pro headphones with a vacuum tube drive. So I put this directly to the Vendetta phono stage, and I played various records that I knew well. One in particular is one of my favorites, called 'Live Dead' that was produced in 1969-70 from live performances directly to a 16ch analog mastering machine, without any mixing board in front or EQ. This record was made before I started working for the GD, and I had nothing to do with it, except that I worked and listened to the same PA equipment that it had been made from for more than a year, after the record was made, so I kind of knew what 'live Dead' did normally sound like, more than anybody but a GD mixing engineer.
Now, for the test I first listened to the 'Live Dead' album without any Bybee attached through the STAX headphones. Then I added the Bybee (breadbox) in series with the AC line of the STAX headphone driver. I was shocked by the difference! It was almost like being there, rather than just a playback of a concert. Of course, I removed the Bybee to see if it was really making the difference, and it really was cleaning up the sound of the STAX headphone amp.
I did not stop there, because I could not understand what I had heard, there was nothing that I could measure, so I decided to look up Jack Bybee. I had not met him yet, but succeeded in contacting him and we became audio friends and even associates (on occasion) since that time.
You see, I trust my ears, but not necessarily my prejudices. In fact, IF I had followed my engineering prejudices, I would have not even tried to evaluate the Bybee through a very careful, and relatively sophisticated listening procedure, I would just have sent it back. But then, I trust my ears, and I have now had dozens of instances where Bybees, made a good, bad, or almost no difference, depending on the listening set-up and equipment.


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I have always regarded your design expertise as second-to-none. A genius? Probably. Brilliant? Absolutely. However, your ear/brain system is no different to mine or anyone else's. It can be fooled by external influences from eyes, nose and, most importantly, the words of others. Unless an audio test is performed under proper, blind conditions, it is almost worthless. I have conducted and been subject to, a large number of DBTs over the years. My preconceptions have, in some cases, been shredded. In others, they have been reinforced. I disregard any test of a product, which has no valid basis in science, unless that test has been performed under rigorous blind testing. I would expect nothing less from a towering intellect such as yours.

And, WRT the ByBees, the confusing mish-mash of gobbledegook (much of which violates the laws of physics) just detracts from any possibility that the product can be taken seriously. It's a bogus product, promoted in a bogus fashion.
Joined 2004
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I usually use a HP 3457A in Kelvin mode. I can also use my 34401A or the 3478A. I also have a 3456A that is a good meter.

John, if I saw one of those, I'd stick it on my 4195A network analyser for some answers. It will even create a schematic of an equivalent network using RCL components. For a quick answer, I could run it through my 4263A LCR meter at various frequencies. It will give me impedance and phase angle.

It can be done.

An interesting test of BQP I found is to play a Pink Noise CD track through a BQP treated mid-fi system.
The degree of change and the nature of the change in PN reproduction is illuminating.

All this squabbling from those who have no direct experience of BQP and no enquiry about this audible nature of change.....really ?.

Ok, some more detail of this particular test which was in my station wagon car parked in a radio quiet and acoustically quiet bush location.
The Sony car radio/cdp was directly powered from the car battery and ignition/accessories key switch turned to the off position.
Cat 5 cables wired as 4 parallel pairs used as speaker wire connecting to decent domestic hifi speakers situated in rear luggage compartment and routed over passenger seat.

From the drivers seat position I was able to reach over and place one BQP to be in contact with the speaker cable sheaths.
By this method I was able to perform instant 'on the fly' AB comparison and without altering my listening position, even momentarily.

The CD was an 'audiophile test cd' containing musical recordings, tones, and pink noise.
I listened to different musical tracks and noted definite subjective changes in clarity and 'musicality'.
I then listened to the pink noise track repeatedly and this is where the BQP caused change was most clearly revealed.
What kind of changes ?.....very interesting ones.

All this squabbling from those who have no direct experience of BQP and no enquiry about this audible nature of change.....really ?.

I have tested (along with a large number of others) ByBee devices, UNDER DOUBLE BLIND CONDITIONS. At no time was any listener (including myself) able to detect any difference between the ByBee devices and an otherwise identical resistor.

What kind of changes ?.....very interesting ones.


The ability of the human brain to tend towards self-delusion is almost infinite. All the planet's religions rely on this fact. As does ByBee.
I have tested (along with a large number of others) ByBee devices, UNDER DOUBLE BLIND CONDITIONS. At no time was any listener (including myself) able to detect any difference between the ByBee devices and an otherwise identical resistor.

The ability of the human brain to tend towards self-delusion is almost infinite. All the planet's religions rely on this fact. As does ByBee.

Could you describe in more detail the tests you did, equipment used, the other participants, how double blinding was accomplished, etc.? It's just that we get all kinds of claims from opposing sides, and details can help a lot with understanding what happened for people who weren't there.

Also, there are many different mechanisms, heuristics and biases as they are now commonly called, involved in errors of cognition. Charging people with self-delusion is usually not helpful. Probably more of an insult to the recipient that doesn't help with communication. The two examples you gave probably don't work exactly the same way either, not close enough to be helpful.
just detracts from any possibility that the product can be taken seriously. It's a bogus product, promoted in a bogus fashion.

In the case of the QSE anyone after deciding they've been fleeced could decide to look inside rather than ask for a refund. What a joke the product itself detracts from taking it seriously, it's a sad statement that this keeps wasting people's time.
I'd love to see what you get from the other side.

Me too. However, they don't seem to be one side exactly. John defends Jack, but doesn't use Bybees in the same way. He has his own recommendations for how to use them. Wouldn't be too surprising if electricity was run through one of them, or if they were coupled very close to some sensitive circuity, maybe they could distort audio slightly. That might be consistent with John saying sometimes they make a system sound worse. And I think we know sometimes people like a little distortion, but usually not a lot in reproduction systems. Also, I think John is saying the effects are slight, if they work. Somehow he just can't bring himself to publicly dis Jack where they seem to differ.
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It's all a guess Mark, and the debate is precisely what Jack and John want.

I don't think John wants "his" thread to fade away. But, from the way he tells it he has no financial interest in promoting Bybee products. He lives modestly in a small apartment, has an old computer, an old stereo, and Jack is well off. Jack doesn't pay John for his work, when they have worked together. Every once in awhile Jack throws John "a bone," a prototype of dubious value, not much else. Very odd relationship, from the sound of it.
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Joined 2012
I usually use a HP 3457A in Kelvin mode. I can also use my 34401A or the 3478A. I also have a 3456A that is a good meter.

John, if I saw one of those, I'd stick it on my 4195A network analyser for some answers. It will even create a schematic of an equivalent network using RCL components. For a quick answer, I could run it through my 4263A LCR meter at various frequencies. It will give me impedance and phase angle.

It can be done.


After you are finished with it, send it on to me... I have similar instrumentation. and Quan-Tech for noise.

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