Yet another Volume controlers and source selections

Another bargraph sample for lcd - bascom

Here is a sample of a bargraph stepping !!
$regfile = "m16def.dat"                                     ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 8000000                                          ' used crystal frequency
$hwstack = 32                                               ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 20                                               ' default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 40                                             ' default use 40 for the frame space

Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Porta.2 , Db5 = Porta.3 , Db6 = Porta.4 , Db7 = Porta.5 , E = Porta.1 , Rs = Porta.0
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Cursor Off

Deflcdchar 2 , 16 , 16 , 16 , 16 , 16 , 16 , 16 , 16        ' small
Deflcdchar 3 , 24 , 24 , 24 , 24 , 24 , 24 , 24 , 24        '
Deflcdchar 4 , 28 , 28 , 28 , 28 , 28 , 28 , 28 , 28        ' medium
Deflcdchar 5 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 30        '
Deflcdchar 6 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31        ' Big

Declare Sub Warm_up                                         'the warm up tube sub

Dim Lcd_adr As Byte , Bar_tybe As Byte

'test warm_up tube lcd 56 sec
Call Warm_up
Wait 1

Sub Warm_up
   Locate 1 , 1                                             'Start at 1 chr on line 1
   Lcd "Preheating tubes"
   For Lcd_adr = 1 To 16                                    ' We have a 16 chr lcd or just use 16 chr bar
      For Bar_tybe = 2 To 6                                 'what type of bar to use
         Locate 2 , Lcd_adr                                 ' wher do we locate it on lcd
         Lcd Chr(bar_tybe)                                  ' put the chr on lcd
         Waitms 700                                         '16 * 5 * 700 =  56 seconds
End Sub
RC5 Remote - code change demo

Here is a sample code to add remote code/commands
to your program and store them in eeprom

' RC5 remote control code setup for Input selector audio amplifier
' Store new Remote buttons to eeprom and use them in program
' FarmTech 18.09.2010  DEMO to show how it works

$regfile = "m16def.dat"
$crystal = 8000000
$hwstack = 32
$swstack = 20
$framesize = 40

Config Rc5 = Pind.3
Config Portb.0 = Input : Set Portb.0                        ' RESET BUTTON to enter a NEW remote if you change remote controler

Reset_button Alias Pinb.0

Config Lcdpin = Pin , Rs = Portb.2 , E = Portb.3 , Db4 = Portb.4 , Db5 = Portb.5 , Db6 = Portb.6 , Db7 = Portb.7
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Cursor Off Noblink

Dim Address As Byte , Command As Byte                       'RC5 use
Dim Vol_u As Byte , Vol_d As Byte                           'new commnds var vol+ , vol-
Dim Shift_l As Byte , Shift_r As Byte , Power_1 As Byte     'new commnds var ch+ , ch- , power on/off
Dim My_address As Byte , Mut As Byte                        'new commnds var  new address , mute

'lcd constants for setup
Const Por = "PUSH POWER"
Const Chu = "PUSH CH +"
Const Chd = "PUSH CH -"
Const Volu = "PUSH VOL +"
Const Vold = "PUSH VOL -"
Const Mutonoff = "PUSH MUTE"
Declare Sub Get_remote                                      'sub get NEW RC COMMANDS
Declare Sub Test                                            'just a test  to see remote buttons working

If Reset_button = 0 Then Goto Setup                         'add new code for remote if portB.0 is low at startup (reset button)

Readeeprom Address , 2                                      'check if we have a remote programmed

If Address <> 255 Then                                      'code in eeprom no need to setup RC5 just read the code
  Readeeprom My_address , 2
  Waitms 25
  Readeeprom Power_1 , 4
  Waitms 25
  Readeeprom Shift_r , 5
  Waitms 25
  Readeeprom Shift_l , 8
  Waitms 25
  Readeeprom Vol_u , 10
  Waitms 25
  Readeeprom Vol_d , 12
  Waitms 25
  Readeeprom Mut , 14
  Waitms 500
   Gosub Test
Setup:                                                      ' SETUP remote codes store them in eeprom Frist time use or reset via button at start up
   Locate 1 , 1
   Locate 2 , 1
   Wait 3
   Lcd "STEP 1 OF 6"
   Locate 2 , 1

