I always knew that men are better listeners ... ;-)

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women/girls and cats can hear Much Better that men/boys.

if they see that someone is trying to jerk them around,

they often refuse to cooperate


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I always knew that men are better listeners ... ;-)

counting the moments, , , , , , , , ,


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An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.


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An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Thin Lizzy - Cowboy Song
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Joined 2006
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hmmm, if I put this together with Thomas' observations, and "Tab A" is an iron skillet, I cringe at the thought of what "Slot B" is... :eek:


Which is much easier to endure than if SWMBO get's her hands on a loaded weapon - then it's :cuss::headshot::RIP:

One of the reasons we don't have any firearms in the house. The second being that she doesn't understand how to use a firearm in the 1st place. Me - I did armed security patrol while in the US Navy and qualified on a number of little "toys" - my favorite of which was the Remington Marine Shotgun. Of course when I was in da Navy da ships still had canvas and the shotgun was the flint lock version - Har-har :Pirate:
Joined 2004
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You guys ever watch "The View"? Or "Real Housewives"? Most males I know have trouble with several people talking at once. Localising, maybe, but comprehension? I doubt it.

I think you hit the nail on the head, I experience this phenomena every time I go to a noisy restaurant - it might be age related as well in my case, but I while I can localize where various noises are coming from I can't necessary follow a simple conversation from a few feet away if the noise levels are high enough. (I have a vague recollection that I functioned better in loud environments when I was a lot younger?)
Joined 2004
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My girlfriend is a lefty. Whenever I change anything about my sound system I'm always pretty enthusiastic when I invite her to the listening area to ask what she thinks. So far the response is usually the same.

"That's your thing honey, you know I can't tell the difference, I thought it sounded great before."


Observations above seem to hold true with my wife as well.. :D
I think you hit the nail on the head, I experience this phenomena every time I go to a noisy restaurant - it might be age related as well in my case, but I while I can localize where various noises are coming from I can't necessary follow a simple conversation from a few feet away if the noise levels are high enough. (I have a vague recollection that I functioned better in loud environments when I was a lot younger?)

I know a French woman who has conversations with her mother in full duplex. Meanwhile, her husband just sighs, shrugs, and rolls his eyes.
Joined 2004
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Yeah, there were two motormouth gals who worked for me in S.F. We always laughed at what it would be like if they worked the same shift. Then they did.

They loved each other. Both talked at the same time non-stop on what seemed to be completely different subjects. They were perfectly happy. Even the other women were astounded.
This is true, something us men are usually to "manly" to do.

I hope you realize my parking lot shot was really directed at the fact that parking lots are found outside shopping centers and you girls seem to be able to shop for a little longer than the average man. Truth be known, you don't want to leave the parking lot. If you're like my wife you have so many clothes that you only ever wore once and some from so long ago that no one would remember you wearing it but you still "have nothing to wear"

Ah well, I guess when she looks at my speaker collection she probably sighs and shakes her head too.

I like mine better.


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I figure it biologically,

Men + Women = survival of the species. Male ears are tuned to find the "tiger in the trees trying to eat you" and women's ears are tuned to issues with the off-spring. Men are basically disposable in the greater scheme of things so are constructed differently. Men supply the seed, women grow the garden.

A baby cries, my wife is up, across the room and gone and I'm still sleeping. Sure, men probably have a knack at picking out sounds in the midst of many sounds--cuz since we are stupid enough to go out and fight the tiger, if we didn't...we would be tiger food.

If women were not tuned to issues with the off-spring, the species would die off since babies make great munchies for many different animals. To you, it is a precious child--to the wolf it is a tasty McNugget, well marbled and tender!

I use this knowledge for speaker testing--since a guy can be fooled with changing speaker wire (?) from the traditional back to the same wire--I use my wife's reaction to the latest in Uber speaker stuff. (It's shiny! It's big! It's expensive so it works!) She suffered through my subwoofer build... zzzzzzzzzz The 18" passive radiator when tuned to the room and location scared her so bad she jumped off the couch and said "So THAT is what that expensive passive radiator does!"

It is in my wife's mantra to NEVER comment on my sound systems--it just makes it worse. Normally, it is a "yah! it makes noise!" response complete with a liberal :rolleyes: IF it actually matters and actually works well--she let's it slip that it sounds good.

You guys can yap all day long about fairy dust capacitors, silver plated wire, carbon fiber woven cones, dome tweeters inflated with argon gas and alnico magnets--if my wife actually admits, knowing full well she should not do such a thing, the latest thing actually works--then it really does.

My wife would rather go through child birth again than admit I did something correctly. When I'm right with something, I keep spending money until I become horribly wrong! Such is DIY Audio. :xfingers:
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