Museatex - Melior One

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I bought a pair Museatex Melior One `s at the beginning of the nineties. I used them for some years before they were put in storage, because of children, and less space to let them breathe.

Now is the time to take them out of storage. Does anyone here have experience with these? Can I expect that they have endured to be unused for so many years? I have heard that there may be some problems with the glue that holds the membrane in place, and the magnetic oil in the coil opening.

I have discovered that the feet i got with the speakers, is not the original one, witch is shaped as a triangle. Does anyone know where I can get either a pair of original replacements, or blueprints to make them myself??
Lars: why don't you fire them up and see how they sound and then take things from there? if you have feet use them if you want new feet they are only MDF with machine screw inserts for footers or spike you will have to build your own. You may want to re tension the diaphragms with a hot air gun but you need to be careful or you could destroy the diaphragm. Keep the gun moving and six inches away. Loss of tension will show first as wrinkles in the corners. If you skins look smooth leave them alone. Hope this helps. Best regards Moray James.
Lars: why don't you fire them up and see how they sound and then take things from there? if you have feet use them if you want new feet they are only MDF with machine screw inserts for footers or spike you will have to build your own. You may want to re tension the diaphragms with a hot air gun but you need to be careful or you could destroy the diaphragm. Keep the gun moving and six inches away. Loss of tension will show first as wrinkles in the corners. If you skins look smooth leave them alone. Hope this helps. Best regards Moray James.

Ill do that, Moray. Thanks for your advise, this far.
I took them out of storage today, and plugged them in. They both work, sort of, but the sound is low and thin. Sounds like a deep-reaching tweeter, playing alone, without woofers.

And they are incredable heavy.

My first thaught is that they don`t play as they should because of the magnetic oil in the coil-opening? It may have dried in, obstructing the speaker?

This person had the same problem...

Update: After some more investigation, it turned out that the magnetic coil on one of the speakers hung out in the back, clearly separated from the diaframe. When i pushed it in, the speaker worked again.

It seams like i have some glue-problems?
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Update 2: I found this repair guide, written by you Morray James:

You can use LocTite Super Bonder 414 adhesive. There will be a layer of special Bostik glass sealant around your voice coil joint. This was applied over the diaphragm to voice coil former joint to impart impact resisance. You will need to VERY CAREFULLY scrape this off with a new Xacto knife before you repair the diaphragm to former joint. First clean the joint with a Q-Tip and small quantity of alcohol or laquer thinner, allow solvent to flash off (DO Not use any acetone). Make sure that you do not push hard enough to move the voice coil out of place ((eye ball the coil to a vertical position). Then with a tooth pic apply a thin layer of adhesive all around the joint. Keep the fresh adhesive off of the diaphragm just apply to the old joint. Let dry over night. You can now apply another sealant of similar consistancy around the new joint just flush to the edge of the dust cap make sure that your new joint looks as much like the old one as possible. Wait a day and that should do the trick. Hope that this helps. Should you have any other questions please PM me. Best regards Moray James (designer of the HIghwood Audio (Sumo) and Melior loudspeakers.

Do you have any further advise? I would love to se some pictures of the joint, how it is supposed to be.

The difference here, is that the magnet itself is loose. I haven`t opened up the speaker yet, to se how.

So you are the designer of theese babies?
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I will make som internal pictures when i open them up.

This is the external of them. The speaker beside it, is a Rogers LS3/5A.

I had the SUMO Aria planer.......back in the 90s.... all it was a peace of mylar with a 3/4 voice coil in the center...mag on the back was a wood braces...ran from top to bottem...Highwood see pic..seem to work fine .....not much bass....big speakers....never got to hear the ..Melior One ..thanks


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Cool, tyu!

Unless my memory fails me, there are some wooden braces in the back that secures the magnet coil in this speaker too.

Sounds like structure is quite similar.

Moray James:

What happens normaly with the Magnet Coil, if it detaches from the membrane? It seems that it is loose on one of my speakers?
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Here is an update from Norway on the Melior One`s:

This morning i unscrewed the back cover of the speakers, planning to take the cloth cover off.

This proved to be a hard task, because the front cover is stapled to the frame, clamping the cloth.

During this prosess, however, i felt that the magnet of the speaker was verry loose under the cover. I reached under the covercloth, and discovered that the speaker was completely free from the coil, witch still is connected to the diafragm.

To sum it up: The good news is that the coil is still connected to the diafragm. The bad news is that the coil and the magnet is completely separated. (The coil is sitting on my table now.)

I don`t know if the coil is damaged or not, as I was not able to take of the cover completely.

Do i have to pry up the staples, holding the front part secured to the frame, to do this?
Here is an update from Norway:

I dismantled the speakers this morning. The panels were stapled to the frame, suggesting that this is an early production version. The cloth cover was attached with velcro all the way around the bottom. I was curious to see if the coil was intact or not, after the magnet fell off. I'm no expert, but the coil looks out unscathed.

I decided to gently put the magnet in place and connect to the amplifier. The speaker works, sort off, but the sound is thin and very low. Just like the other speaker, which seems unscathed. Now I hope that all it takes is a thorough burn-in. I'll post some "nude photos", so you can see how the inside of these particular speakers looks.
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Moray James was actually involved in the birth of this speakers, so he's probably the best one to tell how it is put together and what kind of material Museatex used. But the membrane is made of mylar and behind it, that is before the white grid, it looks like gray filt. I suspect that this probably has a semi-permiabel effect on airflow.

The speakers is not 100% bipolar.

The grid seems connected to the x brace, but i don`t now for shure, because i have not dismantled it completely.

The frame is constructed of sandwitched MDF and the base of my speakers are filled with quartz gravel to make it heavy.

Sadly i have discovered a small distortion at low volume on the speaker where the magnet got loose. It seems like the problem is that the coil is slightly off center in the magnet gap, making contact at low volume.

I hope that I am able to fix this.
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Hey buddy I never knew

I had the SUMO Aria planer.......back in the 90s.... all it was a peace of mylar with a 3/4 voice coil in the center...mag on the back was a wood braces...ran from top to bottem...Highwood see pic..seem to work fine .....not much bass....big speakers....never got to hear the ..Melior One ..thanks

that you had a pair of the Highwood Audio Aria. The Melior is the same diaphragm VC and motor only the shape/size changed. Melior ll is a better size for the diaphragm thickness. We used the exact same diaphragm material as Jim at Acoustat only we used a thicker version. Louvre is styrene damping is non woven fabric to provide acoustical load. I actually had the diaphragm material cross linked but that never made its way into production only a hand full of prototypes.
The versions of Meliors which the OP has were the result of Ed Meitner joining the company and the idea was his and was done very much against my will as VP at the time, it was a very poor idea and was a real step backwards but that is another story. Very best regards buddy stay well. Moray James.
Moray...........long time.......
we taket about so much....good to see ck in time ta time...alway make me feel good to see your words.....thanks.....

One thing about the Highwood Audio Aria......... it had no damping on the back?
you could see right tru them....people freaket did i ....i thought i wood never get anyone to buy the speakers.... i could see right off thay were not for me...hell at that time i did not even like the maggys...i gess ones you had the Quad 57s an the Acoustat X............with the tube sevos amps....the Aria sound a little week!.....all just one mans finding.....
long live Acoutats
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