Is high-end audio just lots of gimmicks and high price tags ??

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Some of the most expensive amplifiers in the world use technology derived from the 19th Century.
First electronic amplification device was invented in 1906 by Lee De Forest, which is actually 20th century. The first "modern" triode was developed around 1912. Even though first transistors were patented in 1925 and 1934, the dawn of modern transistor amplifiers was in 1954, when Texas Instruments started manufacturing them. I'm pretty sure this was the second half of 20th century. How come expensive amplifiers are made with victorian era technology?
I did say "derived" from Victorian technology. That is different to what you imply. The point is, that the high end market is high end because it is desperately trying to extract every possible bit of performance from their equipment by using increasingly exotic materials and manufacturing techniques to give the impression that it really is worth the outlay, both audibly and visually.
At some point in the future a radical new technolgoy will emerge that will offer an order of magnitude jump that will change how we look at this subject.
Who knows what will happen for instance if room temperature super conductors become a reality?!
Looking at how industry and music is evolving I would not hold my breath. It happens (I bellieve) that in the right setup "victorian technology " delivers the best sound attainable. Unfortunatelly, the audience who can hear and appreciate the difference will be extinct shortly (just notice those ederly Jews attending concert hall performances ), and mostly don't care for Audio. Audio became a trophy thing for most and I don't see anything wrong with it. There will always be a few passionate individuals making good equipment as a service to humanity and a way to personal salvation like in any other form of trade / art activity. "Throwing pearls for pigs" never really worked out in the past

Still I don't get it. Maybe your meaning is lost in translation. 19th century technology has nothing to do with modern electronics, they used steam. And their engineering skills weren't superior to skills of modern engineer. We just don't compute on paper anymore...

From my perspective the hi-end manufacturers are concentrating on creating market for some oddities by spreading false information. 10-50k$ for power cord - c'mon, what technological advancement can be made in piece of copper that connects the device to (in most cases) aluminum electrical grid. Currently we did everything that can be done with transistors and vacuum tubes. But people try so hard to redevelop "the wheel" in audio equipment. And even DIY folk gets hooked on this, though they should know better. My favourite example - GainClone clones and claims circulating around them...

If you want to understand my point better, then please, read my earlier posts in this topic...
I guess "victorian technology" is a methaphor for old or obsolete technology. Technology was already there for quite a bit of time . If your wife won't permit you to install huge horns with dedicated multiamped tube channels or well performing direct radiators with potent drivers and matched amps trough dedicated power lines you need to comfort yourself with "high End" mini monitors (what a contradiction!) and 10-50k power cord in order to feel included in elitary fifiend club;)
In truth, electronics is not necessary for hi fi reproduction. Back in 1925, Western Electric made an ALL-ACOUSTICAL HORN LOADED hi fi, 78 record console that sounded pretty darn good. Electronics, like digital later, made it EASIER to have music available, but even from the beginning, people were hearing new problems with the sound reproduction. It is arrogance that keeps people thinking that all 'progress' is next to perfection. This is most probably why open loop tube amps took over most of the CES and The SHOW for excellent reproduction.
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The point is, that the high end market is high end because it is desperately trying to extract every possible bit of performance from their equipment by using increasingly exotic materials and manufacturing techniques to give the impression that it really is worth the outlay, both audibly and visually.

High end (anything) is about marketing and spin, it has precious little to do with "extract(ing) every possible bit of performance from their equipment". More like desperately trying to gain an 'in' and maintain it, using whatever means possible.
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