I don't believe cables make a difference, any input?

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I wish I knew a very small part of what you do.

Apparently fabricate. I have Dougyboy on ignore but when I saw this my jaw dropped:

Left us behind???...My own setup is UNMATCHED by anyone I know. I live amongst the 1 million dollar homes (PhDs, Doctors, Dentists, Business Owners). Out of all of them, I have the best setup and I spend the least amount of money. I know other friends that bought BOSE and loved it until they heard my "Low cost" solution. They then realized they were dupped...consumers fail daily at figuring out audio. Many guys on this thread are the reason why!!

Beyond the highly obvious unlikelihood of that scenario (think about it for a minute in your situation), how does he know he has the best without a DBT? What protocol eliminated his bias and preconceptions comparing something he built, that didn't waste money, and bested "doctors, lawyers and business owners". These guys love to trumpet psychology but that paragraph contains enough for a regional conference.
Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Some time ago I was encouraged by this thread to change speaker cables

I have always heard a difference on just about any kind of cable
But havent experimented with cables in a very long time, so I wanted to give it try

I was not surpriced, there really was a difference
I had no expectations for better sound, on the contratry
So I cant explain why it sounded better, when I actually expected it would sound worse

You can see the cables in the picture ..... I cant find anything causing a sighted bias :p

but its true
if I would try and advocate thin simple cables, I would not get many listeners
Fore some reason we usually prefer bigger, and advanced materials :rolleyes:
But that has nothing to do with any "audiophile" influence, just human nature

Noone will buy a PVC cable, even if it sounds better :eek: :D
And silver plating will mostly be preferred more than raw copper, even if raw copper sounds better ...ups, did it again

I guess we have all been through that

I once listened to a rather thin solid core copper wire in cotton sleeve, as speaker cable
I liked it
Then I took another wire and twisted a pair
But that did not sound as good at all:eek:


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Quite possible. Do you have actual EVIDENCE that it didn't?

I can understand that there are questions about audibility of cables but when dbt's are done with equipment / system differences like in quoted 'tests' and provide null results, I can't help but question the test. I still have to find two different amplifiers that sound the same, let alone a system.

IIRC you use quite decent equipment, why would that be? Also trying to impress the neighbours with their BOSE systems? :D
Apparently fabricate. I have Dougyboy on ignore but when I saw this my jaw dropped:

Beyond the highly obvious unlikelihood of that scenario (think about it for a minute in your situation), how does he know he has the best without a DBT? What protocol eliminated his bias and preconceptions comparing something he built, that didn't waste money, and bested "doctors, lawyers and business owners". These guys love to trumpet psychology but that paragraph contains enough for a regional conference.

Ad hominem dumb post. Useless. Pointless. Maybe they all said his was a better system. That's what I hear all the time. Has nothing to do with DBT's, cable sound. This post is just plain stupid. mean too.
Ad hominem dumb post. Useless. Pointless. Maybe they all said his was a better system. That's what I hear all the time. Has nothing to do with DBT's, cable sound. This post is just plain stupid. mean too.

Ad hominem? I invite you to flesh that out. It's a direct and logical consequence of his posts. And after all the daily accusations hurdled at 'believers' here you complain about being mean by pointing out a story that contradicts everything doug proclaims to believe? Some of us here understand both sides of this debate are governed by the same rules. Or should be.
How would they do their own testing blind if by themselves?

I owned a hardware ABX box at one stage that randomized the selection of A or B, allowed for alignment of voltages between the two channels (to within 0.1 db) and calculated the probabilities once you had finished. So its possible to do ABX by yourself.

Also, there are ABX programs, such as the plug-in for Foobar that will allow a person to ABX two files on a computer. It also calculates the probabilities for you. BTW, great program to use with headphones to listen to compressed audio codecs compared with the uncompressed versions. Codecs that use at or above 256K bits per second bandwidth are impressively hard to distinguish from the uncompressed version (705K bits per second Red Book CD).
oh yeah??

Ad hominem? I invite you to flesh that out. It's a direct and logical consequence of his posts. And after all the daily accusations hurdled at 'believers' here you complain about being mean by pointing out a story that contradicts everything doug proclaims to believe? Some of us here understand both sides of this debate are governed by the same rules. Or should be.