      Getrc5(address , Command)
      If Address <> 255 Then
         If Command <> 255 Then
            Command = Command And &B01111111
         End If
      End If
   Loop Until Address <> 255
   My_address = Address
   Locate 1 , 1
   Locate 2 , 1
   Wait 2

   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd Por
   Call Get_remote
   Power_1 = Command
   Wait 5

   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd Chu
   Call Get_remote
   Shift_r = Command
   Wait 5

   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd Chd
   Call Get_remote
   Shift_l = Command
   Wait 5

   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd Volu
   Call Get_remote
   Vol_u = Command
   Wait 5

   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd Vold
   Call Get_remote
   Vol_d = Command
   Wait 5

   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd Mutonoff
   Call Get_remote
   Mut = Command
    Wait 5

  Locate 1 , 1
  Locate 2 , 1
  Lcd "SAVE DATA   "

  Writeeeprom My_address , 2
  Waitms 25
  Writeeeprom Power_1 , 4
  Waitms 25
  Writeeeprom Shift_r , 5
  Waitms 25
  Writeeeprom Shift_l , 8
  Waitms 25
  Writeeeprom Vol_u , 10
  Waitms 25
  Writeeeprom Vol_d , 12
  Waitms 25
  Writeeeprom Mut , 14
  Wait 5
 End If

Sub Test()                                                  'test program  here you add your normal code
Locate 1 , 1

      Getrc5(address , Command)
      If Address = My_address Then
         If Command <> 255 Then
            Command = Command And &B01111111
            Locate 2 , 1
            Select Case Command
            Case Power_1 : Lcd "POWER BUTTON    "
         Case Shift_r : Lcd "CH + BUTTON     "
         Case Shift_l : Lcd "CH - BUTTON     "
         Case Vol_u : Lcd "VOL + BUTTON    "
         Case Vol_d : Lcd "VOL - BUTTON    "
         Case Mut : Lcd "MUTE BUTTON     "
         Case Else
         Locate 2 , 1
         Lcd "UNKNOWN BUTTON  "
         End Select
         Waitms 500
         Lcd "                "
        End If
     End If

End Sub

Sub Get_remote()

   Getrc5(address , Command)
   If Address <> 255 Then
      If Command <> 255 Then
         Command = Command And &B01111111
      End If
   End If
 Loop Until Address <> 255

 Locate 2 , 1
 Lcd "OK CMD IS " ; Command ; "  "

End Sub
Sample code

Here is a sample code to add remote code/commands to your program and store them in eeprom
Your sample code didnt work for me until I added a couple of strings in your code.
See DarkOrange strings. Now it works:)
Its high time to add this feature to the firmware, but I think that there is not enough M8515 memory...
And one more thing: maybe we should use external EEPROM with 1.000.000 write cycles like AT24CXX or something like that.

' RC5 remote control code setup for Input selector audio amplifier
' Store new Remote buttons to eeprom and use them in program
' FarmTech 18.09.2010  DEMO to show how it works

$regfile = "m8515.dat"                                      ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 16000000                                         ' external crystal 16MHz
$hwstack = 32
$swstack = 20
$framesize = 40

Config Rc5 = Pind.3
Config Portb.0 = Input : Set Portb.0                        ' RESET BUTTON to enter a NEW remote if you change remote controler

Reset_button Alias Pinb.0

'Config Lcdpin = Pin , Rs = Portb.2 , E = Portb.3 , Db4 = Portb.4 , Db5 = Portb.5 , Db6 = Portb.6 , Db7 = Portb.7
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.2 , Db5 = Portc.3 , Db6 = Portc.4 , Db7 = Portc.5 , E = Portc.1 , Rs = Portc.0
Config Lcd = 20 * 2
Cursor Off Noblink

