The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

When you die, poop leaves your butt.

(© Live Hard, Sell Hard)

No need for so drastic a measure
I mean one can be waiting all day to go back home and then he get stuck for 2miles behind a cue waiting for blipping learner driver doing 21 Mph on a 40 to get out of the way and think "O S...T I am going to have an accident" and is not sure if may be safe to let go as it could be just same trapped gas or not.

Thank you, I love Dr. Suzuki...

You welcome
did not know such program was out for so long...BBC...

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Super ...
dropping the front door keys

Shat sitting in a garage has benefits, larger bucket and no need for gloves.

(Brandnew 80ft Poland built, never used)


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