Then why don't you leave "dougyboy" , as you so kindly and graciously name him, on ignore. Then you don't have to deal with his supposed inconsistencies...:eek::confused:

Here's a thought that might clean up the thread...

All believers put all non-believers on "IGNORE", and vice-versa... maybe the mods could help, eh? Kinda like in the enabl threads, what with the "technical" and "applications" threads spllt.. only in this case, it'd be far more obvious, and easier to moderate...:D:cool:;)

John L.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

Why do you assume that? (For the sake of discussion, I'm assuming you to be real)

You'd really do better to spend time learning sensory science than that tired epistemology you keep beating. Far more useful. Unlike some in this thread, I think you have the mental tools to actually understand it. My brother-in-law, who degreed in philosophy, took a job as a phlebotomist. When asked how that related to the expensive education he just finished, he replied, "Unfortunately, US Philosophy Corporation wasn't hiring."

As a fairly well trained athlete I can hardly begin to understand the amount of training it takes by other athletes to win a Giro d'Italia, a TdF, even just a single stage or whatever.
Yet time and time again I witness those cyclists doing just that.

When some people claim they're capable of detecting minute (obvious ones to some) differences between one cable or another, and this repeatedly so, because they (probably unconsciously) trained themselves to detect such differences it all becomes impossible because of what exactly?

Maybe instead of reading books we should all sit down and listen, and listen again?
Listening carefully may well develop the senses, reading too many books may well cloud the mind...?

Cheers, ;)
I'd imagine so but equally well the relationship between the tester and the testee seems fairly amicable by the way SY posts. He's not being hurried into the tests, taking his time to prepare for them. So this all bodes well for the results. Yet still there will be decisions to be made if its a traditional ABX and I posted my thoughts about that up earlier on.

Yep, that's true. All that can be done seems to be doing done..how did that tortured english sound??!! On his own system, at his own pace, when he is completely sure he is ready.

How would they do their own testing blind if by themselves?

You might have to get a bit clever I'll grant...if cables (say) make sure they have the same connections, (and rigidity etc, or make them similar, or ask someone else to do it first), then cover them with a 'sock' just as a first example.

Bit trickier with components like pres...where you might need to access vol controls and selectors etc. Mine is single source system only, so that is less difficult in my case. Amps might be 'quite easy', stick them in a box with just a connector umbilical??

Right - when the 'why' is pure curiosity, then I'd expect the lowest levels of subconscious bias. If there's some attachment to the results on either (or more likely both) sides, that's a sign that unconscious bias is operative.

Dunno. Bias is always present (well that's the basis we operate under just to make sure). Seems to be a constant emphasis on 'price bias', expensive=better. I personally don't think that's the case, it's simply bias (of whatever flavour) that we don't know about.

Else we would not always see the rejoinder 'the one that sounded better to me was NOT the most expensive one (so there!)' No, price bias was only used as a (common) example, for all we know THIS guy usually gets 'three quotes, and buys the middle one' or somesuch.

Sorry, not with you here. These decisions are purchase decisions or decisions within the DBT itself?

Hey, I'd had a few beers ok?? sheesh, cut me some slack haha.

I tried to point out the disconnect here. The claim is something like 'DBTs skew results, because you are forced to compare and make a decision'.

That was my drunken counter to that, the normal purchase procedure. The guy says 'I compared two cables, and bought the better sounding one'.

OOooookkkaaay, you mean you compared and made a decision right?? The same thing as in a dbt. Except you knew which was which in the normal procedure, therefore were not able to control whatever bias may have been operating, be it 'more expensive=better' or 'buy the middle priced one' or a completely different one.

If he gets that sinking feeling, that in itself is indication of unconscious influence.

WHY??? That sinking feeling could very well be due to 'this is gonna be easy...oh shiiiit, they do sound much closer than I ever would have believed'. Then straight after that comes your 'additional' pressures of face etc (thought I'd throw face in there seein as how you are immersed now in asian cultures...:)).

Are you saying that DBT is a perfect "tool", with no flaws or pitfalls whatsoever ?

