John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Unfortunately, there's no actual data to support that, only "scare" articles in popular magazines.

Data, Data, Data... Facts, Facts, Facts, You are soo fussy.

I had to stop eating dairy products in the mid 80's. Actually made me sick after never having any problems before. I found a few items I could eat such as Ben & Jerrys ice cream and one local pizza. I though this was the shift from Guernsey to Holstein cows for lower fat milk production.

A friend who is a molecular biologist though it was the Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) that came into use at that time as the protein difference was very small. So a quick blind test demonstrated it was the hormone. (I forget what the exact difference was between the two milk products, but it was known and identifiable.)

Now the commercial BGH is made by E. Coli that have had a gene splice. There is not enough natural BGH milk for me to compare.

The reason I could eat the pizza was that they only used imported cheese that contained no BGH.

(There also is the issue that in tests of BGH great care is used to be sure the treatment is following the guidelines. Commercial production may not!)
I can't the device is top secret! :)

I don't know why you think that, I can certainly get similar results with other approaches.

It creates information while using no source of power, is another way to state your claim.

Now I ask you does this look like two millionaires, who don't care about selling their wares?


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AX tech editor
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tests show that our white blood cells increase when we eat GMO foods. What does that imply?


Funny enough, ALL foodstuffs are constantly being genetically modified. Two processes: one called e v o l u t i o n, done by mother nature, and we humans have done it a couple of 100.000's of years, in a process called breeding.
We're just getting better at it.

And yes, we ourselves are ALSO continuously being genetically modified. One reason why you will never make an olympic medal on the 100m dash ;)

Funny enough, ALL foodstuffs are constantly being genetically modified. Two processes: one called e v o l u t i o n, done by mother nature, and we humans have done it a couple of 100.000's of years, in a process called breeding.
We're just getting better at it.

And yes, we ourselves are ALSO continuously being genetically modified. One reason why you will never make an olympic medal on the 100m dash ;)


When we refer to GM we mean that a gene from a different source has been inserted into the DNA. That is different than a normal mutation of an existing gene.

For example the gene in kudzu that makes it herbicide resistant can be place in a corn seed. The assumption is that the gene only made the corn herbicide resistant and had no other effect.

That is an abrupt change not the gradual change from mutations.
AX tech editor
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That is an abrupt change not the gradual change from mutations.

Mutations and breeding are also quite abrupt as far as changed gene's are concerned Ed. Look what we've done to the noble race of dogs and cats. If you're looking for something to fight genetic modification, fight that, instead of the attempts to keep children dying from malnutrition.

Funny enough, ALL foodstuffs are constantly being genetically modified. Two processes: one called e v o l u t i o n, done by mother nature, and we humans have done it a couple of 100.000's of years, in a process called breeding.
We're just getting better at it.

And yes, we ourselves are ALSO continuously being genetically modified. One reason why you will never make an olympic medal on the 100m dash ;)


first, last Linear Audio is bloody great! :)

Evolution, yep. The one that produced something like.. 10000+ potato variety.. or.. 2600 tomato types during all these years?

Here in France, (or dare I say Provence) it's becoming increasingly difficult to get the "native" sorts. Why so? Because all these big f...... companies buy everything, from the politicians to the scientists. Where are the real facts? Oh yeah, these big and nice looking apples that taste like.. plastic..
Steal the seeds and brand them, standardization of the same crap all over..

We have great brains, but they were not made to rape Nature.

Stay away from GM! :cheers:
Thanks for the picture of Jack Bybee and Carl Brinkmann.
They did want to make some sort of profit from their efforts, but neither HAD to work to live comfortably. They had this 'work ethic' you see, something that I don't have. They got bored just sitting around.
As I probably stated, I introduced Carl Brinkmann to Jack Bybee through meeting him and sharing my experiences with the Bybee devices on the internet, more than 15 years ago. Carl had some really nice audio equipment: 3 playback systems in his house, one was with a pair of WATT3's that were better than the WATTS that I have today. I wish that I had them in my system!
He and I used to discuss sports cars as well. He had a modified Porsche 911 in his garage, (where he also had one of his sound systems), later he bought a Porsche dual turbo, and gave me a short ride in it, once.
He parted with Jack over division of labor, as he and his wife drove to the factory every day and kept the place going. Jack, like me, got bored with assembling more than a few prototypes, and wanted to try new ideas.
In any case, Carl cashed out, (at a loss I presume) and moved to the East Coast somewhere, and we have not heard from him in over 10 years. I hope he is alive and well. I think he changed to raising horses, but I am not sure.
Some of the things they are doing to fish these days is down right scary! When we start to generically insert genes inter-species wise I am not sure that could ever happen in nature. While I agree with some that we have always done horticultural breeding it has not been by intermixing of plants or animals that are not related in one way or another. Adding a herbicide to a gene and inserting that into a plant is very different than spraying the plant with a herbicide, both may not be good for you, but one guarantees you have to eat those herbicides. As to milk here in California at least I see milk and milk products all the time that specifically say they do not contain any growth hormones and that the cows are not treated with these. Now we have fish farms where the fish a pumped full of anti-biotic's and god knows what they are using for food to feed them. I live close enough that I have seen the harvesting of tomatoes in commercial fields to see that they are stacked over 6 foot deep on the trucks for transport and are completely green when picked. They taste like cardboard and nobody would grow something like this in their own yard. Strawberries are covered in pesticides as nobody wants to see a spot on their food. I don't have problem with science but we do need to be careful, there are things we just shouldn't be doing to our basic food stuffs that Monsanto just doesn't want you to know about, this is just big monopolistic control of entire food crops such as corn. Farmers aren't even allowed to save some of the crop for seed today, the patent protection has gotten out of hand.
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Adding a herbicide to a gene and inserting that into a plant is very different than spraying the plant with a herbicide, both may not be good for you, but one guarantees you have to eat those herbicides.

Not sure I understand your point, but. Inserting the gene that expresses the herbicide is not the same as spraying with the herbicide. The gene that expresses it does NOT have the same bad effects as eating something that has the actual herbicide sprayed onto it!

Jack, like me, got bored with assembling more than a few prototypes, and wanted to try new ideas.
THAT'S why you never really got your due on your designs. You abdicate the heavy lifting to others and they make the heavy profits. When you design a water spout and then hand it to others they get control of the water.

Hindsight is 20 20 - I'm as guilty as the next. :eek:
Mutations and breeding are also quite abrupt as far as changed gene's are concerned Ed. Look what we've done to the noble race of dogs and cats. If you're looking for something to fight genetic modification, fight that, instead of the attempts to keep children dying from malnutrition.


Mutation simulation is my younger brother's line of work.

The spliced gene makes the plant resistant to herbicide. The plant does not produce it. There are also genes to keep insects away not kill them.

Now my microbiologist friend is making things that eat oil slicks. Others have done blight and or drought resistant food plants. So there are useful things to do with the technology.

I am of the opinion that much of the increase in birth defects is due to the use of pesticides. Decent statistical correlation, no smoking gun. Now pesticides greatly increase the food available, but as most Americans are overweight, that introduces another problem issue.

The biggest problem with starvation is transportation of the surplus to where it is needed. The problem is more man that vegetable.

In short there is no such thing as a single figure of merit.


I also always lie. :)

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