Dx Blame MKIII Supercharged will soon be released

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This time i have made amess, and adjustment instructions are in the group buy thread

please, vistit this link below:


There's a video about adjustment, but better images and detailed text, are in the link i have posted up this paragraph....sorry, this information was to be posted here.

‪Adjustment to Dx Blame MKIII-Hx‬‏ - YouTube

New updated schematic attached...it is almost the same.... off set adjustment resistor removed and bias circuit resistance values changed.

We gonna have, soon, a part list...a bill of material.... Byron is producing that for us..... visit group buy from time to time...link is in my signature below...sometimes we have interesting things there.... even if you are not interested in boards, but wants to know what is going on...i am there too...and daily.


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I will try myself

Despite the xerox copy resulted smaller than my needs.

Wife made that for me in his job..she does not know, very well, how to operate computers.




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running...one in diyaudio (see my signature link) and another one in another forum.

What do you mean my dear?... want to produce more boards?

I am not understanding..... maybe i need some refresh in my mind to remember something we may have talked before.



The board manufacturer will be selling them on ebay, with no waits for enough people to by the boards to order, shipping anywhere, better board quality at less price for the buyer.

I have put forward to this manufacturer that this amp design PCB is made and so will need the designs that you approve of to be sent to him. Your test board/s (if you want more than one) will be sent to you before they go onto public sale.

The manufacturer is Stanton Tin.

Thank you
I see... sells outside forum... this does not break rules

But we cannot talk about that here because it is advertisement.

So.... as this is to offer outside forum, not group buy, then contact me by direct email adress.

We cannot talk about because this is alike a lever to move people to Ebay..so...doing that we gonna be using forum space for free advertisement.



I do not know.... i could not find datasheet

This amplifier is a little bit sensitive...because while operating at 4 ohms we can put out a lot of power and some transistors may not tollerate.

Send me datasheet, then we can decide if these ones will fit or not.

Transistor suggested are real "big guys".... very strong units... very reliable...observe SOA and compare with yours (of course if you have datasheet)




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There's a problem dear Boscoe ...these transistors

will not tolerate to operate inside the distortion area, when in 4 ohms, because will exceed transistor safe limits and they may burn.

These transistors can do the job with 8 ohms loads....also can operate with 4 ohms, but cannot enter distortion while in 4 ohms....and this is hard to control when playing loud, some peaks will go above limits.

Your transistors are good for safe operation with 8 ohms speaker only...not a good idea to use them.



Hello Sir Carlos,

How are you? It's been a while that I haven't visited the site.

I can see that you have a new amp for us. Can you direct me to the right PCB layout and schematics for this one (DX MK III HX)?

I'm planning to build this amp too.

Thanks you so much and more power!

Search this same thread Blueice, also search the MKIII Hx builder's thread

We had group buy for boards but they are closed now.... was opened in this same forum and other group buy in another international audio forum...try your search button, type there MKIII Hx group buy.

I suppose i have published all stuff, if something was missed, then ask directly to Alex mm to provide you black and white images (if missed) in order to allow you to etch by yourself at home.

There's a group buy being closed, but there's you have a lot of informs about too.... the Dx Blame MKII thread may have something interesting, a introduction about..then the Dx Blame MKIII thread that became MKIII Hx in the end, the amplifier was modified and took the new Hx sufix.

Good one man.... always evoluting...step by step we go searching and researching better and better units.

Search a little bit..... if something remain lost, then come to my email and i will try to help you... first read threads please, then ask Alex mm...if anything more is needed...then uncle charlie is here...never fear as uncle is here.



Hello Sir Carlos,

I have read all the threads and now enlightened. I will start making PCBs at home and will get back with results. Positive results hopefully!

Thank you for making this amplifier available for us DIYers. Thanks to Mr. Alex MM as well for the gorgeous boards!

PS: I really appreciate the efforts of all the people in this forum. God bless us all!

I cannot say as i have not these boards to compare

but seems they are almost the same, both pcboards made based in Alex mm pcboard layout.... small modifications made, thickness of some tracks and colour as Byron ordered blue and Meanman ordered red.... this is all i know about.

Zimmer, from Brazil, have ordered 10 boards and will send me a set as gift, then i will know something to say..... our postal system is slow these days as they have just re started to work after a long strike and Fabio Zimmer have not received his boards yet.

These boards where not assembled prior to delivery, we have just check them several times before Byron nd Meanman ordered production.... it seems they are fine as a couple of guys have assembled and no one have detected problems.

This method of work in group, without test samples price included into the group buy cost list is not good, a risky method i regret to work this way.... very unsafe, we are lucky that we are not facing problems.... was my decision to operate this way.... i regret related this choice i have made.

Boards should be tested, it is hard to be sure about possible oscillations without assemble and test watching scope and injecting test signal, bursts and music while the amplifier is connected to real speakers.... inductance, capacitance and resistance produces complex tuned circuits that may drive stages into oscillations.

Another friend from UK have produced some boards (authorized to do whatever he wants with them), but this one is operating in the old safe style...prior ton distribute boards a sample is already travelling to Brazil and will be tested at my home.

These boards are called MKIII Hx ..... to be different from the Supercharged multimodels blue boards....layout is different and circuit have some modifications that changes performance a lot..... MKIII Hx is the Top Performer from the Dx amplifiers line till today (unreleased MAKO II is even better ... but does not compete as remains unreleased)




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