What are you Watching?

The Mandalorian. Sort of like Star Wars meets Jack Reacher. Not so violent that can't watch with the kids.

Only on the Apple TV service, right? If so, aside from this series, how are ya liking it? I might need to upgrade my iPad soon and I understand there’s a free year with certain hardware purchases.
I have an old Apple TV, but as my new Visio smart TV will directly stream 4K Netflix, I don’t really need to update that little black box - yet. :D
I am checking two Swedish documentaries. One is about a pyroman that plagues a town in S Sweden and propably responsible for 200+ fires. But as evidence was burned in the fires, he has been conficted for just a few.
The other is a bout a gang, called the Military Gang in the 90's. Stole some 200 weapons, among them a few heavy machine guns and carried out numerous robberies against banks and post offices. They got the nickname from the heavy armament, and military perfection - no robbery took more than 3 minutes.

No one was killed in any of the action performed by the pyroman or the gang, but the stoies are very interesting.

Netflix documentary on The History of Chicago (Transit Authority). Having been one of my favourites during the early 70s, I found the behind the scenes stories - including some very seldom seen footage from Caribou Ranch - to be quite relevatory, and the mid to later 80’s segment did little to debunk my opinion of D Foster. Perhaps he discovered humility in his late 60’s - I guess we’d have to ask Katherine.

As shouldn’t be a surprise after 52 years, there’s been a lot of personnel changes- and first class acrimony - but three of the founding members Bob, Lee and Jimmy, are still playing and touring.