Dim Address As Byte , Command As Byte                       'RC5 use
Dim Vol_u As Byte , Vol_d As Byte                           'new commnds var vol+ , vol-
Dim Shift_l As Byte , Shift_r As Byte , Power_1 As Byte     'new commnds var ch+ , ch- , power on/off
Dim My_address As Byte , Mut As Byte                        'new commnds var  new address , mute

'lcd constants for setup
Const Por = "PUSH POWER"
Const Chu = "PUSH CH +"
Const Chd = "PUSH CH -"
Const Volu = "PUSH VOL +"
Const Vold = "PUSH VOL -"
Const Mutonoff = "PUSH MUTE"
Declare Sub Get_remote                                      'sub get NEW RC COMMANDS
Declare Sub Test                                            'just a test  to see remote buttons working
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Enable Int0[/COLOR]                                                 'we configure the INT0 interrupt to trigger when a falling edge is detected
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Config Int0 = Falling[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Enable Interrupts[/COLOR]
If Reset_button = 0 Then Goto Setup                         'add new code for remote if portB.0 is low at startup (reset button)

Readeeprom Address , 2                                      'check if we have a remote programmed

If Address <> 255 Then                                      'code in eeprom no need to setup RC5 just read the code
  Readeeprom My_address , 2
  Waitms 25
  Readeeprom Power_1 , 4
  Waitms 25
  Readeeprom Shift_r , 5
  Waitms 25
  Readeeprom Shift_l , 8
  Waitms 25
  Readeeprom Vol_u , 10
  Waitms 25
  Readeeprom Vol_d , 12
  Waitms 25
  Readeeprom Mut , 14
  Waitms 500
   Gosub Test
Setup:                                                      ' SETUP remote codes store them in eeprom Frist time use or reset via button at start up
   Locate 1 , 1
   Locate 2 , 1
   Wait 3
   Lcd "STEP 1 OF 6"
   Locate 2 , 1

   [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Disable Int0
Enable Interrupts[/COLOR]
Getrc5(address , Command)
If Address <> 255 Then
Command = Command And &B01111111
End If
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Enable Int0[/COLOR]
Loop Until Address <> 255

   My_address = Address
   Locate 1 , 1
   Locate 2 , 1
   Wait 2

   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd Por
   Call Get_remote
   Power_1 = Command
   Wait 5

   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd Chu
   Call Get_remote
   Shift_r = Command
   Wait 5

   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd Chd
   Call Get_remote
   Shift_l = Command
   Wait 5

   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd Volu
   Call Get_remote
   Vol_u = Command
   Wait 5

   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd Vold
   Call Get_remote
   Vol_d = Command
   Wait 5

   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd Mutonoff
   Call Get_remote
   Mut = Command
    Wait 5

  Locate 1 , 1
  Locate 2 , 1
  Lcd "SAVE DATA   "

  Writeeeprom My_address , 2
  Waitms 25
  Writeeeprom Power_1 , 4
  Waitms 25
  Writeeeprom Shift_r , 5
  Waitms 25
  Writeeeprom Shift_l , 8
  Waitms 25
  Writeeeprom Vol_u , 10
  Waitms 25
  Writeeeprom Vol_d , 12
  Waitms 25
  Writeeeprom Mut , 14
  Wait 5
 End If

Sub Test()                                                  'test program  here you add your normal code
Locate 1 , 1

      Getrc5(address , Command)
      If Address = My_address Then
         If Command <> 255 Then
            Command = Command And &B01111111
            Locate 2 , 1
            Select Case Command
            Case Power_1 : Lcd "POWER BUTTON    "
         Case Shift_r : Lcd "CH + BUTTON     "
         Case Shift_l : Lcd "CH - BUTTON     "
         Case Vol_u : Lcd "VOL + BUTTON    "
         Case Vol_d : Lcd "VOL - BUTTON    "
         Case Mut : Lcd "MUTE BUTTON     "
         Case Else
         Locate 2 , 1
         Lcd "UNKNOWN BUTTON  "
         End Select
         Waitms 500
         Lcd "                "
        End If
     End If

