Finally, an affordable CD Transport: the Shigaclone story

You may be interested in the complete list of Shigaclone mods I am curently compiling (most of which should be applicable to the new Shiga) - I will be posting it in a few days, along with some of my new discoveries.

uncle_leon, I'm hoping that after you post this information gained from the original Shiga (I assume here), you'll help us migrate what you think may be the applicable bits to my new thread
Maybe I'll start up that new thread I was mentioning a few pages ago. I was going to wait, but maybe we should just get it off the ground. I was thinking of calling it "Turning the Shigaclone 2012 Into a Giant Killer". I'll take suggestions for a better title. The focus would be on starting with Tibi's soon to be available version and tweaking the life out of it. Your input I suspect would be appreciated by many!

Hmm. Looks very interesting. For this design what value would you recommend? Also, is there any sonic difference between the mahogany and sapele?

Hi Tony, sorry about the late reply - I recommend 10nF. I will discuss all the viable values further in the consolidated guide.
As regards wood type in my capacitors, sapele and mahogany are fairly similar. Both sound richer than oak, and quite a lot better than pine, while still being relatively affordable. Ebony seems best overall, but is outrageously expensive, so I only use it in my resistors (as they are much smaller).
As regards wood type in my capacitors, sapele and mahogany are fairly similar. Both sound richer than oak, and quite a lot better than pine, while still being relatively affordable.

If I wanted to use one that presented a bit more in the way of transparency and evenness across the frequency band, a bit less tubey without being harsh, which wood should I select?

You may put cd mechanic on top of the board - like in jazz35 picture - or may connect as in below picture.


If I wanted to use one that presented a bit more in the way of transparency and evenness across the frequency band, a bit less tubey without being harsh, which wood should I select?

Are you asking about wood for the Shiga, or for the capacitors? In either case, I think you may be misunderstanding the influence of case material. "Tubey" or "harsh" are qualities inherent to the electrical construction. Wood type will flavour the tone to some extent, and perhaps affect clarity somewhat, but these are generally minor differences, nuances.

Sorry - another mounting question! Is there a limit travel switch like on the original JVC? Can't be really, can there?


Fran, the switch is built into the CD mech.