Who's the Head Mod around here ?

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While the post wasn't deleted, I was recently issued a "yellow card" and 35 points toward the 100 points before one is put in the "penalty box" for a week for simply laughing at a comment that was laughable.

This was deemed "disrespectful behavior." And ironically, the laughable comment that I laughed at was made by one of the more disrespectful individuals on diyAudio.

So be forewarned. Don't laugh at laughable comments.


Very possibly steve, but if it was a part of the ongoing warfare between yourself and a certain audio designer (ahem) it may have been a case of cumulative effect... I note the other party (if it is who I think it is) is under ongoing moderation and has a history of censure for the same offence. The moderation may be a little heavy-handed (thats a matter of personal opinion), but it is at least consistant.
Actually this is the old rules text, as I copied below. We wait for a review and maybe changes by the administration at a point, that is why it is not centrally posted high in the folder tree as yet.


1) No personal attacks or bullying. If you disagree with what someone is saying, then present a mature and intelligent case to prove otherwise. Malicious intent will not be tolerated. What you do over private email is one thing, what you do on our forum is another.

2) No offensive language. Sure, most of us use four letter words in normal conversation without too much thinking, but this forum is about thinking. Words are the clothes in which thought is dressed. And luckily, these threads are cheap (pun intended) so please choose language that reflects the quality of your ideas.

3) No threadjacking. Threadjacking is the practise of stealing another's thread by posting off-topic replies such that the original topic becomes diluted or lost. Off-topic posts, and even more importantly replies to off-topic posts, are welcome, but should also address the original thread topic.

Some of the greatest discussions have come as a result of off-topic replies. If something interesting does arise that warrants further discussion then continue your discussion privately over email, or even better start a new thread and link to it. This rule will of course be used with discretion.

4) No posting of safety endangering information without an accompanying safety-warning message that adequately explains the risks

5) Usage of multiple registrations for the same person and/or same internet access account is not permitted without prior approval of the site, and may result in a permanent ban of the individual and/or account holder.

6) Topics unrelated to audio or electronics should be confined to the Off Topic section. Discussions of politics, ethnicity, religion, or other divisive issues are not permitted and will be removed, without notice, at our discretion.

Violation of forum rules will result in users having their accounts suspended and/or terminated, at the discretion of the moderators.

These 6 rules will be enforced in good faith to keep the discussion quality level and the level of peer respect, high.


diyAudio.com is a place for all members of the DIY audio community to ask for help and share their knowledge. Several members of the community have been appointed as forum moderators. This is a distinctly separate role from their participation as members in the forum.

It is a moderators role to enforce the forum rules. As such, moderators should lead by example through intelligent posting and polite communication.

It is not a moderators role to ask users to prove the quality of their arguments through empirical evidence, that is the role of the community (and the moderators may of course still participate as members of the community). The moderators will use their best faculties to separate their own personal opinion when analysing whether posts contain worthless or irrelevant information and should be removed.

Any comments in regards to moderator behaviour should be sent privately via email to webmaster@diyaudio.com.

It has come to our attention that some people are being naughty.

We do not want naughty boys
We may have to give you a serious warning
We may have to put you in the sin bin for a week or two
If you offend several times, we may have to kick you out

Some things we do not like are:

Telling people where to get porn
Being rude to other members
Using F word or C word
Deliberately moving threads off topic
Intimidating new members
Posting non factual information
Omitting safety information if applicable
Being a pest to other members
Posting with caps lock on.

We like good discussion. We have a hands-off policy towards some noise and some chaos and some members being a little bit picky. But not at the expense of making the forum bad news for the majority.

We want members to feel safe walking down the street. We want members to feel they can post without being attacked.

It works like this:

New members should be able to come here without being slapped down the first time they post. Even if it's a stupid question. Even if they cannot spell. Even if they don't know where the caps lock key is on their keyboard. They are new-comers. Treat them right. There is nothing wrong with holding off a few posts and then suggest they put new batteries in their spell checker or consider doing some work for themselves but give them a chance to settle in. You would like that courtesy yourself.