Regarding cables in the test
What are the parameters for chosing the test cables ?
How will they be different, or alike ?

Just a thought
Might be more interesting to test the same cables both sighted and unsighted

AFAIR, Tom is choosing two cables that after audition he feels will most maximise his chances of differentiation. Then after that decision has been made by Tom, I think SY when he gets there will do a standard set of measurements on the cables.

I think.

Beyond the highly obvious unlikelihood of that scenario (think about it for a minute in your situation), how does he know he has the best without a DBT?

I dunno why everyone has kinda jumped on this point of RDFs. I reckon he is spot on!

Why would WE as speaker/system builders be any less influenced by bias?? If anything, we have much more (at least emotional rather than financial) invested in our systems than most!

Man, I'd kill to somehow have my system set up on the HK table and be able to compare it to some highly regarded commercial brands. Why would I love that? It would give me solid evidence of where my system is truly at, and also because I reckon I'd trounce them.

It would be great to know.

In fact, a few years ago I started a thread on that very topic, and to a large degree got similar reactions as RDF just received.

DB speaker comparisons are 'infinitely' harder to set up than cables granted, but for the life of me I cannot believe *we* would consider it unnecessary simply because it involves *our* system. I do find that a bit hypocritical. (so what if all say 'your system sounds the best', we discount uncontrolled accounts that cable A sounds the best do we not??)

It has been said a few times that speakers sound very similar when blinded. I find that extremely hard to believe, as would presumably HK, but the question I want to ask is, has anyone ever done speaker listening tests that hid the identity?? If so, how was it, what were your reactions??

@ terry_j,

John is talking about an A/B-preference test instead of the ABX protocol.

Random allocation of the DUTs to "A" and "B" does the "blinding" part. :)

This idea should not sound that unfamiliar. :)


Hi jakob, thanks! I get all that, which was why I on first simple glance gave it the 'terry j stamp of approval', a highly sought after imprimateur (sp) in the audio industry I'll have you know!

Bearing in mind the sticking point here is 'actual audible differences', so an extra step somewhere needs to be added, else all he has to do is say cable A sounds like syrup (as he can always see when it is cable A), cable B sounds like lemonade (as he can always see when it is B).

The X in ABX will then get him to say it is A or B. In his setup, how do we get the X part if there is no X?? He always sees A or B, so can simply say syrup or lemonade without any actual difference.

This highlight in his post might do that??

It is not the SIGHT of cables or other equipment that is important. The identity of the component attached to the label does NOT have to be identified until AFTER the testing is all done. Even the label could be randomly computer generated, and changed after a series of tests, perhaps a different day.

However, it reads as an afterthought rather than a specific component designed to show a relationship between sonic sigs of A or B.

That's why I asked for the clarification.

This puts things into confusion doesn't it? So long as we can make a direct comparison, we can discern differences. ONLY ABX throws us off.
No why doesn't somebody who has actually studied the human brain tell us why.

Not really. Your hypothesis still needs to be demonstrated. ATM all it is is your statement that 'this is the way I think it is'.

We can accept you at your word when you say 'I cannot tell cables apart in a DBT'. (kinda implies you have tried and failed, therefore we believe you)

The next step you need to do before we scour the literature to find out WHY that is, we need to know THAT it is.

When is a good time for you to demonstrate cable differences via your method?? Hopefully getting yours up and running will take less time than the other one in the works.:)
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

Left us behind???...My own setup is UNMATCHED by anyone I know. I live amongst the 1 million dollar homes (PhDs, Doctors, Dentists, Business Owners). Out of all of them, I have the best setup and I spend the least amount of money. I know other friends that bought BOSE and loved it until they heard my "Low cost" solution. They then realized they were dupped...consumers fail daily at figuring out audio. Many guys on this thread are the reason why!!

1. I have the skills and the time to build my own speakers and the ability to prefect whatever curve I need in room.
2. I have spent time learning about about audio science so I can build the best room and give myself the best acoustics, and learn how to control my listening tests so that I can make the most objective conclusions.

Im still have many, many compromises. Most are seen only in measurements. Some are family decision based but its far superior to many who think spending large dollars makes for a great system.

