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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Yes John, Im a member and only that

Maybe some other people might benefit from trying to be moderators, and learn some responsibility, not me ofcourse

In real life, I have seen the most dedicated labor union workers turn into the worst company devils
So maybe you/we actually wont like it all

You are challenging a system that could easily be replaced by a "one warning" rule and then "out"
Generally I wouldnt mind
But it would probably just be unbareable and complete chaos, because the moderators would need to be "too fair" and any hesitation would allow too much destructive behaviour
It would probably lead to complete mess
So please, be fair
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Disabled Account
Joined 2007
It was clear to me also but it happens to be on the other side of the coin. No wonder you were surprised. So was leadbelly. That's not say one side was right unless you wish to deal with intent versus presentation.

It is my belief that the intent was supplied by your own experience of the member - you expected the worst, therefore you interpreted the same. I have no reason to bat for Curly, he and I have butted heads before but this goes to the root of some of my troubles here. I say things, on occasion, that are not complimentary but that doesn't mean that's all you'll get from me. Expecting the worst from someone will colour your perception.

The meaning of the sentence would be as clear as leadbelly and I thought it.

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It is my belief that the intent was supplied by your own experience of the member - you expected the worst, therefore you interpreted the same.

Your assumption is incorrect.

Expecting the worst from someone will colour your perception.

Absolutely. Precisely the reason I ardently strive to avoid that.

then the meaning of the sentence would be as clear as leadbelly and I thought it.

You'll note I did not negatively criticize your interpretation. You would do well to return the favour and accept the fact the interpretation was subjective, nothing more.
Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Mr. Tinitus,
You seem to have something against me personally.

Sorry, I thought you liked it that way, straight up and honest
I cant understand why you think I dont like you, I love you, I thought you knew that:hbeat:
Sorry John, I just love all people, I am superman :superman:
Whatever, I do love you, Im stupid, cant help it:cloud9:
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Not necessary but thanks for the offer. We only ask that you structure your sentence to avoid the misinterpretation in the first place. It has caused confusion and confusion in this case has led to extra work by the mods, wasted bandwidth and ill will among the members.

Now, do you see how this happens?


I do not know how my intent could have not been clearer. Should I type more slowly next time :)
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