Id rather be lucky than tallented. Isobaric 6th order band pass

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What clear data are you looking for? There are actual scientific research papers on most things. i wouldn't take the linked article too seriously. There are far better sources of information out there. And there's also a huge pseudoscience presence surrounding resonance theories similar to astrology and magnetic bracelets.

Do a search for "resonance alter consciousness" and you will find a bizarre mixture of science and complete wacko fantasy. Without being educated on these phenomena it can be hard to tell the difference sometimes.

But there is a scientific basis, brainwave entrainment and binaural beats are mentioned in the "Altered States of Consciousness" wiki article -

And the "Binaural Beats" article has some revelations that are not really news like this -

Historically, music generally, and percussive performance specifically was and remains integral to ritual ceremony and spiritual practice among early and indigenous peoples and their descendants, where it is often used to induce the non ordinary state of consciousness (NOSC) believed by participants to be a requisite for communication with spiritual energies and entities.[126][127]

While there is no scientific evidence for existence of such energy or entities, and thereby nor the human capacity to communicate with them, the findings of some contemporary research suggests that listening to rhythmic sounds, especially percussion, can induce the subjective experience of a non ordinary states of consciousness ...

There's a good reason churches have powerful organs that can play 16 hz, these organs are expensive and they are not there for decoration. And there's a reason why earlier civilizations used ritual percussion beats and rhythmic chanting and singing and tuned chambers for the same purpose.

It's basically a drug. It can mess with your consciousness and make your very susceptible to suggestion.

The section on music and binaural beats says this:

Many of the aforementioned reports are based on the use of auditory stimuli that combines binaural beats with other sounds, including music and verbal guidance. This consequently precludes the attribution of any influence on or positive outcome for the listener specifically to the perception of the binaural beats.[104] Very few studies have sought to isolate the effect of binaural beats on listeners. However, initial findings in one experiment suggest that listening to binaural beats may exert an influence on both Low Frequency and High Frequency components of heart rate variability, and may increase subjective feelings of relaxation.[105]

..., a review of research findings suggest that listening to music and sound can modulate autonomic arousal through entrainment of neural oscillations. Furthermore, music generally, and rhythmic patterns, such as those produced by percussive performance including drumming specifically, have been shown to influence arousal ergotropically and trophotropically, increasing and decreasing arousal respectively.[106] Such auditory stimulation has been demonstrated to improve immune function, facilitate relaxation, improve mood, and contribute to the alleviation of stress.[107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114]

Meanwhile, the therapeutic benefits of listening to sound and music, whether or not the outcome can be attributed to neural entrainment, is a well-established principle upon which the practice of receptive music therapy is founded. The term 'receptive music therapy' denotes a process by which patients or participants listen to music with specific intent to therapeutically benefit; and is a term used by therapists to distinguish it from 'active music therapy' by which patients or participants engage in producing vocal or instrumental music.[115]

Receptive music therapy is an effective adjunctive intervention suitable for treating a range of physical and mental conditions.[116]

Meanwhile, the evident changes in neural oscillations precipitated by listening to music, which are demonstrable through electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements,[117][118][119][120][121][122] have contributed to the development of neurologic music therapy, which uses music and song as an active and receptive intervention, to contribute to the treatment and management of disorders characterized by impairment to parts of the brain and central nervous system, including stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer's disease, and autism.[123][124][125]

So there's a lot of science here but you need to seek out the science specifically, not articles like the one you posted.

That article talks a lot about Tesla, and I'm pretty sure his resonance experiments were vastly overstated. Resonance is very powerful but there's a practical limit. I'm sure that a device that taps at a given frequency and fits in your pocket is not going to bring down any building. If it was possible you would have heard about it and it would be in widespread use for demolition. And metronomes would be a destructive force bringing down cities one musical household at a time.

Furthermore it's stated that he said he could crack the world in half using such a device. This is unlikely as the planet is very well damped with a lot of water and loose soil and a core that isn't solid. This is a LOT of damping. And the mass of the planet is huge. So a device that could use resonance to shatter it would have to be incredibly powerful.

The concepts are interesting but incredibly overstated. Any article that starts by describing Tesla's reported resonance experiments probably isn't a very scientific source.
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Also reminds me of Danley's measurements of the great pyramids. (I didn't dream that up, did I? I can't find the link anymore.)

IIRC he was at the pyramids and measured strong harmonic signatures in the tunnels and chambers that corresponded to musical notes and maybe chords. Which is likely why people report such a surreal feeling of awe inside the pyramids.
Going even further off topic, I saw a documentary recently, The Pyramid Code - The Pyramid Code (TV Series 2009? ) - IMDb

IIRC they were claiming that pyramids were not tombs at all but large power plants drawing power from the earth's ley lines and using it to light up the white outer casing stones like a big street light. And transmitting healing powers around the world.

It was also claimed that the pyramid itself had acoustical healing powers.

But they were also claiming that the ancient Egyptians were much smarter than we are, very technologically advanced, they had electric lights and that they had 365 senses (most of which modern people don't have access to), among other things.

It was a heady mix of interesting ideas and complete lunacy. Some really nice visual footage and every once in awhile a seemingly somewhat unique thought that wasn't completely crazy.