End Sub

Sub Get_remote()

   Getrc5(address , Command)
   If Address <> 255 Then
      If Command <> 255 Then
         Command = Command And &B01111111
      End If
   End If
 Loop Until Address <> 255

 Locate 2 , 1
 Lcd "OK CMD IS " ; Command ; "  "

End Sub
Hi ,
Oh Itook this out of my full program and forgot a few lines like the Enable Interrupts (sorry)
It was only tested in full code ,
Next is select TEXT for the INPUT selector
maybe like a string*8
this way we can setup new text to the select of input good idea ?

You can use the eeprom to store lots of data to free program space
like strings for input select text just use As Eram

sample :
Dim Menu_text(10) As Eram String * 15
Dim X As String * 15
x = Menu_text(1)
x = Menu_text(2)

Data " CD " , " DVD " , " TUNER "
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Reduced Flash by 3%

I did a small test on Danzup´s lcd_m8515_v_1_5_ons.bas ´hope it ok´

orginal code : lcd_m8515_v_1_5_ons.bas
ROMIMAGE : 8EC hex -> Will fit into ROM
ROMIMAGE : 2284 dec

Use with Eram : lcd_m8515_v_1_5_ons.bas
ROMIMAGE : 7B6 hex -> Will fit into ROM
ROMIMAGE : 1974 dec

Romimage reduced by 310 dec , 3% less flash used NICE !!! :D

'only used 13 of the 30 strings in eeprom still have 17 left

Dim Menu_text(30) As Eram String * 16                       
Dim X As String * 16

'the command used to get them is :

'the old code was :  Lcd "Preamp controler"

'the new code  is :
X = Menu_text(10)    ' 10 is then "Preamp controler"
Lcd X 

'ALL data MUST be 16 chrs long else you get errors in show
Data "DVD     selected" , "CD      selected" ' 1 2
Data "Tuner   selected" , "Tape    selected" ' 3 4
Data "Aux1    selected" , "Aux2    selected" ' 5 6
Data "Volume Down !   " , "                " ' 7 8
Data "Volume UP !     " , "Preamp controler" ' 9 10
Data "1.5.ons(c)danzup" , "  Power On !    " ' 11 12
Data "MUTE      !     "  ' 13 
And we can change the data if we like
'old was Aux2    selected"

Menu_text(6) = "Aux9     selected" ' change to
Thats simple
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EDIT Input Select Text

Here is a test code to edit your Input Select Text
just a test code can be better but 4now its ok

It use As Eram for more free flash space


' EDIT Input Select TEXT DEMO
'     ,
' In Normal Mode
' PortA.0 = Select Input - show on lcd as normal program steps 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 ect ..
' PortA.1 = Enter EDIT Input Select Text
' In EDIT Mode
' Porta.5 = Select what Input select Text to EDIT steps 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2  ect

' PortA.2 = select char for test steps A B C D E F G  ect Incr chr like UP

' PortA.3 = select char for test steps G F E D C B A  ect Decr chr  like Down

' PortA.4 = Use the selectet char and goto next char you MUST ENTER ALL 16 chars in this test
' It jump to Normal Mode when done '(or next if you edit the code under If Pina.3 = 1)

' PortA.6 = EXIT Edit Mode and goto normal mode

' FarmTech 19.08.2010
$regfile = "m8515.dat"                                      ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 8000000                                          ' used crystal frequency
$hwstack = 32
$swstack = 20
$framesize = 40
Ddra = &B00000000                                           ' PA0...PA7 are input

Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.2 , Db5 = Portc.3 , Db6 = Portc.4 , Db7 = Portc.5 , E = Portc.1 , Rs = Portc.0
Cursor Off
Config Lcd = 16 * 2

