What are you Watching?

dreamth, that one gives rise to 'interesting query's'...

"What are you watching?"


"oh..." *backs slowly, out of the room....*

(...the priest rushes into the room shortly thereafter and starts spraying you, your 'puter, and anything nearby with holy water.....looks disappointed and disturbed when nothing happens....)

'These are Troubled Times..." *L* ;)
dreamth, the author made the correct 'literary' call with regards to the historical and sociological decision on the title....but, here in NC with the Southern Baptist tradition Anything named Lucifer can get a rather outraged response. *L*
You May Be Subject To: An immediate branding as 'dammed' unless you seek redemption; a lecture on how you risk loss of your soul and spend the remainder of eternity in woe (which can only be avoided by the first part of the response you were subjected to, at length...)....

You get my drift... ;) Do Not listen to the opera in public on your smartphone....

And if you even hint as to being an atheist...claim to be incurably insane and subject to violet fits, triggered by invasion of your 'space'...and Run Away. *L*

You might escape....;)

But thanks for the opera, tho'. *G*
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dreamth, the author made the correct 'literary' call with regards to the historical and sociological decision on the title....but, here in NC with the Southern Baptist tradition Anything named Lucifer can get a rather outraged response. *L*
You May Be Subject To: An immediate branding as 'dammed' unless you seek redemption; a lecture on how you risk loss of your soul and spend the remainder of eternity in woe (which can only be avoided by the first part of the response you were subjected to, at length...)....

You get my drift... ;) Do Not listen to the opera in public on your smartphone....

And if you even hint as to being an atheist...claim to be incurably insane and subject to violet fits, triggered by invasion of your 'space'...and Run Away. *L*

You might escape....;)

But thanks for the opera, tho'. *G*
Really? well...the author and me, are Romanians and in Romania the government is legally paying 15 000 orthodox christian priests monthly wages while they are selling their religious services without paying any legal taxes in 18 000 churches . The government also payed directly 150 million euros (about 200 million dollars) and about another 200 million dollar indirectly , for the construction of a huge orthodox christian cathedral-the majority of us are christian orthodox: Cat a
costat de fapt Catedrala Mantuirii Neamului: cu cat au contribuit Guvernul şi Primăria | adevarul.ro
It was all for getting votes for the socialist party on the russian model... In a way we don't really mind about that , except that the government shut down about 200 hospitals out of 600 in the last 30 years and built NONE.We accept that because we are surrounded by muslim and catholic countries that play by the russian rules so we need a gluing factor against the foreign politics ...
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dreamth....I apologize if my post made you feel angry, or being trivialized in your beliefs....not my intent at all. In your country, in these times, you and your fellow citizens are being subjected to political and social forces that make daily life more difficult and stressing than 'ordinary life' can be anyway.

We here in the U.S. hear of these; some of us know more recent immigrants who tell us why they came here. Unfortunately, the majority has forgotten Why they happen to be here, since they're the progeny of those who arrived long ago....

As Merlin was supposed to have warned the knights and lords that created the Round Table:
"The problem with men is that they forget."

You may have heard that we are undergoing an upheaval here; a 'split' government, a divided populace, a country that seems to have become lost in it's intentions....

The party in power wants to 'cut taxes'; raises them anyway, and reduces funds to schools, social services, and the means of improving the general well-being of the population. We citizens end up feeling ignored, taken advantage of, and in the worse cases abused.

I'm not surprised that the rest of the world may view us as acting like a likable neighbor that gets drunk and beats the wife, the kids, the dog...or any one that tries to talk sense to him...not all the time, but enough to make one hesitant..and nervous.

Religions here...christian, muslin, jewish, any and all....caught in the midst.
The majority mostly tolerant...it's the extremists that hit the news....

Toss all of us....we, the denizens of this planet....into the concerns of a climate described as deteriorating...

It's no wonder or surprise that we're all scared....frustrated....angry...stressed beyond one's comprehension.

The 'End Time'rs' are the one's that disturb me, seemingly pleased that 'God's going to punish us for our ways!'

No, we're doing it all by ourselves. No 'external assistance' needed.

I try as I might to do what I can to (at least) improve and/or minimize what seems 'better' or less 'damaging'.

Little things do add up....big things need cooperation, but with any luck cooler heads and helping hands may turn the tide.

Good luck to all of Romania....and to you. Keep your Faith intact. ;)

(BTW-Any and all who might feel they ought to argue with me over what I've posted above....
Forget It.
IMHO means what it means. You have your HO; I have mine. Instead of an argument over details, look for Common Ground.
The next decade may decide if we all live on as a species, and the other ones that make up this planet.
Or, worse case scenario, in the end:


....go do something Positive instead.
Have a good weekend...)
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dreamth....I apologize if my post made you feel angry, or being trivialized in your beliefs....not my intent at all.


....go do something Positive instead.
Have a good weekend...)
No worries! I can't say i'm a religious person anyway.We just tolerate our religion as long as it's not killing anyone straight away!...In this part of the world we didn't experience Inquisition yet we fought the Islamic Turks for about 700 years...not very successfully as they infused our culture with their worse habits, like bribing, corruption, etc... We had a peaceful religious system kept in place to make ruling easier, but political frictions were many. Otherwise i think that in less than 15 years the whole planet will be completely ruled by ruthless regimes and adhering to their respective "religions", no matter what they might preach us, will make the difference between being dead or alive!

Oh, Good...*relieved S*
I'm concerned that what I blurt out on the keyboard can inadvertently 'stomp an instep' and inflict mental pain. One gets up on their soapbox and the altitude effects the attitude, which can trigger all sorts of impacts....

At least, this one didn't scatter jagged ill-will. ;) ^5's

Anyway, follow-up's, 'splanation #1 :'Us', as in the populations of this planet...referred to as 'the ball of confusion' in an old song. How apt that was...*ironic G*

'Us' the movie is on our DVR awaiting a stare sequence. *L* Figured it would likely be formulaic, but beats my spouse's predilection for 'food porn' (i.e.,food-eccentric competition shows...all they do is make me hungry or bemused.)

"Let's see what we can subject the judges' to Today!"

"Today, I've made deep-fried eel butt, dredged in pumpkin batter, and garnished with ground raw horseradish root....Bon Appitet!"

That particular show is So Ripe for parody.....

Thanks for the Bence interludes...I'm a big fan of well-played solo piano, and my diy Walsh's just seem to love to reproduce piano....*S* A nice segue from our 'doom 'n gloom'... ;)

Anyway....so much for major deviance from the 'topic'....

Spouse 'n self are finally catching the final episodes of Watchmen; truly strange and wonderful....looking forward to season 2.
Also, The Magicians...although knitting 'who' is in 'what' time frame can be challenging...*G*