• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
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    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Homemade EL84 Push-Pull amp doesn't work

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Greetings from FixitLand!

"I'll be 17 years old in december. (My parents wasn't happy when i said 250Volts btw... )"

I'll bet! <grin> Wonder what they'll think if you contemplate building an EL34 amp with a 400-volt (or so) power supply...<bigger grin!>

"Just to be clear; when you say P.I., you mean phase inverter, and the ECC82 tube right? And R8 is the 22kOhm that's connected to the ECC82s anode right?"

That's correct.

"Hmm. I did exactly what you said, and the hum disappeared. I can only hear it about a 15-20centimeter distance. Thanks for everything! My amp is working perfectly now."


You may be able to reduce the remaining hum still further by adding a filter section to the power supply. Add another 120-ohm resistor after the first one; add another filter cap (or even a pair, as you've been doing...be sure to add the 220K resistors across them too); and move the B+ connection to the end of the new 120-ohm resistor: (Please forgive the cheesy character art!)

Existing NEW
Rect. ----/\/\/\/\/-------/\/\/\/\/----------B+ to EL84
| 120 | 120 |
Cap Cap NEW Cap
| | |

Each "Cap" would be a single 400-volt unit (100 to 220 uF would be fine) or can be a pair-in-series like you have been using, with 220K resistors as follows:

| |
200V \
cap / 220K
| \
| |
| |
200V \
cap / 220K
| \
| |
------- GND

I'm really glad to hear the set is now working. Enjoy it, and let us know if you have any more questions.

Take care,
J. E. Knox "The Victor Freak"
Greetings from FixitLand!

Just one more. :) Any thoughts about my new speakers? Oh, and what do you think about Sovtek's EL84 tubes? I'm using Tungsram tubes right now btw.

I found your comments about the new speakers, and looked them up on the 'Net. I'm not an "audiophile" (other than I love listening to my vintage record collection through tube amps <grin>), so can't comment on specific speaker units, but I see nothing wrong with these. They sound good to you on your solid-state setup, I trow...I bet one would sound good hooked to your new EL84 amp. (Maybe it's time to make the other channel for it...<bigger grin!>)

I've not used Sovtek EL84s. The ones I have in my EL84 amp are Sylvania black-plate tubes I got a while back in a box of electronic parts. In fact, two of them are 6BQ5/EL84 while the other two are 7189s (slightly uprated EL84s). Physically, they appear identical. My other amp, which runs 1614s (metal transmitter tube slightly uprated from original metal 6L6), does have Sovtek 12AX7WA tubes used as tone-control amps. They seem fine to me. The 12AX7WA is considered inferior to the 12AX7-LPS which has longer plates and spiral-wound heaters. I have those too, but haven't tried them in the amp yet.

I hear a lot of good said about 6∏14∏-EB (or 6P14P-EV) Russian tubes. These are also uprated EL84s, in effect. Haven't yet tried them myself, nor have I tried the Tungsrams you're now using.

In another EL84-based amp I've had for many years (just one channel), there is a pair of Mullards. Truth be known, I can't tell much difference between one pair of tubes and another (so long as they show "good" on the tube tester). I'll defer to the "tube rollers" on that subject. <grin>

I'm attaching a pic of my EL84 amp ("AMP II") under construction a couple years ago.

Take care,
J. E. Knox "The Victor Freak"


  • AMP II under construction with 97KG radio.jpg
    AMP II under construction with 97KG radio.jpg
    312.8 KB · Views: 66
I'm attaching a pic of my EL84 amp ("AMP II") under construction a couple years ago.

Looks great! :) Again, thanks for the help, i learned a lot about tube amps. I'm going to buy the capacitors, because i need to make ONE good PSU, and if i want to build a new amp, (maybe an ECC82 preamp for my Hiraga) just pull out the PSU from the old amp, put into the new, and that's it. Spend once, profit twice. :)
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