'put 6 labels into eeprom

'$eepromhex  enable if you like bascom to make a *.EEP ( eeprom file )
'then you can delete the next 5 lines this in bas  and just use the *.eep when you program avr
Data "DVD     selected" , "CD      selected"
Data "Tuner   selected" , "Tape    selected"
Data "Aux1    selected" , "Aux2    selected"

Dim Menu_text(6) As Eram String * 16                        'only used 6 for ths test
Dim X As String * 16
Dim Inp_sel As Byte

Declare Sub Af_sel
Declare Sub Edit_text

Enable Interrupts

Inp_sel = 2
Call Af_sel
 'test the input select 1 - 6
 If Pina.0 = 1 Then
 Incr Inp_sel
 If Inp_sel > 6 Then Inp_sel = 1
   Call Af_sel
 End If

 'enter set up
 If Pina.1 = 1 Then
   Bitwait Pina.1 , Reset
   Call Edit_text
 End If



'-----------EDIR INPUT TEXT-------------------
Sub Edit_text:
Local My_chr As Byte
Local X_chr As Byte
Local Menu_point As Byte
Local My_string As String * 16
Local Old_select As Byte

Old_select = Inp_sel

My_chr = 65
X_chr = 1
Menu_point = 1
My_string = ""
Locate 1 , 1
X = Menu_text(menu_point)
Lcd X
Cursor On Blink
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd Chr(my_chr)
If Pina.2 = 1 Then                                          'UP select the chr you like to use
   Incr My_chr
   If My_chr = 33 Then My_chr = 48
   If My_chr > 90 Then My_chr = 32
   Locate 2 , X_chr
   Lcd Chr(my_chr)
   Waitms 80
   Cursor On Blink
End If

If Pina.3 = 1 Then                                          'Down select the chr you like to use
   Decr My_chr
   If My_chr = 47 Then My_chr = 32
   If My_chr < 32 Then My_chr = 90
   Locate 2 , X_chr
   Lcd Chr(my_chr)
   Waitms 80
   Cursor On Blink
End If

If Pina.4 = 1 Then
   My_string = My_string + Chr(my_chr)                      ' add the chr to the string jump to next 1 to 16
   'Waitms 200
   Bitwait Pina.3 , Reset
   Incr X_chr
   My_chr = 65
   Locate 2 , X_chr
   Lcd Chr(my_chr)
   Cursor On Blink

   If X_chr = 17 Then
      Menu_text(menu_point) = My_string
      Waitms 25
     ' Incr Menu_point
     ' If Menu_point > 6 Then
         Exit Do
         Locate 1 , 1
         X = Menu_text(menu_point)
         Lcd X
         My_string = ""
         X_chr = 1
         My_chr = 65
         Locate 2 , 1
         Lcd Chr(my_chr)
         Cursor On Blink
      End If
   End If
End If

If Pina.5 = 1 Then
   Incr Menu_point
   If Menu_point > 6 Then Menu_point = 1
   Locate 1 , 1
   X = Menu_text(menu_point)
   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd X
   My_string = ""
   X_chr = 1
   My_chr = 65
   Locate 2 , 1
   Lcd  Chr(my_chr)
   Cursor On Blink
   Bitwait Pina.5 , Reset
End If

If Pina.6 = 1 Then Exit Do

Lcd "EXIT setup"
Waitms 25
My_string = ""
Inp_sel = Old_select

Call Af_sel

Waitms 50
End Sub

Sub Af_sel:
Home Upper
If Inp_sel = 1 Then
X = Menu_text(1)
Lcd X
End If
If Inp_sel = 2 Then
X = Menu_text(2)
Lcd X
End If
If Inp_sel = 4 Then
X = Menu_text(3)
Lcd X
End If
If Inp_sel = 8 Then
X = Menu_text(4)
Lcd X
End If
If Inp_sel = 16 Then
X = Menu_text(5)
Lcd X
End If
If Inp_sel = 32 Then
X = Menu_text(6)
Lcd X
End If
End Sub

@Edit forgot to add the UP/Down button , (Input Select Text) a long string of chars :)
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RC5 remote tester