If you feel someone is wrong please don't call them an ******** or a dipstick or "don't you know any $%$#@^&ing thing".

It's not polite.

You are quite welcome to think all those things to yourself and a few more choice comments, but please engage brain before putting your keyboard to work. This is a DIY group, not an insulting group.

If you feel you have a desperate need to post where to get porn on the internet please do not insult our intelligence because we all know. Those who know, don't need to be told. Those who don't, we are not going to tell them. It is an automatic sin bin offence.

We have an automatic parser, which replaces F word and C word with ****. So far since being tightened up it has intercepted 52 F words. We are not prudes, we know guys speak with enthusiasm but sometimes what makes a point in speech looks pretty bad in print. Sorry but those words are out. We don't recommend you try and circumvent our parser because there will be a moderator waiting for you on the other side.

We have 2891 members, 4947 threads, 48221 posts and over a million views. If you put 2891 people in a room and turned off the lights quite a number would end up seriously injured. They would never come back so we loose members. Some of the more experienced members get exasperated with some fellows running around causing mayhem. A lot of new guys come here to learn, not to get pushed around.
We are not trying to spoil your fun, just turning the lights up a bit so we can spot the troublemakers.

There are 8 moderators. All over 7 feet tall. All over 17 stone. All trained athletes with bulging muscles and hair trigger reflexes. Each moderator is equipped with two low slung colt 45's, night vision glasses and armour piercing tracer shells. But they are kindly people. Anyone can call on a moderator to help out. If you have a complaint, email the webmaster. If you have a suggestion to improve the site, email the webmaster. If you want a free diyAudio.com T-shirt email the webmaster. (There are no free T-shirts - Jason ).


The diyAudio Moderators

Finally the holy grail ...... :)

No stranger than listening to a power amp with Motorola TO220 output stages while sipping from a coda cola, i hope ?

ROfl ...........................:cheers:
hmmmm - I haven't seen the discussion that led to the deletion but I have seen the mods warn, guide and direct members before taking direct action. This includes Cal. Most famously in recent times Cal warned he would close the cable thread at 10,000. I note with interest that it is now at 13,000 odd and climbing.

IMO and based on the actions of mods that I have seen in other threads, you would need to be seriously socially unaware to have no clue at all about why a post was removed...

Well dats me , because i don't know why , the reason was for "bad " words
i did say:

" pity the poor bastards that would have to go thru all 5000 pages to find the answers "

then went on to write 15 -20 more lines with nothing that would even come close to a " bad word" , what's offensive about the above to warrant total deletion of my post ..

I will add this conversation was also between 2 other moderators at the time and they said nothing, while conversing , sometime later "Cal " deleted the post .

Go figure ......... :drink:

Anyway a warning would have sufficed or removal of the so called " offensive " word . not my total post. Total removal would be no different than you telling someone to shut-up to their face while conversing , it's disrespectful at best, IMO .
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Joined 2008
Maybe he just made an honest mistake. Now if it wasn't an important post, i.e. not including any essential info, why care so much about it having been deleted? I've had quite a few posts deleted, collateral damage. It's not a big deal. Water under the bridge.
I also believe the moderation is sometimes ham-fisted.
My post, below, was made pointedly but was deleted. It was a way of making a point but subtlety is unappreciated, apparently. By whom and why, I don't know.
The pointlessness of saying anything became apparent.

But you DO have free speech in the technical, diyaudio sense. You can spout any amount of tech nonsense, and nobody will 'moderate' you for it. People may attack you, and if it is on tech grounds, that's OK. If people attack you for spouting tech nonsense saying you are stupid, THEY are moderated.
Which part do you feel doesn't make sense?
I agree. Some with a commercial interest certainly appear to use their mod powers to protect that interest. Many will know who this fits best.

