The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Joined 2006
Paid Member
What makes you assume it isn't ?

(afaih, ZM is from a small postdestinarian village called Licken-Zee-Stein)


I got a postcard from there last year......


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Joined 2011
Paid Member
Cool engines, hey ?

Yay! I had a small one in my little open wooden fishingboat as a kid. It ran on prettymuch anything. I ran it on used motoroil sometimes but I came home as a chimney sweeper after my fishing tour.

That one could start going backwards sometimes when I was after the pikes. Enoying:eek:

One of the worst mistakes one can do is to overflow the grease oil. Since its a 2 stroke it can start running on it and rush the engine. The 1,5 ton flywheel goes straight through the hull and we're joining sponge bob.

When dad was young they had them going all nights in the harbour since it took hours to heat up the ignition ball.
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