World's Best DAC's

Yes of course

It's all about flower-power! Yes, sort of already cuted lawn in the back seats, listening to Cream at max spl and car at max speed 80 Km/h max on the little Dordogne's roads... no distorsions (but visual) anymore :D ! No Corvette can do that (just the old Minis can !) : they are no made to turn (straight road only !).

So I mean, all is a question of level when talking about distorsions ! We see in this lovely parrabol than the layout around the dac chip stays important ! Not only the speed can procure the pleasure. Some good amps have stil 2 or more % of distorsion and sound more musical than the whole feedbacked ones (to do an odd statement as I'm not a tech at all !)
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In a DIY point of view, it could be funny than the OP makes a benchmark on his shortest lists of branded devices VS the most famous DIY ones from countryfellows : DDDAC, AYA2, Dam1201/rev.823, etc ! Add it a Sonar ST soundcard with Muse aops and a same priced Cambridge Audio DAC (around 200 euros each) : And I'm sure this thread should perform the most readed thread so far and allows the Administrator to sell adds-space to Microsoft and Apple !

Sould be more interressant for us to read also !

Last edited by Eldam; Today at....
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You and your level matched listening tests!
that's only part of the story.
For most, living with a piece of equipment matters, that why prudent people part with money, after a dealer allows them 'home auditioning' for weeks before buying.
In a controlled room, concentrating to pick up differences between A & B is not the same as listening to a device for sometime.
Level matched, blind or otherwise, listening tests are good engineers, so are specifications, graphs and numbers.
You don't buy a BMW because it has so many lb/inch compression in each cylinder, do you?
Nor do you buy a sports car, after just a quick test drive.
(if you do, lend us some money, you must have a lot)
In other words, you don't know if they are better sounding DACs or not. But you went on to claim that "better sounding DACs are appearing all the time.". :rolleyes:
What you've been posting hurts your own credibility.
In other words, you don't know if they are better sounding DACs or not. But you went on to claim that "better sounding DACs are appearing all the time.". :rolleyes:
What you've been posting hurts your own credibility.
And you know they don't sound any better? How?
have you done a level matched listening tests of your own? ;)
I have checked many DACs at length (weeks) and NO! I have no interest in doing quick A/B-level-matched-comparison tests, nor have I done one recently (I used to do back in 70's).
Even if I had, it wouldn't mean anything, I am one man, with my own prejudices, hearing loss pattern blah blah!
I do not need to present results of such limited experiments to claim that a Benchmark HD2 sounds better than my laptop's headphone output.
Here is one more claim:
Quick A/B listening tests of any kind is almost useless.
go level match that one.
And you know they don't sound any better? How?
have you done a level matched listening tests of your own? ;)
I have checked many DACs at length (weeks) and NO! I have no interest in doing quick A/B-level-matched-comparison tests, nor have I done one recently (I used to do back in 70's).
Even if I had, it wouldn't mean anything, I am one man, with my own prejudices, hearing loss pattern blah blah!
I do not need to present results of such limited experiments to claim that a Benchmark HD2 sounds better than my laptop's headphone output.
Here is one more claim:
Quick A/B listening tests of any kind is almost useless.
go level match that one.
Your reply is very contradictory to the private message you sent me. So much for your "move on". :rolleyes: Your credibility is beyond damaged.
DSD is like a vinyl approach to digital, I find original high-res recordings in PCM are quite better than my turntable...
I don't see much in DSD either.
can not be edited, can not apply DSP unless you convert it to PCM.
I suppose, eventually (if it lasts long enough) it will be possible to both edit, mix and apply DSP in native DSD, but as far as I know, so far not possible.
I don't have a DSD capable DAC at home, and I don't miss anything.
Also for some reason, DSD files are about 6dB below PCM files, so you constantly are adjusting your volume control.
In other words, you don't know if they are better sounding DACs or not. But you went on to claim that "better sounding DACs are appearing all the time.". :rolleyes:
What you've been posting hurts your own credibility.

you are claiming that ALL dacs sounded same, then you need to provide scientific evidence to proof we are all wrong, instead of dropping BS all over this thread
If a DAC is transparent, and many of them are, it will have to sound the same as another transparent DAC by necessity of logic.

Many DAC's are transparent because both their linear and non-linear distortions are below the threshold of perception and because they can reproduce the entire audible range, both frequency wise and on dynamics.

DAC producers provide reference schematics for optimal use of their chip. If these are followed, this will trigger optimal performance. All of these schematics are fairly simple and not at all expensive to build. A good PS will not break the bank either. Against this backdrop, no DAC should cost much over a 1000 USD, with a generous allocation for a nice case. Obviously, any producer can make something more expensive, not on technical grounds, but rather on cosmetic ones.
OK, so it might be best to apologize for making up something he never said. That's not an honest way to argue your point. Keep things factual.
For as long a member is not rude or gets personal. is there a need for a moderator to suggest openly, an apology was in order?
It has been suggested by many posts here, that a well designed DAC in the budget price bracket (sub $500 or so) sounds as good as any expensive, high-end product, by yourself if I am not mistaken (I suppose you can believe all you like! ;)).
Putting exceptions aside such as the two samples you had posted previously, that is a bald claim!
The reasoning? lab measurement results!
Even in the case of those 'exceptions' you, yourself, claimed that the lab measurements were done competently , but the guy who said the DAC sounded good, was a chimp or hilarious - both from same publication (pick and choose?).
I have tried to put across that, lab measurements, numbers and graphs are merely tools in the hands of engineers in order to design equipments.
Joe Public, decides with his ears (if he is clever enough), he need not know lb/sq inch compression of every cylinder (or care)!
It seems I have mostly failed, since some fail to hear me, as their pattern of follow up questions suggests.
And 'Ears' are to some degree are a personal thing.
to say that all those high-end DAC manufacturers are charlatans, and their customers are sheep is something I never accept.
Exceptions put aside.
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