You will just have to trust our judgement
Fascists and dictators have relied on this agument since time immemorial. It still doesn't make it right.

The onus is on the poster.
But if the poster isn't fully aware of where the lines are, how will they find out?

IMO and based on the actions of mods that I have seen in other threads, you would need to be seriously socially unaware to have no clue at all about why a post was removed...
Resorting to an ad hominem doesn't contribute anything other than try to show superiority. IMO, this post is insulting.

Anyway a warning would have sufficed or removal of the so called " offensive " word . not my total post. Total removal would be no different than you telling someone to shut-up to their face while conversing , it's disrespectful at best, IMO .
I agree.

I have been subjected to a mods' post that some, possibly many, may construe as a physical threat. That post is still there and I don't believe the mod was modded.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy this forum; however, unless matters like this are discussed, fully and frankly, I believe a sour taste is left in people's mouths, and dissatisfaction builds.

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Disabled Account
Joined 2004
Well, I prefer a rude but honest person, someone who speaks his mind, than an hypocrite full of nice words. I also think that you always learn something from an "insult": if it doesn't hit the target you learn about the one who's insulting you and if it does hurt, you learn about yourself. I have no fear of knowledge. We're all grown ups here, aren't we?

I say this this because someone said something unpleasant to me and his post was deleted; I didn't have time to read it and that person may have been right with the name calling, I will never know.

Words cause reactions; positive or negative, I want to know.

This forum rules impose silence upon people and silence can be the rudest response.
i also believe the moderation is sometimes ham-fisted.
My post, below, was made pointedly but was deleted. It was a way of making a point but subtlety is unappreciated, apparently. By whom and why, i don't know.

I agree. Some with a commercial interest certainly appear to use their mod powers to protect that interest. Many will know who this fits best.

Fascists and dictators have relied on this agument since time immemorial. It still doesn't make it right.

But if the poster isn't fully aware of where the lines are, how will they find out?

Resorting to an ad hominem doesn't contribute anything other than try to show superiority. Imo, this post is insulting.

I agree.

I have been subjected to a mods' post that some, possibly many, may construe as a physical threat. That post is still there and i don't believe the mod was modded.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy this forum; however, unless matters like this are discussed, fully and frankly, i believe a sour taste is left in people's mouths, and dissatisfaction builds.



well, i prefer a rude but honest person, someone who speaks his mind, than an hypocrite full of nice words. I also think that you always learn something from an "insult": If it doesn't hit the target you learn about the one who's insulting you and if it does hurt, you learn about yourself. I have no fear of knowledge. We're all grown ups here, aren't we?

I say this this because someone said something unpleasant to me and his post was deleted; i didn't have time to read it and that person may have been right with the name calling, i will never know.

Words cause reactions; positive or negative, i want to know.

this forum rules impose silence upon people and silence can be the rudest response.

Joined 2001
Paid Member
Maybe he just made an honest mistake. Now if it wasn't an important post, i.e. not including any essential info, why care so much about it having been deleted? I've had quite a few posts deleted, collateral damage. It's not a big deal. Water under the bridge.

I went looking for the post. There was nothing concrete in it, and ignoring quoted material, was a 2-liner. No loss.

Joined 2001
Paid Member
My post, below, was made pointedly but was deleted. It was a way of making a point but subtlety is unappreciated, apparently. By whom and why, I don't know.

If i go back & look at that post, it is clear that it was delted because you had already removed all the content in it... below i quote the post as left after edit by Francec

And i'm guessing the bit quoted by Jan here is what was there before Francec deleted the content of his own post.


PS: i too miss Texas
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Truth is that DIYA is a reptilian dark force, hence its size and influence on the hobby. Never loved the hobby, is here to sell and divide and mute, has no statistical experience or learned policy for balancing a global diverse membership. Its a hallucination because its reptilian media.:hypno2:


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