The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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Apropos Endless snow ...
Somebody heard of Magura?
Last time he was sighted he was eating something like this ...
("Cassoulet toulousain" - " Farting is good for toi ...")


Magura made it back to Denmark 2 days ago, after struggling with Air France, and the French in general, for a few days.

He got stuck in Shiphol for the night on his way out, as Toulouse airport was unable to handle 20mm snow, and closed down for the day.

Makes Magura wonder how the French has survived so far??
Ah, like cherche the andouillette. (Manu eyes only : more sûrétait)


We call it "hide the salami" here ...

@ Brigitte: Happy that you survived To loose .... I know this creepy little town.
Beside being incompetent in almost everything (except the Cassoulet) the ppl there are sickly proud of themselves, they say things like "our sun" all the time ...
But the nice thing is, when there is something going wrong in France they are the first concerned ... :D
