The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

is he still in a coma?

For your ears only, doesn't make a difference.
Should he get out of it, cerebral damage will so severe, that he'd spend his days as a vegetable in a wheelchair.

(Shame, JF was the smartest of the bunch. During the first two years of his aeronautic studies we shared some classes. Planes are built as ships, same part names, etc.)

Comme ci, comme ça (tralali tralala)
The second part of your post I understood, I'm acquainted with the estate, not the person.
I've been all over England and Scotland, very much into the UK for quite some time (even managed to startle UK customs officers twice by handing them an unanticipated passport).

Not into fly-fishing either, standing in a pond with rubber waders on isn't my cup of tea (maybe if they were latex :clown: ).
I enjoy sportfishing at sea, with outriggers. The rougher, the more exuberant, primate residue and all that.
(semi-attached/detached body parts and print may suggest otherwise, but on the last oil check, the meter still read iq+145)
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Not into fly-fishing either, standing in a pond with rubber waders on isn't my cup of tea (maybe if they were latex :clown: ).

As you mention it, I can easily find a pair of Latex waders for you. You would probably enjoy it. Then you could go and repair a few dykes. 'Dyke' has two meanings in the Scottish Borders; the second is a stone wall!;)

[I have had more fun in waders than in any other form of clothing!:cool:].
go and repair a few dykes.

Oh dear, how embarrassing, seems we've yet to be properly introduced to eachother.
(the spelling was indeed intended as homocide, not homicide)
For the detailed update :

Alas, poor Yorick.
Many moons have passed since the last time the Fake Knight sharpened his lance for a dyke tournament.
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Joined 2006
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Joined 2011
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To all the responsibilitys one have in life, one of the most important not to neglect is to host Minecraft servers for the offsprings and their crowd. Now that I did that I tend to get a quadzillion messeges when calmly enjoying my guinness over the latest elector mag.

To all the responsibilitys one have in life, one of the most important not to neglect is to host Minecraft servers for the offsprings and their crowd. Now that I did that I tend to get a quadzillion messeges when calmly enjoying my guinness over the latest elector mag.


Another governmental data mining program. My kids love it. I keep looking for the where the hid atari. Haven't found it yet.
Cheers BS (is it ok if I use that short?). Here in raindeerland a major weekly magazine just stated in the headlines that most people prefere to work with their own sex. Well, I like my job but im not religious about it...

Best of health (Guinness) to you all


We do have name for those

Mass Turb Actors.

Yeah call me short as long as you like as long as you do not mean i...