What is the Universe expanding into..

Do you think there was anything before the big bang?

  • I don't think there was anything before the Big Bang

    Votes: 56 12.5%
  • I think something existed before the Big Bang

    Votes: 200 44.7%
  • I don't think the big bang happened

    Votes: 54 12.1%
  • I think the universe is part of a mutiverse

    Votes: 201 45.0%

  • Total voters
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Thought I would look at this..


M. Gregg
This is just about 1 type of multiverses.
There are at least 4 types of multiverses:
1 The simplest one. There are a limited amount of elementary particles that make up our visible universe. And there is a limited amount of configurations in witch all these elementary particles can exist. So if you go far enough away, you will encounter a similar state of elementary particle configurations as we observe here. If this universe is infinite in size, then you will find infinite places in this universe that are exactly the same as our visible universe.
2 The chaotic/eternal inflation kind of multiverse, this is the one they are talking about in the video. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_inflation
3 The Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics. The cat is alive in one universe and its dead in an other. This is actualy the mathematical most simple interpretation of qm.
4 Completely different mathematical structures that govern the law's of nature. Anything can happen, even things that are impossible in our universe.
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Joined 2010
Its interesting that none of the models seem to be able to create something from nothing..ie the start of the inflation seems to come from another source...which seems to say at the "Start" there was no start..:D
Ie before the first inflation..we seem to have the same situation if it be one universe or many..something is always there at the start..:confused:

Ie something has always been there!

I can accept that there was no start or no end to the something..however its the catalyst for one or many universes.. even if all universes were to end the something would remain ready to start it all off again. (or so it seems)

So the multiverse or the universe are only outcomes of the something..
Its almost like something is trying to become or exist in another form..it can't stay as it is..LOL perhaps its evolving..:D

I think it was Einstein that said. " to constantly repeat the same experiment expecting a different outcome was madness". (the fractal)

M. Gregg
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I think it is logical to assume that if something develops in a space limited by a number of dimentions, there are two possibilities:
1) there was something within that dimensional space before
2) something transformed from another dimensional space into that dimensional space.

In the first case it might be visible.

In the second case it could appear that something sprang (partially) into existence for it transformed out of another (invisible) space.
Existence has always existed. Numbers like E or Pi
would exist forever even if existence and time did
not. An infinitude of such truths have nominated
existence and themselves to exist, and drag the
rest of us with them as an unfortunate side effect.

if reality can cohese in any other way, then those
other realities must exist too. If it cannot cohese in
any other way, then this universe is alone.

There are probably a lot of boring universes with
very simple rules (Like 0=0) out there.
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Joined 2010
Just for interest..


This kind of program always makes me stop and think..you know the "Big Bang" expansion is always shown incomplete..:D

It should look like this..

M. Gregg


  • supernova.jpg
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given how we human can sometimes behave, i actually think it is quite likely that we are a computer program, probably with a not fully grown teenager at the wheel.


We are a will, that is , a by product of the electromagnetic force wich, like any force, is a will by the excellence, when we want something it s actualy the EM force that want something, the something being the growth of the global entropy.
Is gravity at right angles to time the way electric is to magnetic?
Gravity and Timeflow are similar in each having only one polarity.
Where you have gravity, there is little timeflow.
Where you have timeflow, you have little gravity.

To me, these very different things seem more than casually related.
Maybe no more different than electric vs magnetic if we were to look
at Timeflow and Gravity from some favorable outside vantage point.

All our physical laws are the result of probability and are not absolute but relative, the global field, aka the universe, did stabilise its parameters at a given equilibrium inducing the four forces that rule what we call the universe and their intrinsical particles and bosons, should had the parameters stabilised at another equilibrium that a completely different universe would had been raised with completely different particles , forces and hence physics.

Currently the field is in some kind of well from wich it cant escape unless there s an impulse that increase its potential at wich point it will break the barrier of potential before collapsing to a lower energetic level where it will be more stable, in the process all known particles and forces will disappear and a new world will emerge whose entropy will be orders of magnitude higher than in our current universe, life as we know it couldnt exist and the new laws wont allow living bodies to exist by the virtue of the maximal entropy, in other words there wont be enough avalaible negentropie to sustain a living system, universe will be almost immobile.
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Joined 2010
What ...??? We're all gonna die :eek::eek::eek::eek: !!!? ... oh, no! - why didn't someone tell me, before ...!!!


Yes, but there is an eternal immortality of the aura that remains always in the universe, Frank.

And that aura might be wandering/floating the coffins of space for billions of light years till it resurrects itself as another physical entity (with gravity),
like a human being for example, living in another galaxy of the super multiverse.
...Or an alien, who truly knows really. First we need to find someone who's already been there. /// Do you know anyone Frank? :deer:
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