The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

....old bull........


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Nearly missed out on that
Me dumb plonker.

Happy birthday Zen.

Dumb plonker does not really cover it especially after one PM I sent yesterday.

I did not know. And nearly missed it. Sorry if it is late.

Just came back from Drive to Sheffield with boot full of books.
Kant and Allan Sugar Bio face to face
And the rest just name it Trotsky and Lenin Just like 2 of Pink Floyds dudes but no chance for houg as one met ICE pick Niece and Bronsky (sorry if I cant be bother to check spelling you know me) Bronsky there is my Douglas Adams 5booxs on a series of tree and loads of other goodies and a Jbanez 5 string and little amp.

Uny year is almost over so Dada duty to carry the lot back home.
My Kid doing Sociology there

Well I can write pages about-it but 150 miles round trip I am so tired at this time and I will spoil it.

Maybe have chat with Brianco about the books tomorrow.
Maybe quite a lot to share with Gyuri to (I am the silent kind that keep the lot inside)
Sorry do you mind if we call you Marvin behind your back.:D
While here tanks Sakelloggs. Most definite get it
But not much merit for write up as it is all quotes from wikipedia
So is following one

Snake Pass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is a 72 miles trip from here with quite a lot of motorway but then after Glossop is quite nice (where Nice applies to going UP to Sheffield)

The return trip was just magic
It really needs a sound track
So the radio thing is playing same James Brown and the road get to 50 miles speed limit
As usual silly cars in convoy doing 30

So I am a sex machine and put pedal to metal and off
First one and 2 and 3 and 4 pull in
few hundred yards and anothe bunch
1 2 and in 3 4 5 in 6 7 open road from just out of Rivelin no more traffic I mean not a one single car to overtake till Glossop
It is all down hill mostly I am doing 50 ish and 150 miles to the gallon car said.

Not sure if you have seen The Clock work moment of revelation when Little Alex catch a drift of notes by the canal
Patti Smith - Smells Like Teen Spirit - YouTube
This was my muse
And then thoughts about big wall on the right or big drops to the left
And golliwog going so what where are you going back to ANYWAY

Oh my little bothers I was descending in to profound darkness but then over next rise.
Beautiful pink sky and hundred of yards down in the valley the milky way of next big town almost 20 miles away

I love this country in a way being so near the North Pole it was bright enough at past 22:00
I want to see that again and and again.
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From the late '70s, i somehow somewhere have a vague recollection of Sid Vicious, half a gram of coke, and the most henna covered tart available at very short notice on the weekend disco dance floor.

(Johnny Rotten sucks !)

Hem not shure about the half gram (me think it was 2 or more)part of it but that was the exception
he did prefer the other stuff.
Nevever touched that but one last old day long as he can not realy be bothered about what is going on

Johnny Rotten (Africa mombatta tyme) had special party trik
take can of bear make litle hole pull the tab and the lot down yhe as fast as it can by second can I was gone 6 foot 6 canadian rodie built like brick **** house lasted 1 more the reamining of a twelve pack gone.
Apart from that he is alwayse broke as most of his money go Children Charities.
He is not half bad

Nice one c2c finaly we can see your true self.
Behind that Pinochio there must be a soul after all.
how long did it take you to make the pumpkin looking like?

Yes first time big trip solo and I miss the VR4 I would have been home a load early.

Good Job she was not there as she does not like heights
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Tanks for pointers to those roads
Both vorty of the trip altrought not in red car.

There was same magic on my return trip and it was a combination of sound track time geology and geography
caming out of a dark valey in to a view as I had is difficoult to put in to words
It was as if the universe was on a smaller scale and up side down.
Pink and reds all on top and the dark valey with the distant city lights as the Milky Way.

I am shure you have same of that over the pond for now I tank you my over the pond friends for gulf current we had 27 C during the day.

Experience like that do not came often last one I had before was listening to Paul Pot singing Nessun Dorma for BBC
Not the one in this link ufortunatley (quality is digital crap)
Paul Potts @Royal Albert Hall - Nessun Dorma - YouTube
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Here is what got inside one kid head
He is young man really but kid for me.

which one to read first to go inside that universe?
Bansky is real tressure trow and Bukowsky weel been there done that can't write so well toug.

And a bit about politics or religion (same thing realy if one get in to it)


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