It's on Netflix (in Canada at least) so if you want a wild ride similar to Ancient Aliens conspiracy theory genre this is interesting enough to waste some time on. They present no real evidence of any kind but are so sure of their theories. It's an interesting study in confirmation bias and weird belief systems if nothing else. Much like Ancient Aliens.


(To be clear though, the documentary doesn't mention aliens.)
I have messed around with hemisync and syncroenergizer stuff I once built a chair with 14 seperate channels each going to different parts of the body with different frequencies forming chords
It cost me around $60,000

Sounds like an interesting project, but you could have spent months at the Monroe Institute in a CHEC (controlled holistic environmental chamber) listening to Hemi Sync for that amount of money!

I was lucky enough to meet Bob Monroe there shortly before he "translated" from this world, really interesting and funny guy. As he said "if nothing else, I have figured out a way to put people to sleep, and then reliably wake them up an hour later".

The principle of entraining the brain to the lower frequencies conducive to explorations in altered mental states is predicated by starting the beat frequencies near the "normal" brain wave frequencies, then slowly bringing them down. Bob was like a mind musician chef, mixing various beat frequency patterns that could allow both the VLF brain wave states with higher brain wave states associated with normal waking brain wave activity.

Spent quite a bit of time over more than a decade looking at various people's brain waves using an IBVA (interactive brain wave analyzer), had one subject that could achieve single very low frequency wave activity at will (looks like a mountain range), while typical brain activity is mostly a collection of seemingly random frequency, even more so when talking than listening. Unfortunately, "advancement" in computer operating systems has made the 1994 IBVA software/hardware unusable.

On to the other off-topic subject of pyramid power..
Back in 1978 built one out of wood and brass screws with the same angles as the main Giza pyramid for a girlfriend who became interested/obsessed with them after we saw Todd Rundgren's tour with all the Egyption references, including a large open pyramid on stage.

I wish I had a documented the exact experiment that I made to see if the properly aligned pyramid had any "power". Best as I recall, a pendulum suspended from the apex at the "power point" about 1/3 up from the base would start to rotate with no intervention. This rotation did not occur with the pendulum hung anywhere else in the room.

Back to the regularly scheduled programming...



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You met that guy?
Ive been thinking about getting my hair done like his.
Seems like a lot of my audiophile buddys are into pyramid and alternative thinking.
I started following this guy Dan Winter about 15 years ago.
If you dont know about him already, you should check him out. Sometimes theres so much information I have to listen several times for it to absorb.
I built the nested dodecahedron speaker on the first pages of this thread, inspired from his stuff.
Ive been super busy for the past 3 days working on automation integration of this building system I designed for a client. I haven't checked the post.
although I did finally download Hornresp. I like the simulations.
My father in law is a professor of archeology He He met with Zawi Hiwas?? and went into the giza pyramid alone. I use to be into crystals and stuff. I had this big double pointed herkemer that I broke in half. I gave him half of it and he put it in an air shaft of the pyramid. I still have the other half somewhere.
Best as I recall, a pendulum suspended from the apex at the "power point" about 1/3 up from the base would start to rotate with no intervention. This rotation did not occur with the pendulum hung anywhere else in the room.

A simple explanation would be harmonic relationship between resonance in arms of "pyramid" and the pendulum. Nothing supernatural required....
You met that guy?

I started following this guy Dan Winter about 15 years ago.
If you dont know about him already, you should check him out. Sometimes theres so much information I have to listen several times for it to absorb.
I built the nested dodecahedron speaker on the first pages of this thread, inspired from his stuff.
I met and talked with Bob Monroe at the Monroe institute, he was a very interesting individual, and a great contributor to the science of the OBE and brain mapping.

I purchased the IBVA in 1994 after several prior meetings with Dan Winter during the early 1990s, also purchased some "Callahan probes" so the IBVA could also be used for testing tree waves. My set up was pretty much identical to Dan's, though he upgraded his Mac laptops more frequently than I, so his IBVA results were more "real time" than mine.

At one retreat, we found a tree's response to be "in resonance" with the fellow I had mentioned previously who could control his brain waves at will. Dan has repeatedly posted the tree's "harmonic cascade" in his blogs, even though it was pointed out that the harmonics were simply the result of a clipped input on the IBVA resulting in the FFT creating a harmonic sequence of the clipped frequency. Using the Callahan probes on trees overloaded the IBVA input (range of .39 to 100 microvolts), had we been more tech savvy instead of being in woo-woo mode, we could have got decent data had we just put in line attenuators on the tree probes after becoming aware of the problem.

After further encounters with Dan at the Biodome, where I had been "enlisted" to help with electrical wiring, I have found his work to be of some interest (though very "recursive" ;^) ), but of no practical value. Dan's blissful disregard of facts that disagree with his conclusions reduce his credibility, but having worked with him was great fun, and gave insights to many concepts I had little awareness of prior to meeting him.



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That's incredible.
That is some cool stuff. Yeah I was a little disappointed with the last Web conference Dan had.
He's exactly like you said loosing credibility by promoting products with very little or no data to support. I used to get this monotomic powder from a friend. I'm not sure if it does anything its basicly carbon. I see he promotes gold powder. When I decided I wanted to build a plasma tweeter, I just so happened to check out Dan latest YouTube and he's selling something that reminded me of plasma tweeter . I thought it was a coinsidense but it reinforced my desire to build one.
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