
Hi BP1Fanatic,

Earlier posts starting from 20th June 2007 (when I joined diyAudio) are spread over a number of different threads. If interested, they can be found by conducting an Advanced Search on my user name. Specify the results as posts, sorted in ascending order.

My email correspondence with Bill goes back years before 2007 :).

Kind regards,


That's what I did before asking the question. I saw how you where posting about HR in other people's threads. I thought a previous HR thread got deleted or something.
How to calculate the horn type port?


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That's what I did before asking the question. I saw how you where posting about HR in other people's threads. I thought a previous HR thread got deleted or something.

Hi BP1Fanatic,

I started off by just responding to miscellaneous posts I saw that referred to Hornresp. After a while I realised that there was enough interest out there to establish a dedicated thread. As they say, the rest is history :).

Kind regards,

Hello david
I want to post picture Can you recommend me?

Hi Piyapong38,

1. Scroll down below the 'Reply to Thread' message input box, to the 'Additional Options' panel.
2. Click the 'Manage Attachments' button.
3. Click the top 'Browse' button.
4. Find and select the image file you wish to post.
5. Click the 'Upload' button.
6. After the file is uploaded, scroll down and click the 'Close this window' button.

The image file is now attached to your post.

Kind regards,

Hello David,

You added the "large coil" check box in the loudspeaker wizard a while back. Thank you for that. It greatly improves the general accuracy of the simulations for modern long xmax bass drivers. However it is difficult to do comparisons between designs since there is no overlay capability as with the main simulations outside of the wizard. Also some of the available simulation curves are not available inside the wizard. Is it possible to add this function to the main input parameters page? I suspect it is too much work? if this is not feasible would it be possible to show, or even export, the modified parameters inside the wizard so they could be copied into the main data input screen and saved to a project? Some way to get this data exported or updated into the main project with out manually doing trial and error adjustments to the input parameters like I've been doing for years would be amazing.

It would be cool to have it in the main program, not just the wizard. There were a few reasons it was chosen to be only in the wizard - maybe we should revisit that? Or maybe it's easier to just display the new value of Bl that Hornresp calculates so it can be entered in the main screen?

In lieu of all that the user could simply use the formula in the paper to get the new number for Bl but I don't even know how to run through that formula on a calculator.

EDIT - the only thing that really changes is Bl, so if we could know the new calculated Bl that would be incredibly useful. Even if it's just displayed in the bottom of the wizard box like how qtc is displayed when simulating a closed box in the wizard.
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Also maybe we should revisit the name for the checkbox? The new Rockford super woofer has a massive coil but very little inductance issues. Maybe the checkbox should be the "lossy inductance estimator" feature instead of "large coil"? I'm kind of leaning that way lately after studying the Rockford driver a bit.

Including the word "estimator" in the checkbox feature name would also clear up some of the issues associated with putting in the main program instead of just in the wizard, I would think.

Stuff to think about anyway.
OOP Option

Hi Bill,

As much as I would like to be able to help out - particularly given the very valuable and highly tangible assistance that you have generously provided to me over more years than I care to remember, unfortunately the way that Hornresp is structured, the work now required to seamlessly integrate the requested additional functionality would be more than I am in a position to undertake. As you are aware, having been one of the very first Internet users of Hornresp, the program has grown significantly but in a rather haphazard fashion from very simple beginnings. If I knew at the start what I know now, the program architecture would have been set up initially quite differently, but I had no idea then that Hornresp would morph into the program that it has now become. It was originally written just to simulate the throat acoustical impedance and power response of a Klipschorn style bass corner horn - that's all!

Your offer of assistance with the programming is very kind, but it is not the simulation model that is the problem for me, rather it is all the changes that would need to be made to the user interface and the ancillary tools, that make the task overwhelming.

Multiple-segment horns were originally confined to Con and Exp flares with the Par flare option being added at a later date. I assumed that multiple segments would be used to specify low expansion rate bass horn systems only, so provision for other flare types was not made back when it would have been much easier to do so.

Hope you understand my situation :).

Kind regards,


Hi David,

Have you considered a port to MS/Excel? I am willing to write the GUI wrapper and do the port, if you are willing to do the acoustic tweaks.


2 Versions ?

@ David McBean

You've mentioned a number of times, limitations of what HR can do. "If" this is due to the size of all the code in there, would slimming it down & making another version/s, that could just do what can't be done right now with it, be possible ?

For eg, a version that only sims one, or a few designs, such as just TH's ?

So you wouldn't be starting from scratch, but only stripping out code not needed, & coding in the extra stuff.

Just a thought :)
Also maybe we should revisit the name for the checkbox? The new Rockford super woofer has a massive coil but very little inductance issues. Maybe the checkbox should be the "lossy inductance estimator" feature instead of "large coil"?

Hi just a guy,

Ideally the checkbox name should indicate to the user what attribute of the driver warrants selection of the option. In my case, with relatively limited practical knowledge, "Lossy inductance estimator" as a name would not help me much in deciding whether or not to use the tool with a given driver. Besides, the caption is too long to fit neatly in the available space on the Loudspeaker Wizard :).

How do you decide if the tool should be used on a particular driver? What physical or electrical specifications do you consider when making the decision?

Incidentally - it's good to hear from you again :).

Kind regards,



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Have you considered a port to MS/Excel? I am willing to write the GUI wrapper and do the port, if you are willing to do the acoustic tweaks.

Hi Bill,

Thanks for the offer, but things are complicated enough already :).

I am trying to find a way of implementing the feature you requested without having to make wholesale changes to Hornresp. I am not sure if it is possible or not, but I will keep you posted on any progress. It may take some time, as I am rather busy on several different fronts at the moment :).

Kind regards,

@ David McBean

You've mentioned a number of times, limitations of what HR can do. "If" this is due to the size of all the code in there, would slimming it down & making another version/s, that could just do what can't be done right now with it, be possible ?

For eg, a version that only sims one, or a few designs, such as just TH's ?

So you wouldn't be starting from scratch, but only stripping out code not needed, & coding in the extra stuff.

Just a thought :)

Hi Zero D,

Unfortunately, having a "Hornresp Lite" program would not solve the problem.

Besides, I have enough trouble supporting one version, let alone two or more :).

Kind regards,

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Some way to get this data exported or updated into the main project with out manually doing trial and error adjustments to the input parameters like I've been doing for years would be amazing.

Hi Josh,

Prepare to be amazed :).

Your requested enhancement will be included in the next release (provided that we can settle on a meaningful name for the Loudspeaker Wizard checkbox before then). You mentioned long Xmax drivers - Would "Large Xmax" be a suitable title, or is the tool also used with drivers that do not have an overly significant excursion?

Kind regards,