Hi :),
Here is a code for RC5 debug

It show:
Address info + code
Command info + code

Easy to reprogram a multi ir remote when you can see the address/command on LCD
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

I used my ATM16 but eny other AVR can be used
run INTRC 8Mhz Disable JTAG if your chip have it
LCD 16*2

@ Edit input text works now auto fill space on save via RC5 allmost finish code :)


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  • lcd.JPG
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Update : pga2310_m8515_6in_encoder Lcd text Edit

Here is a update clone of pga2310_m8515_6in_encoder.bas
Added edit LCD input select TEXT via RC5

Edit the Text for you input How do it work :

Select 'Edit input text' via menu button

Upper Line Show The Current Text
Bottom Line Is Where You Write The New Text


STEP 1 : VOL - : SELECT THE TEXT TO EDIT steps from 1 to 6 in the input select text
STEP 2 : CH + : scroll letters up
STEP 3 : CH - : scroll letters down
STEP 4 : VOL + : SELECT the letter , it goes next letter do step 2 to 4
until you have the text you like to use

STEP 5 : MUTE : save the text to memery and show it on lcd
use VOL- to select next or press power on/off to exit

STEP 6 : Power on/off EXIT Edit mode
pls report any Bugs ..



  • pga2310_m8515_6in_encoder_edit_menu.ZIP
    9.3 KB · Views: 322
RC5 add command/eeprom

Hi Kim
Writeeeprom Address , 2 works fine - "0" writes to eeprom every time I programmed my RC5 with address "0". No problem.
After that it works fine too until reboot device (power off/on). After power on I read any other number from eeprom with Readeeprom Address , 2
but not "0"
Like bascom forum says the best choice is to use eeprom address from 33 to the end of eeprom.
So I changed eeprom address
Writeeeprom Address , 44 and Readeeprom Address , 44
and it becomes perfect.
Hi Pryanick,
tanks for the info , I did my test on a ATM32 and did not get any errors after power off unplug power cable , I have never seen the ATMEL "error "in real eeprom address 0 in any of my avrs ,

the readeeprom ,2 is just a test to see if we got any data in eeprom else avr show 255
The only error I got with the input select text edit was on exit if i use cursor on / off

I dont have the real hardware so most is done in Proteus simulator using the *.OBJ file

Glad to see that it can work on real hardware , if you see any other mystic errors pls let me know , I like to learn from my mistakes .

My next job will be make code for TDA7440/48 just for fun ...
@ Edit : is the RC5 edit to complex to use or do you have a simpler way to do it ?
my RC5 test was with ONE forall URC-6520 it only have 5 buttons thats why i used the mute to save text to eeprom if you have a other remote with more buttons like menu it would be more logical to "see thu" for end user.
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RC5 edit text

Hi Kim
My schematic firmware version is very differ from danzup schematic and firmware.
RC5 edit text procedure is very useful but I use russian language interface. My LCD WH2002A doesnt have russian code page so I use program converter to implement russian chars on LCD. I think that it will be not so easy to adapt RC5 edit text procedure for russian language and there is not enough memory:rolleyes:
After your RC5 add commands code was included and adjusted I have 5% flash memory free.
pga2310_m8515_6in_encoder Lcd now leran new RC5 remote

A update for : pga2310_m8515_6in_encoder Lcd now with Edit input select text & Learn new RC5 remote

New in menu is - SETUP REMOTE RC5
This ONLY work with a RC5 remote
When you you enter this menu you will be ask to :

PUSH A BUTTON = this will check if your remote is a RC5 (use 1 of the buttons CH+, CH-, VOL+, VOL- or Mute)

If it dont write - OK FOUND REMOTE on lcd then the remote cant be used - to exit this PUSH menu button

If it is a RC5 you can now add this to controlle your hardware
Just 5 steps to setup buttons Power, CH+, CH-, VOL+, VOL- & Mute

Thats it simple and easy enjoy

If you find any errors pls let me know .



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