My current cables are from BJC or monoprice.com depending on the need. Even Monster is a complete rip off. I have spent $$$ on cables even had some high end cable company send me some XO wires they thought was superior then the solid copper from parts express, etc.

I have won over $5K in over 2000 years in blind tests vs rich but dumb audio guys. I spent 5 years rooming with engineers during my university life. We use to go to any audiophiles dorm room, swap the "expensive" stuff with cheap stuff and show everyone that they would not know for days on end UNTIL they saw the cables....go figure.

If everyone wants to be completely honest with this discussion they should simply do the tests or someone else should switch your cables out without you knowing. Its the only way you will ever know the real truth.

Hey if you can still spot the difference then more power to you but I find it amazing that NONE OF YOU even want to try it.

And after all is said and done you still can't hear a difference between cable A or B?
I'd move neighbourhoods ASAP.....

RDF brought on the logic, shall we now do the burial?

Sic transit gloria.....

Cheers, ;)
As a fairly well trained athlete I can hardly begin to understand the amount of training it takes by other athletes to win a Giro d'Italia, a TdF, even just a single stage or whatever.
Yet time and time again I witness those cyclists doing just that.

When some people claim they're capable of detecting minute (obvious ones to some) differences between one cable or another, and this repeatedly so, because they (probably unconsciously) trained themselves to detect such differences it all becomes impossible because of what exactly?

Maybe instead of reading books we should all sit down and listen, and listen again?
Listening carefully may well develop the senses, reading too many books may well cloud the mind...?

Nice analogy. Our senses (applies to whole bodies really) are trained by practice, and in general not by attending expensive lectures given by guys with PhDs in food science and statisticians.:D I like it this way, far more democratic - people with great ears don't need to have paid much for their education, and more often than not haven't been to university at all.
.....We're not too far off it seems.

Thanks for your reply.
I am "wandering" if there is any middle ground between the believers and non believers here?

Both sides know that people actually hear differences when in fact there are absolutely no differences, such as when someone is told a cable has been changed when in fact nothing was touched.

So there should be agreement that in certain situations people can make aural mistakes.
According to the believers people make mistakes in the blind part of a test.
According to the non believers the mistakes are made in the sighted part of the test.
And both these positions seem to be of the 'all or nothing' variety.

Is reality as simple as both sides would have us believe?
Both sides know that people actually hear differences when in fact there are absolutely no differences, such as when someone is told a cable has been changed when in fact nothing was touched.

No. If they "actually hear" a difference, then there is in fact an actual audible difference.

I would use the term "perceive" instead of "actually hear."

One of Sean Olives' recent blogs raises expert listeners, and agrees:

No amount of training will make me eligible for the Canadian Olympic hockey team - even if I were 25 years younger. Some people simply lack the innate mental and physical raw material to perform a highly specialized task. This is also true for critical listening as illustrated by the average performance scores of eight listeners after 5 listening sessions (slide 20). The range of individual listener performances range from 82% (listener 4) to 31% (listener 3). All listeners had normal hearing. Therefore, the reason for this large inter-listener variance in performance is related to other factors such as listener motivation, attentiveness, and their listening (and general) intelligence. Training data such as this, can provide an objective quantifiable metric for selecting the best listeners for audio product evaluations.

Heaven forbid a factor he lists is maleable to tester influence.
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No. If they "actually hear" a difference, then there is in fact an actual audible difference.

I would use the term "perceive" instead of "actually hear."


I've now stopped using the word 'subjectivists' because of you explaining that they are actually 'psuedo subjectivists'.

But the words 'hear' and 'perceive' do go right to the heart of the matters dicussed here, and we should all use a common language. There doesn't seem to be a common word that differentiates between an aural experience caused by an external stimulus and one derived from internal brain functions. Maybe perceive is it, but we should all agree or else we are not really communicating at all.
It wasn't my idea to make this thread a playground. I do like to make a point of telling people when they are being ignored so the childish ** can stay out of the thread. If you want to argue for the sake of arguing then dont ignore them. People moan about the bickering and when I put a stop to it people still moan. I guess arguing and moaning are the top two priorities here.

Are you talking about something?
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