The Catt Question- Is science being suppressed

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I think it comes down to at which range of frequencies one wishes to discuss and mixing the 2 domains causes the quandary. That is LF concerns with primarily capacitance and surface charges while HF concerns EM fields and per unit capacitance ie characteristic impedance's.
The problem with this stuff - 'The Catt Anomaly' - is that nothing useful comes of it. There may be an anomaly in the description of the events, but there are no 'anomalies' in the real world. There's nothing to be gained by pamphletting the Royal Society that you couldn't get by demonstrating a practical instantaneous communication system. Be useful for piloting your RPVs, no?

Mr Catt hasn't managed to produce anti-gravity or an inertialess drive or time travel or prove that you can go FTL or even cheap energy. So it's not some wonderful insight we're being presented with, it's just some guy griping on about some detail of the English language that he's evidently managed to turn into a career. It can be very difficult to tie down a determined protagonist in an obscure discipline.

Everybody knows there are some difficult areas in science where the ideas may seem to be in conflict, such as quantum theory and general relativity, it's old news. This is certainly not significant on that level.

If there was anything in the ideas worth a flying ...thing that's not worth very much... he would have become as famous as Einstein or as rich as Croesus or both.

A charitable view might be that he's just some poor engineer who slipped over the edge like David Icke or Tesla maybe.

I remember the bun-fights about this in Wireless World in the early 80's.
IMO, Ivor Catt's greatest achievement was to perfect the art of trolling several years before the birth of the internet.

Actually he was solving the problems of high speed digital computing that do not exist according to the Maxwellian now established view of EM Theory. Solution to these physical problems were actually resisted by the scientific establishment, a consequence which has resulted in millions of dollars loss to the industry. (His claim regarding the loss, but it seems a reasonable inferance in deferance to the established facts.)

More forthcoming.
I think it comes down to at which range of frequencies one wishes to discuss and mixing the 2 domains causes the quandary. That is LF concerns with primarily capacitance and surface charges while HF concerns EM fields and per unit capacitance ie characteristic impedance's.

This is purely an electrical problem unrelated to frequency. It is digital.

Is there a charge at conductor B, yes or no.
Since you're asking 'Is science being suppressed?' I'd answer 'yes' but not in this case. Brian Josephson is very sensitive to the suppression of science and writes about it at length on his webpage. As a Nobel winner he's got no particular axe to grind in the establishment. But Ivor Catt publishes a reply he's had from Prof Josephson who clearly states the 'problem' is simply a misunderstanding by Mr Catt, nothing to do with suppressed science. For anyone who's interested in the real suppressed science then feast yourselves here: Suppression, Censorship and Dogmatism in Science
Since you're asking 'Is science being suppressed?' I'd answer 'yes' but not in this case. Brian Josephson is very sensitive to the suppression of science and writes about it at length on his webpage. As a Nobel winner he's got no particular axe to grind in the establishment. But Ivor Catt publishes a reply he's had from Prof Josephson who clearly states the 'problem' is simply a misunderstanding by Mr Catt, nothing to do with suppressed science. For anyone who's interested in the real suppressed science then feast yourselves here: Suppression, Censorship and Dogmatism in Science

The most common act of suppression in science is to use the dogmatic conditionals of standard theory as a weapon to illustrate to any observers that the person and the works that are being bandied about is somehow ignorant in nature.

This is a way of keeping those outside of the issue from looking at it and thus suppresses the new and interesting information from being understood or even looked at by the general population.

This method is thousands of years old, at the least and has been used in very social, political, and cultural argument that one can conceive of, and beyond.

So yes, claiming ignorance is the sole possession of the person who states they are being suppressed in some fashion ---is the oldest trick in the book.

The universe, in all it's dimensional considerations, is made up of 2-d stress fields that oscillate in their relative capacities, and interact with one another. the resultant interactions become the dimensions with 3-d particle aspects, at these interactive points. thus the phi spiral and spooky action at a distance, etc.

Voltage differential is temporal, mass, gravitational etc - molecular polarization differential.

Perfect current flow -- has no temporal aspects. Ie, all in perfect syncopation. Plasma function in perfection.

Obviously, then --- resonant function allows for manipulation.

This is the basics of the explanation for the quasars in the recent physorg article --- showing no time dilation.

The suppression is real and has gone on for as long as one can possibly understand. As for current times, there is a group who wants to keep such understandings in their realm alone, so with this 'higher ground' position in their knowledge base, they find it quite easy to suppress those who are emerging in such areas and use the ignorance of the rest as a weapon against those few who begin to think out of the box.

There are no laws the the world of science.

Laws are all about cultural and religious standards and suppression differences in people with regard to them stepping out line. Never call any scientific theory a law again and you will get much further down the read in your understandings from that single mental change alone.

if anyone proposes to you or states to you the idea of a 'Law' in science, walk away from them immediately, this is a sure sign of an immature, dogmatic, or religious mindset, at the least.

It can be more than that, it can be a person from that group of higher knowledge who wishes to have you bow to their control, but those people are few and far between, and you will only meet them (and understand that they even exist) when you cross their threshold of notice. Ie, when you start publishing things that get onto their radar screen. The only way they can effectively operate (as do th4e scum in politics) is tyo be outside of the understandings or knowledge of the general public and even outside of the knowledge of their peer groups. In the same way a pedophile needs to remain cloaked to get at the people and children they desire to get at, those who suppress science need to fly completely under the radar to be effective. Part and parcel of how they can be effective in making sure that no-one notices the act of suppression.

Since there is a limited number of thee individuals and they need/desire to be effective for their purposes, most of them belong to some secret society or another.
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And some of those people of suppression, in order to be effective in modern times, with all this information sharing...they troll and monitor internet boards, as this is where such understandings and ideas can and will emerge.

They must go to where the action will be, like pedophiles going onto internet boards searching for victims. In this case they will engage the freethinkers in a way that attempts to bring ridicule to the open thinkers and keep others from thinking about such new (new to the general population) aspects of science and technology.

If one looks at the recent attempts (in the news) of Israel creating corps of individuals to blog and troll the internet to make sure the perception of Israel is stable and good, to crush or damage any other opinions and actions... to the corps of Chinese technology and security trollers..... to the information gathering corps of the CIA, and other offices of the the republican party bloggers for is not any mental stretch at all (nay, it becomes obvious) to realize that suppression of technology at the point of it becoming public knowledge ~MUST~ take place on internet boards.

Since such things get bandied about here at times, well, it becomes obvious that there must be at least one monitoring and interfering individual here, on DIYAudio. Now, who is it? That is the question, isn't it?

After all, this board is too big, and filled with too many inquisitive, free thinking, and communicative minds to be left out of such monitoring.
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