• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

E180F triode-strapped.

Joined 2003
Here you are (it doesn't look as bad once you zoom in on the saved image):


  • e180f.gif
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Hi Frank,

Thanks..Oneday:rolleyes: I shall build a 2a3 se amp..and I was thinking of driving it with something "unconventional" ...

Anyway..this future project will be the first where I will really listen and try out different drivers.

In the past I just used a 6n1p..but since tube o snobs hate this tube..I want to try lot's of goodies..and hear for myself.

Want to build a sort of experimenters platform with say a resistor, choke, and CCS... for the driver stage...and switch between say, 6SN7, E180F triode, E180F penthode..bla, bla, bla..

Wrong John, it went ziiiiiiiiiiing.

Makes are

2 of Valvo e180f
1 of unmarked 7718
2 ofGEC CV3998
1 of Mullard E180F

To be honest I didn't try them all, just the first two were so zingy.

Maybe I should have done some proper evaluation, but it wasn't with a view to talking about it anywhere. It went, heck that's bad, pull it out and redesign the circuit around another valve type. was that a little impetuous of me?

Paul (pp4212e... should I?)
Well to stick to the thread Mr Moderator, I wouldn't want my experience with e180f to stop the poster trying it. YMMV as they say, and loads of other people recommend the valve.

I just give my experience as one to consider amongst the rest. In the end what we find for ourselves is what matters.

I frequently get things wrong, which is what fuels my passage to what is right. But it was me at the wheel, and so the lesson is drummed in good and proper. No good gathering opinions only and then basing decisions on opinions of others. Try out others ideas but base decisions on own ears.

What transformers? BIG problem. No money left in the kitty.

I was rather hoping to build something right up to the output transformers and then encourage 7n7 to cut and paste his transformers onto my amp!
Check this out:
Tube Tester Files - 6J9

I'm running these grid 2 & 3 tied to plate with a 10ma/160V CCS and an LED in the cathode. Works great.
Actually it is a 1.6V red LED with a 68R resistor in series that equates to about -2.3V bias.

I have the E180F working at Vp 180 g1 -2v Is it under the maximum dissipation point, I can not find info about e180f strapped as triode.
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