The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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@ c2c

naah ..... Papa have modest ( a la Poor Serbian Man ) system there ;

just two speakers .



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I worked FOH at the C2C club sat. nite. Seems like ZM and C2C also put on a good show. That said, we put on "Comedy Nite" at the club several times a year and I would like to extend an invitation to you both to perform at the next show. This could be your big break.
Thomas do not dispair over your seat at the dummy table, you have something others do not understand. Many moons ago an 8 yr. old poet said ... and your wise men don't know how it feels to be


as a


Gerald "Little Milton" Bostick :rolleyes:
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Joined 2006
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I worked FOH at the C2C club sat. nite. Seems like ZM and C2C also put on a good show. That said, we put on "Comedy Nite" at the club several times a year and I would like to extend an invitation to you both to perform at the next show. This could be your big break.
Thomas do not dispair over your seat at the dummy table, you have something others do not understand. Many moons ago an 8 yr. old poet said ... and your wise men don't know how it feels to be


as a


Gerald "Little Milton" Bostick :rolleyes:

Thick as a Brick - I'm listening to this as I write - for inspiration
Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick - Madison Square Garden 1978 - YouTube

Believe me - I do not despair about my seat at the dummy table. I have a lot of friends stop by to visit and share dumb stories. This was suma of da wackyness you and others observed. ZM and I were onna roll of dumbness seldom seen and perhaps not repeatable - and as he says - perhaps barking a little to much and a little to loud. Buuuuut - the Pub is a bit of a lounge in which we can take our brains out and give them a good rinsing out. :D:D

The last time I wuz inna zone like that it had sign that said "no parking". I just pulled into it and then went forward for a couple of feet - and then went back for a couple of feet. Back and forth until my rider appeared (SWMBO). Soooo - I didn't park - but I was in the zone..... :cool::cool::cool:
I was at one of the Garden shows in '78 they did the whole album, great memories. I usually lower the lights and play some music 10 min. before the show starts at the C2C club. I just might project the video and play this in the near future. the crowd is our age it may be a nice treat for them thanks for the heads up. Go to 7:13 in the video, the show I saw part of the flute flew off into the crowd about 20 rows back. A roady quickly gave him a replacement. At the break Ian asked for it back (it's not a foul ball after all) and the fan brought it up to the stage, good karma was had by all.
Speaking of C2C, I have a C2C club T-shirt I would like to send your way.
Yours in thickness :D
Joined 2006
Paid Member
just for the record - I'm World's greatest Jethro Tull fan !!!
ya bloody greenhornz ...... heard yesterday for that Boyz Band , and rumbling already ......

My little brother Patrick would give you a good contest about Jethro fan whaconess....... I don't think he has missed a concert within 300 mile distance - gotta lot of that vinyl stuff around too. I know he had all of the LP's once upon a time - but I not sure if all of them survived all these many years - I will need to ask about that.

Ahhhhhhhhhh - half a cupa Caffeine in me = one brain cell awaking. Soon both of 'em will be bouncing around...

Darkstar - I'll send you a PM about arranging for exchange. I would be happy to send you sum $$$$ to offset your cost. Just as long as it is anything but my brain cells - Those I cannot spare..... :D:D:D

Thank You!!! c2c ('n I came up with that one around '98 - even named a company after it).
Joined 2006
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Then you'll have no trouble telling us who Jethro Tull was and what he did for the world, without going to Google.

Another good rock trivia.:)

From the way you have written this Cal I interpret it that you mean the real Jethro Tull and what he accomplished during his life - and not the band leader Ian Anderson.

'N I'm not gonna give the answer away either - a team of horses couldn't drag it outta me!!! :cool: