John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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I won't pretend to tell you I know why clamp on ferrite beads never work out right. Along with another guy we tried them in all different areas of an amplifier I made for him. He even started cutting them into different sizes. No matter where or what size, whatever sound benefit came, came at the price of some other attribute plummeting. So now I simply don't bother with them since I can get results I want with CM and DM chokes.

But CM and DM chokes have their own woes, since they often cause resonances that have to be taken care of or you lose a lot of power. The differences is I know what's happening and can deal with it.

You know you can do your own experiments with claims, right? I've tried a few things that seemed to not make any real sense, and most don't work. But I've found one gem in particular.

I have done my own my own experiments.

Ferrites - used them on PSU's, T/C and strain gauge amplifier front ends to solve noise problems when I was designing instrumentation 25 years ago. Jim Williams (RIP) loved them as well. Now I use 'em in audio and they are solving problems and don't affect the sound.

What I do know though is that there is not a shred of good evidence other than opinion and peeking for claiming ferrites affect the sound negatively. Not one.

For goodness sake do a decent DBT or get an AP and do some tests and present some hard evidence, but don't make claims like 'it affects the sound negatively'

I'll step out of this discussion, because clearly you, Max, Frank (who doesn't seem to post here anymore), CH and others have a belief about ferrites that is not going to change.

Here is a link to a useful tool to help anyone wanting to get a handle on some aspects of EMI

Download | Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Another useful resource
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the color graph shown earlier a few pages back is the decay plot of the JBL's in a different format than what you just posted. I prefer what you just posted myself for a decay plot , much easier to see what I'm looking for.[

Hi Steven
Those color graphs weren’t decay plots, there was no time axis in those.
They were directivity plots (X for frequency, Y for angle, color for sound intensity) .

Alexander I haven't seen a spectrum decay plot for M2

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I'm with Bonsai on ferrites, still waiting for real evidence that they are detrimental, not just anecdotes. It does say a lot when believers in Bybee's say ferrites muddy the sound etc.
In fact i will go further, its a bloody joke when proven technology is dismissed and fantasy scam products (BQPs) are lauded...
So some real proof would be nice...
You would think that after all these years TRUE BELIEVERS from both sides would at least once have participated in a test where they were both listening to the same thing at the same time. A DBT (any protocol) being inherently flawed in some way is also a "true belief".

They did at least two times (and tried some more), see the Tiefenbrunn/Lipshitz example that SY mentioned. Another example were the challenge that Fremer accepted from David Clark. He did the test (conducted afair from David Clark) during an AES-Convention and succeeded (3 amplifier under test, Fremer got 5/% correct for same/different and volunteered additional 4/5 correct identifications of the specific amplifier model) . As roughly 100 other AES-members did the test and failed, Fremer was called the "lucky coin" afterwards, which was unreasonable from a statistic point of view.

Fremer again accepted Randi´s million dollar challenge wrt loudspeaker cables in 2007; to make a long story short, Randi weaseled out....
(*) And it is to the credit of the German testers that they show in detail the spectrum of the excitation signal (left side of the picture). I haven’t seen that again.

You´re Welcome!
Goertz developed (together with partners) the monkey forest measurement suite (now there is winmf too) and does the technical tests and description for quite a lot german magazines (at least).
Most likely the M2 was measured in their facility:
| Technical Facilities
They did- see the Lipshitz/Tiefenbrun tests. Unfortunately for the narrative, the wrong person heard the differences.:D

Your description is a quite good illustration to the bias i´ve mentioned.
Tiefenbrunn was subject to the test (according to Lipshitz description i would assume that he did not had any experience with ABX before) and the ABX-box in use was provided by Lipshitz/Vanderkooy and used before by them.

Again, according to Lipshitz description the box had a problem (i assume known to Lipshitz/Vanderkooy) with different relay click sound during the switching process from A to B (or X) not revealed before. In the Tiefenbrunn test Lipshitz noted after some tests a higher noise level with the Sony pcm processor switched in.

Boston Audio Society - ABX Testing article
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TAnother example were the challenge that Fremer accepted from David Clark. He did the test (conducted afair from David Clark) during an AES-Convention and succeeded (3 amplifier under test, Fremer got 5/% correct for same/different and volunteered additional 4/5 correct identifications of the specific amplifier model) . As roughly 100 other AES-members did the test and failed, Fremer was called the "lucky coin" afterwards, which was unreasonable from a statistic point of view.

Fremer again accepted Randi´s million dollar challenge wrt loudspeaker cables in 2007; to make a long story short, Randi weaseled out....

I have heard different for both of those. Would be interesting to know the truth.
AX tech editor
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I'm with Bonsai on ferrites, still waiting for real evidence that they are detrimental, not just anecdotes. It does say a lot when believers in Bybee's say ferrites muddy the sound etc.
In fact i will go further, its a bloody joke when proven technology is dismissed and fantasy scam products (BQPs) are lauded...
So some real proof would be nice...

Especially so when those believers repeatedly state, apparently with dry eyes, that they come here to learn. ;)

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I have heard different for both of those. Would be interesting to know the truth.

I bet you heard´s the internet.
But wrt Fremer/Randi the emails were disclosed back then and some more information at the end of that story were gathered from official interviews Randi gave. So there is simply no different story to tell about the Fremer/Randi challenge; of course others were involved in the mumbo jumbo around, but that was not connected to the heart of the matter.

Wrt Fremers amplifier test, i´ve to sort some things out and will provide some more details in a couple of minutes (especially as SY´s comment is quite .... err...remarkable .... )
I sit quietly... my rarefied air system functioning nicely.
Of course the main concern is the half-life of rarefied air.
It presents a problem in as much as a proper test/measurement system to
determine accurately the % of rarefied air in the room is less than perfectly
accurate, up to the requirements.

I can say that there is little doubt in my mind that once one listens in a room
with a sufficient % of rarefied air that the experience without its presence is
never quite the same.

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