Help achieving correct phase response in active 3-way setup

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I would really appreciate your help configuring my digital (active) filters for my 3-way horn rig in order to achieve phase correct filters.

I am aware that in order to get the best results I would need proper measurements of the system. Unfortunately, I do not have that. What I do have is:

• Simulation (from Horn Resp) of the phase response from the bass horn (see pic)
• Simulation (from Horn Resp) of the phase response for the midrange horn (see pic)
• Measurement (from StigErik – thanks!) of the phase response for the tweeter (see pic)

I know the drivers “reach” each other. The crossover points shall be:

• 290 Hz (between the bass horns and mid horns)
• 1,500 Hz (between the mid horns and the tweeter)

Please note: I would prefer to use fairly steep filters if possible (4th order of 8th order LR, wherever possible). Note further, that the software allows for 2nd, 4th or 8th order LR filters as well as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th order Butterworth filters. Finally, each section can be attenuated to match the other sections, and the software allows for using delays of each section if needed.

Thanks a lot for you input!

Best regards


  • Simulated phase response of bass horn.JPG
    Simulated phase response of bass horn.JPG
    72.7 KB · Views: 159
  • Simulated phase response of midrange horn.JPG
    Simulated phase response of midrange horn.JPG
    72.1 KB · Views: 171
  • Measurement of phase response for tweeter TPL-150H.gif
    Measurement of phase response for tweeter TPL-150H.gif
    12.4 KB · Views: 138
I am aware that in order to get the best results I would need proper measurements of the system. Unfortunately, I do not have that.

I really think you should reconsider this position. I believe that you will get a better result if you do some simple measurements with:

super-cheapo mic:
Clas Ohlson Internettbutikk

Free software:
HOLM Acoustics

You should be able to get the phase-tracking right around you XO points even if you use the internal mic-input of a lap-top. Doing this blindfolded based on simulated response and some guys guesstimate on diyaudio is not likely to work out (IMHO).

good luck!
Øyvin Eikeland
I really think you should reconsider this position. I believe that you will get a better result if you do some simple measurements with:

super-cheapo mic:
Clas Ohlson Internettbutikk

Free software:
HOLM Acoustics

You should be able to get the phase-tracking right around you XO points even if you use the internal mic-input of a lap-top. Doing this blindfolded based on simulated response and some guys guesstimate on diyaudio is not likely to work out (IMHO).

good luck!
Øyvin Eikeland

Hi oyvine,

Thanks a lot for responding! Yes, I know that real measurements would be better for sure! And ultimately there may be no other way. However, I just thought that I would give it a go, if someone - based on the simulations - would come up with a filter configuration that would be phase correct.

Once again thanks for responding!

Best regards
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